a O a o to n o t- a 73 a H o -j: r :r 'A ' rj u W 1ft 4 O O ?3 o ?) :ri . News From The Boys at The Front Cpl Everett L. Crump writes to his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peck from some place in the Pacific. He tells of seeing Howard Gilliam and having a long chat. He continues with "By now I've been around in Japan enough to krow what the country looks like. They level off the steep hillsides into steps and caise gardens there. "These Jap fighter pilots aren't so brave as they imagine but they like to show off with all their fancy maneuvering and stunt fly ing. The one I got, got too brave and dove through our formation. He didn't live to tell about it though. "We get some good music and the news from Tokyo. If we lose a plane they say we lost 50 of them over the target as if we wouldn't know. Then they play our popular songs for us to make us happy, I guess. Maybe you have heard of the Tokyo Rose in the news. She entertains our boys over the radio and predicts the future." Li Bill V. Biddle was recently decorated with the Air medal ac cording to a communication which his mother, Mrs. Lela S. Brown of lone received a short time ago. The award was made in recognition of courageous service to his combat or ganization, his fellow American airmen, "his country,, his home and to you." The letter was written by George C. Kenny, Lt General, U. S. army, commander. Lt. Biddle was cited for meritor ious achievement while participat ing in aerial flights in the South west Pacific area from June 28, 1944 to August 12, 1944. The citation stated "The excel lent job accomplished and maintain ed by your command in neutraliz ing Satawan, Truk, Yap, Paluwat, Woleai and Palau with repeated and aggressive attacks receives my heatrtiest congatulajtions a diffi cult mission well accomplished." Bill is awaiting transportation home to the States on furlough. He writes his mother there are 700 ahead of him on the list and trans portation for about 10 men a day. He hopes some ships will come by as they usually are able to take about 100 men apeice. A commendation recently address ed to all officers and men of the VIII corps, APO 308, U. S. army reads as follows: 1. The magnificent tactical skill and hardihood which you and your command displayed in slowing up the German offensive, and the de termined valor and tactical presci ence which caused you to retain possession of Bastogne, together with your subsequent resumption of a victorious offensive, consitute a truly superb feat of arms. 2. You and the oficers and men of your command are hereby com mended for a superior performance. 3. You will apprize all units con cerned of the contents of this let ter." Signed G. S. Patron Jr. The commendation was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges by their son S Sgt D,m Dinges who writes with all due modesty that although, "my contributions were meager it makes me feel pretty doggene good. "The Doughboys, God bless 'em, deserve the real credit and we all know it too, but we proved one thing that we could take it." LEMOORE ARMY AIR FIELD, LeMoore, Calif. Donald W. Jones, of Heppner, Oregon, received his promotion to corporal recently by order of CoL G. Hoyle, command ing officer of the field, which is Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, March Cufsforth Invests Substantial Sum In Champion Bull Paying third' highest price at the Northwest Hereford Breeders' as sociation show, O. W. Cutsforth of Lexington last week laid $1875 on the line for Chandler's Hartland Donald 23, reserve champion bull of the Herbert Chandler herd of Ba ker, Oregon. The show was held in Spokane and the auction was con ducted by H B. Sager of Bozeman, Mont. Highest price paid at the show was $3250, which A B. Hitchcock of Staniway, Wash, paid for Advance Hartland VI, crowned grand cham pion bull at the show last Thurs day. Second highest bid was for Lady Mark 24, reserve female champion, for which L. K. Smith Grass Valley paid $2225. The grand champion female, Lady Real 53rd, was purchased from the Albert Mehlhorn ranch of Halfway, by L. C. Staley of Pullman for $850. Average price on the first 12 bulls sold was $1,002, with average for the first 10 females sold $872. Offered for sale were 125 bulls and 53 females. Cutsforth has sought to improve his herd each, year since embarking in the cattle business, it being his belief that only the best pays. James Valentine purchased sev eral head of bulls at the show and they arrived at the local yards Tuesday evening. C. M. Kennedy of Gateway ..bought two Shorthorn bulls at the sale which were shipped here with the Valentine ani mals. He came after them Wednes day. o ' Mrs. George Hyatt Dees in Pendleton Funeral services were held at the Folsom chapel in Pendleton at 10 o'clock this . morning for Mrs. George Hyatt, whose death was due to a heart attack Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hyatt, mother of Mrs. P. W. Mahoney of Heppner, was 67 years of age. Born in southern Illinois July 23, 1877, she came to Oregon as an in fant. She and her husband, member of the firm of Hyatt & Brawn, clothiers, had lived here since 1926, coming to Pendleton from Golden-' dale, Wash, states the East Oregon ian. She was a member of the