Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 15, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, March 15, 1 945
News Notes of Comings and
Goings in lone and Vicinity
A traveling examiner of opera. 1fto , - aw.j;rt tn John Clouston from Pendleton, is
tors and chauffeurs is scheduled to 10 " m 4 P m' aocordlne to a in Heppner this week. Mr. Clouston
arrive in Heppner, Tuesday, March recent announcement released from is the assistant forester stationed in
20, 1945, and will be on duty at the the secretary of state's office. Pendleton.
The topic club met at the Con
gregational church room Friday af
ternoon with 10 members and two
visitors present The subject for
study was the Argentine country.
Hostesses were Mrs. Martin Cotter,
Mrs Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Al
gott Lundell.
Mrs. Ella Davidson entertained a
number of friends at her home Sat
urday evening. Two tables of bridge
were played. Those present were
Mrs. Ed Lindekin, Mrs Inez Free
land, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs H. E.
Yarnell, Mrs. C W. Swanson, Mrs.
M. E. Cotter, Mrs. Bert Mason and
Mrs Omar Rietmann.
Thursday morning a wreck oc
curred at Horse Shoe bend between
Morgan and lone when the U. P.
truck and the Braden Co truck met.
No one was seriously injured but
the two trucks were badly damaged.
Saturday night Miss Gwen Cole
man and Pat Doherty escaped in
jury when a pickup in which they
were driving up the Rietmann
grade hit some loose gravel and
turned over. They were pinned un
der the car for some time until
help came from town.
Private Al Swale is visiting his
family on a furlough from the Vet
erans' hospital in Walla Walla.
MM2c Louis Buschke, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Buschke of Morgan is
home on a 30-day leave for the
first time in three years since he
entered service.
Mrs. Paul Smouse is visiting at
the home of Mrs. Ann Smouse,
having arrived on Thursday of last
week. First Lt Paul Smouse is en
routs from Los Vegas Nev. to a B
29 school in the east.. Mrs. Smouse
will later continue to the home of
her parents in Spokane. Last Sun
day a dinner was given in honor of
Mrs Smouse. Those present were
Mr and Mrs. Alfred Troedson and
granddaughter Carol Odom of Hep
pner, Mrs Mary Swanson and grand
daughter Jean Ann of lone, Mrs.
Orlo Martin and two sons of Moro,
and Carl Troedson of the Ordnance
depot at Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Smouse, Miss Shirley
Smouse, Mrs. Minnie Forbes and the
hostess, Mrs. Ann Smouse.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell were
Portland week-end visitors.
The junior class realized about
$25.00 from their food sale at the
A. C. Swanson store Saturday
Charlie Shaver of Bend spent the
week-end at the Henry Clark home.
Mrs. Ed Lindekin and daughters
Margaret and Grace of Vancouver,
Wash, arrived Friday afternoon and
were guests at the H. E. Yarnell
home over the week-end. The Miss
es Lindekin left Saturday for
Leon Ball son of Elmer Ball was
home on leave from Camp Farragut
last week when he completed his
boot camp,
lone high school Lettermen's
club held an initiation and party at
the school auditorium Friday eve
ning. New members are Tommy
Doherty and Bobby Jepson.
H E club will meet at the grange
hall Friday from 10 a. m. to 5 p.
m. with pot luck at noon. Mrs. Ce
cilia Van Winkle will demonstrate
meat cookery. ' "
Mr. and Mrs. Aley Peck and fam
ily' of Crabtree are visiting Mrs.
Peck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Buschke of Morgan while MM2c
Louis Buschke is home on leave.
Francis Troedson who is teach
ing at Spray spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo
han Troedson.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley
spent the week-end in Baker vis
iting with their nephew Wendell
Wright who is on furlough at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Wright.
Les Roundy E2c arrived in lone
Saturday night to visit his family
for a 10 day leave from San Fran
cisco. Mrs. L. H. Metzinberg of Se
attle, mother of Les, also arrived
Saturday evening.
The grange meeting Saturday
evening will begin at 7 p. m. with
pot luck refreshments of sandwich
es, cake and jello to be served after
initiation. Rhea Creek and Lexing
ton granges have been invited for
joint initiation.
The members of the Stitch in
Time sewing club gathered at the
home of Beverly Nolan Friday eve
ning to celebrate her birthday. Af
ter playing games and opening pre
sents they were served ice cream,
cake and punch.
Diane Van Horn, club reporter.
Peggy Engkraf, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Engkraf, and stu
dent of St Joseph's academy in
Pendleton, participated in a piano
recital for beginners last Sunday.
- 3
- 'ni.i
By Stocking Our Shelves
we are giving you the very best service it
is within our province to offer. Nation
ally advertised drug products, like all
other products of continent-wide repute,
have the stamp of approval of high
You can't go wrong on these:
Sal Hepatica 25, 49, 98c sizes
Ru-Ex - 98c
Darol Cough Syrup - 69c
Ironizcd Yeast - - 98c
Box 30 capsules $1.23
Gordon's Drug Store
e wear in ' o'
. mmmmimmymHmm
St. Patrick's Day is
reason enough for
an extra treat. Our
special this week is
Peppermint Ice
Cream with a
Delicate Green Tint
Come in and enjoy a
Peppermint Ice
Cream Sundae
and be sure to take
home a quart for the
rim i."
ou're rolling along through mountain
ous western country. Suddenly your train
stops. Ahead a signal light has turned
red. The "talking fence" has flashed its
warning to the engineer.
Technically known as the "slide detector
fence", it is erected parallel to Union Pa
cific tracks as a protection against falling
rocks, trees or other possible obstruc
tions. Any such object striking the fence
breaks an electrical contact, "setting up"
signals miles down the track to warn
trains approaching in either direction. A
trainman must then make a thorough
inspection before trains can proceed-
Union Pacific uses every possible precau
tion to safeguard its passengers and freight
. . . troops and war materials . . . transported
over its Strategic Middle Route uniting
the East with the Pacific Coast.
The "talking fence" is but one of the many
safety devices developed by our nation's
railroads. Such improvements result from
enterprise and initiative; characteristic
American traits that built the Union Paciflo
...that built Your America, land of equal
opportunity for all.
listen to "YOUR AMERICA" radio program on
Mutual nationwide network every Sunday afternoon.
Consul t your looa 1 newspaper (or the time and station,