4 Heppner Gazette Times, March 15, 1945 EDITORIAL . . Should Be Annual Affair Speaking in behalf of the small group of Hep pner people who have been privileged to attend the concerts, some or all of them, given under the Civic Music Association at Vert Memorial in Pen dleton throughout the winter months, it will be quite acceptable if Pendleton decides to make this an annual affair provided, of course, Hepp ner will be permitted to buy season tickets. It is one thing to hear big-name talent over the radio and quite another thing to see the same people performing. The talent heard at Pendle ton this winter doesn't quite rate top billing but liners and Mr. John Public would scarcely notice the difference. any one of them could fill in for some of the top The season coming to a close next Wednesday evening with the appearance of the piano duo, has been a delight to music lovers who have crowded the Memorial building to capacity. Sponsors need have no fear that announcement of a course next ' season will lack spontaneous support. There Must Be Some Good . . . March weather has not been conducive to sweet ening the disposition and there is the consolation that it will last only 16 days longer. However, out of all this bluster, the soil has been receiving moisture and some of our farmer friends tell us that crop prospects right now are good. That is satisfying, especially coming at a time when ev erybody feel about as low as the proverbial under side of a snake, what with Morgenthau's agents putting the pressure on. It is comforting to realize that while all our money is going out right now there will be some coming in next fall. One farmer relates that about six weeks ago he was building fence. The ground was dry after penetrating the surface. During the past few days the fence building was resumed and this time it required just five dips of the post-hole digger to reach the required depth. Naturally he looks for fairly heavy yield this year. N Farrell Releases Forest Receipts Receipts for forest reserve rentals in Oregon for the year 1944, total ing $696,254.33, were distributed to 31 counties this week by Robert S. Farrell, as secretary of state. The 1944 total is considerably greater than any for the past few years, partially as a result of in creased timber sales due to wartime demands for lumber, Farrell said. In 1943, the distributed amounted to $362,766; in 1942 it totaled $206,007- .02; and in 1941 it was $183,836.27. The fund goes to the 31 counties in which forest reserves are locat ed. The fund allotted to each coun ty depends on the acreage of forest area it contains. There is a total of 14,358,088 acres in the 31 Oregon counties containing federal forest reserves. o VISITS TWICE IN WEEK C. M. Kennedy, prominent stock man of the lower Hay creek area in Jefferson county, came to Hepp ner Saturday expecting to pick up a pair of Shorthorn bulls which were shipped from Spokane with some bought by James Valentine. Valentine learned that the animals had not been shipped from Spo kane and tried to notify Kennedy, who was on his wa here. Kennedy returned home Sunday morning and receiving notice that the ani mals would arrive here Tuesday night, drove back to Heppner early Wednesday morning. The Gazette Times family enjoyed a visit with Mr. Kennedy, having known him when residents of Madras a few years ago. EASTER SPECIAL! Cold Wave Permanent with Oil Base $15 and up New season new hair-do New you! Let us design the perfect coiffure for your Easter-and-after loveliness today! Special Machinclcss Bob-Permanent K --r.jr.- W)V" .HA & Mi COMMITTEE rV-VT to the , Yl OJn I Oregon W'TjA Liquor Control OmAtff ! m w&. Commission . T5 :iri S 223" $5.50 and up. The MarCarol Beauty Shop Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Owner 'ih imiiHiiiiimimiiHioiitmimiMiiiMMitumimHiiiiHHmtiMHiMmim iiiimimmiiiiiiimmmmimiiiiiiiimmiiiHii iiimmimiiiHilMiuiiiimmti PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. W. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam. Free. Ph. 522, Heppner. Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch k Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon O. M. YEAGER Contractor & Wilder All kinds of carpenter work. Country work especially Phone 1483 Heppner, Ore. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner. Ore. New Auto Policy Values in Diamond ngs Most Diamond Rings Look Alike to the Untrained Eye A casual observer will quickly tell you most diamond rings look alike, but experts who know their diamond rings best know that in quality creations there's a difference. The difference embraces fine diamond quality, su perb workmanship that add a good deal more to the value than their price tags reflect. Your inquiries will receive our earnest attention. t PETERSON'S JEWELRY FOR EVERYONE JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW . Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phene 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Garotte, established March 30, 1833. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb, IS, 1912. Published every Thursday and en tered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second claaa matter. Subscription Price $i0 a Year O.G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Class A Class B Class C Bod. Inj. 6.25 6.00 7.75 Pr. Dam. 5.05 5.25 5.25 TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 ' Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE , TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Harry Nelson Accounting Service AUDITING INCOME TAX PAYROLL TAX REPORTS Heppner, Oregon