Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 15, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Surprise Party
Given Wehmeyers
Heppner Gazette Times, March 15, 1945 5
and daughter Patricia, Hermiston; land last week. While ther sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bleakman, saw Mrs Wallace Green who is
Kennewick; Henry Fries, Summer- quite ill. Her mother, Mrs. Alex
trills. TT J 171 TT- i ; - . ,-, .
. in. cuiu 111 . iiiuer xiuuuii ureen is wren ner now.
Saturday eveiung, March 10, the and daughter, Loralee, Ukiah, and o .
guards and former guards of the U the following Heppner people: Mr. STENOGRAPHERS, TYPISTS, and
O. TOrPSt STVirP whrt hurt iirnfb-arl J mi t- n i .... - ' '
" t." : "r j 1Virs- Mr. ana CLERKS for PERMANENT po
u " t"""'-1- ivws. iari ivicuaniei, ivir. ana jvlts.
at the Fred Wehmeyer home in a Max Buschke and daughters Carol
surprise party honoring "Fred" and and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Mom . Visiting, cards and re- Johnson and daughters Rita Dell
freshments were enjoyed. A" leather and Hamlin w Mr m nr-
wardrobe suit case was presented aid Swaggart and daughters Lo- F0R RENT 2-room cabin. Phone
as a token of friendship and a fare- Taine Geraldine and Christine. 172, Wikon's cabins- M"- Charley
well gift in memory of 16 years o . Fraters. 51p
service to the government and the HOME FROM PENDLETON
comrmmity in which the Wehmey. Joe Farley fa t home again
' undergoing an operation in St. An
The following guests were pre- thony's hospital last month,
sent: Mr. and Mrs. Shelba Jennings o
sitions with the State apply at
616 Mead Building, Portland 4.
Final filing date March 31. Po
sitions locally or throughout state.
and daughter Marcele of Pendle- RETURNS FROM PORTLAND
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox Mrs. Madge Bryant was in Port- throughout state,
PERMANENT positions with the
State apply at 616 Mead Building,
Portland 4. Fi:nal filing date
March 31. Positions locally or
rtf'.' .....
Mai da lamp re
places old carbon
; filamen t, gi ving
wof light pcrkwh.
PP&L gives cus
tomers mote kwh
per dpllar
Electric cooking
being popularized
by Pacific Power tt
Light Company.
Era of electric water
: hco ting on the way.
The whole eleefr.'c
industry promote
efficient food sav
ing and hoolth pro-:
: teehon, through eU:s
ectric rcfristtrahon.::
The development
pf fluorescent
lighting offers rrojv;
improved oppor
tunities for "Better
Light-Better SightV
1945 ,
:;i i.w'JJS'
Telovijon ready
' forport-worhomei.
Great- ndvoncet in
the science of elec
tronics owoit
peacetime use.
"Years ago,
our farm helped
to pioneer rural
says W. E. Vannier, Orchardist,
of Hood River, Oregon
"Looking back at the time when we first
had electricity that was in 1907 I can't
help making comparisons between then
and now. Our farm was one of the first,
and at the time one of the few, to have
electricity. Now I understand there are
more than 13,000 farms on PP&L lines
alone. What a difference it's made to
both farming and marketing, as profit
able uses for electricity have been de
veloped year after year!
Just this last year we put in an elec
trically operated stationary spray plant
that will enable the two of us to spray
the entire 35 acres of trees by ourselves
if we have to. With this plant we don't
have to haul the spray into the orchard
all we have to do is turn the switch, go
into the orchard, and start spraying. It
saves the work of two men.
"Right now we're figuring on an elec
tric irrigation pump, to lift water out
of the creek to add to the supply we get
from the canal. The boys at the PP&L
office helped us with plans for the spray
plant, and right along they give us sug
gestions that help us get the most from the
electricity we use to do our farm work."
We have special insurance for your
trucks. Come in and see us about it.
Turner, Van Marter & Co.
Heppner, Oregon
r1 "
iat(jw jfi; Leiv?jtMW' - .utemiaif .
V ! H v 4fi Skis v,' W M
The 35 acres of apple, pear and cherry orchard
operated by W. E. Vannier and his brother,
Frank Vannier, is focated about miles
south of Hood River, in the Pine Grove dis
trict, and is one of the longest-established
orchards in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
VannieF, parents of the brothers, bought the
first ten acres when they moved to the Hood
River Valley from the Dakotas in 1904. In
1910 they bought an additional ten acres, and
in 1918 the final 15 acres.
The Vanniers used coal oil lamps until
1907, when a line was built past their place
by the Hood River Electric Light, Power &
Water Company, which subsequently became
part of the PP&L system. They installed the
first electrically-operated domestic water sys
tem in the valley, had one of the first electric
washing machines, and one of the first elec
tric flatirons.
Your Business-Managed Power System