Pres byterian church, the Eastern Star and other organizations. Mrs. Mahoney and baby daughter Shannon had been home just a few days from the hospital in Pendleton when news of Mrs. Hyatt's passing came. Mr. Mahone took his family to Pendleton Tuesday evening. They were accompanied by Mrs. R. C. Lawrence. Surviving besides Mr. Hyatt are Mrs. Mahoney and the two grand children, Robert and Shannon Ma honey. Two sons preceded Mrs. Hyatt in death. o PARENTS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ebert went to Arlington last Sunday to meet Mrs. Ebert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, of Salem. Mr. Hau ser returned home Wednesday but Mrs. Hauser is remaining until next Sunday. Mrs. Hauser is a Past Grand Worthy Matron of the East ern Star and is well known in lodge circles throughout the state. o ATTEND ANNIVERSARY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward attended a party celerating the 50th anniver sary of The Dalles chapter No. 33, Order of Eastern Star in The Dal les Saturday evening. They visited over the ' week-end with relatives and returned home Monday. GOES FOR OPERATION Mrs. V. R. Runnion went to The Dalles Sunday where she was to submit to a surgical operation Monday. Mulling Over 800 Measures Sizable Job for Legislators - Salem Man Gives Insight on Job Of Law Making Being a member of the state le gislature involves something more than honor, in the opinion of Lester A. Wilcox of Salem, member of the state educational system, who has been in the county this week meet ing with school clerks and boards. Wilcox was a guest at the chamber of commerce luncheon Monday and spoke on the workings of the legis lature.. When one stops to consider that more than 800 bills of one kind and another have been dropped in the hopper it is little wonder that the lawmakers have to work overtime at their own expense, Wilcox said. These measures cover about every tiling having to do with our daily life and it is up to the legislators to determine which are most es sential. This is done largely through committee work as. there would be no time to discuss the merits or flaws of so many bills. Many times a bilj. having the recommendation of the committee readily passes one or' both houses when presented. In the long run this saves much time. Asked if he thought the unica meral system one legislative body such as is used in Nebraska would be more effective than the two house system, Wilcox said he did not believe it would. A meas ure passing the one-house group Would be final whereas a bill going through the lower house might not meet with the approval of the sen ate and that body could stop it or amend it. He held for the two bod ies as the most effective type of lawmaking. Clifford Sims, in town for a few days, was a guest of Dr. A. D. McMurdo at the luncheon. He has recently returned from the middle east where he spent several months in employment work for the Kaiser interests. JUDGE GIVES DECISION IN LOCAL CIVIL SUIT A case heard in circuit court here earlier in the year was settled the past week when Judge Calvin L. Sweek found in favor of one of the defendants. Suit was filed by Merritt Gray against James Moyer and Eernard Doherty to determine the settement of rent. Judge Sweek decided that Moyer was entitled to the rent and that Doherty should pay court costs. o LEXINGTON GRANGE GIVES $50 TO RED CROSS FUND At the regular meeting Friday evening the Lexington grange voted to give the Red Cross $50 in the current war fund campaign. A good attendance of members, including four visitors, is reported and a pleasant evening was spent seeing pictures taken and shown .by Kenneth J. Smouse of the work he did while in the government employ. Invitation from Willows grange for Saturday evening, March 17, was accepted and all new members were urged to go and receive the third and fourth degrees. The serving committee had plen ty of eats on hand as preparations had been made for 60, and not that many attended. o EXTRA HELP NEEDED AT LOCAL RATIONING OFFICE Desk help is needed at the local board and any person with a few rationing office of the rationing hours to spare and who wants to assist with this work is asked to get in touch with Mrs. Pat Mclntyre, in charge of volunteer workers. 15, 1945 Herman Nielson Lived Here More Than Sixty Years Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock p. m. Wednesday at the Church of Christ for Herman Niel son, 87, who passed away at his home in Heppner Monday morn ing. O. Wendell Herbison officiated and hymns were sung by Mrs. C. C. Dunham and Miss Marie Bar low, Mrs. J. O. Turner accompany ing. Interment was made in the Heppner Masonic cemetery. Case Mortuary was in charge of arrange ments. Herman Neilson was bom in Nor way on July 8, 1857 and passed away at his home in Heppner Mon day morning, March 12, 1945, being at the time of his passing, 87 years, 9 months and 3 days old. He received his early schooling in his home town in Norway. At the age of 14 he went to sea and served as a cook and sailor for seven years. When he was 21 years of age he disembarked at New York and immediately found his way to the Pacific coast, finally walking to the Andrew Rood farm home in Rood canyon near Hardman. He worked for Mr. Rood until, he accumulated a sufficient amount of wages to acquire land of his own until he had 1300 acres at the time he disposed of it four years ago. Feeling the need of taking life a bit easier in his declining years, he sold his land to Blaine Chapel and purchased the town home from F. W. Turner where he lived until his death. Herman, as he was known by friends was a man with no bad habits, as strictly honest and always ready to assist his fellow man. He was a life long member of the Lu theran church and of the Knights of Pythias lodge. So far as is known he leaves only some nephews and nieces; also many friends among whom are the faithful ones who cared for him during his last weeks of illness, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnside. New Local Planes Come Oyer Monday Arrival of two planes here Mon day afternoon added to the grow ing interest in air travel, sparked up more recently by the organiza tion of a Civilian Air Patrol unit in Morrow county. First plane to arrive was a big red monoplane piloted by Woodrow Huston, young Eight Mile farmer. A good many spectators naturally supposed this to be the CAP plane ordered for training duty here but this plane did not arrive until a later hour. Huston circled over the town several times upon arriving from the Pendleton airport, showing that he is becoming airminded. Later in the afternoon when Walter Ready arrived with the CAP biplane he made one circle over town and then headed for the O. W. Cuts forth place and parked the ma chine. GUESTS OF DICKS Mrs. Rose Wilson of Helena, Mont, and Mrs. J. A. McDonald of Portland, mother and sister of L. E. Dick, were guests a few days the past week at the Dick home. Mrs. Wilson had previously spent several weeks here and went to Portland to visit her daughter. Mrs. Wilson ac companied Mrs. McDonald back to Portland and will leave shortly for her home. o ATTEND FORD MEET Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall were in Walla Walla on Tuesday where Mr. Rosewall attended a banquet and meeting of Ford deal ers at the Marcus Whitman hotel. This is the first time in about 14 months that there has been such a meeting. Volume 61, Number 51': Hospital Planning Placed in Hands of County-wide Group Court Names 7 People to Develop Workable Set-up Acting in accordance with a promise made to representatives of the Heppner .chamber of commerce and the Morrow county farm bu reau at the regular term of court Wednesday of last week, the coun ty court selected and notified seven representative people of the county that they had been named as a com mission to study all angles of the proposed county hospital and to re port the findings to the court at the earliest possible date. In making the selection the court endeavored to cover all sections of the county as nearly as the limited number of representatives would permit. Mrs. Minnie McFarland of Board man represents the northern or ri ver division; John Krebs was se lected to represent Cecil, Morgan and lone. George N. Peck is the Lexington representative, while four others getting their mail at Heppner complete the list. These are B. C. Pinckncy of the First National Bank of Portland, Hepp ner branch; Ralph I. Thompson, upper Willow creek; Frank E. Par ker, the Rhea Creek grange district, and Mrs. P. A. Mollahan. Mrs. Mol lahan is a trained nurse with many years of hospital experience. Each appointee received a letter from the court explaining ( the na ture of the appointment and urg ing acceptance. It was learned today that the group will get together in the first meeting March 25. It was not indi cated where the meeting will be held, but probably at a point cen tral to most of them. Neither has it been suggested that arrange ments be made to include a bond election with the forthcoming spec ial state election scheduled for June 22. ohrine Schedules Dance March 24 Bringing Shrine activities closer home, the Morrow County Shrine club has scheduled a dance to be given at the Willows grange hall in lone on the evening of March 24. The party is to be a benefit af fair, funds to be derived from this and other social events to be used in assisting the work of the Shrine hospital in Portland and in the pur chase of equipment for the new Morrow county hospital when it is ready for use. Good music has been retained for the dance, which, due to circum stances over which the sponsors have no control, will have to start early and close early. There will be refreshments during the eve ning. ST PATRICK'S DAY DANCE SET FOR SATURDAY NIGHT Saturday evening is the time and the Rhea Creek grange hall the place for the big annual St. Pat rick's day party sponsored by the Women's Altar society of St. Pat. rick's Catholic church. The KHs About Town will be on hand io dish out the music, and it is ex pected that green will be the pre dominant color. Dancing starts ear ly and quits early. HERE FROM CONDON Mrs. N. Schmaltz and sons, Allen Kotera, SF2jc and James Kotera were in town on Wednesday from their home in Condon. The young men are both home on leave. Allen Kotera has not been home in four years. He has seen extensive over seas service, taking part in six ma jor combats. His brother James is a member of the armed guard. O r w O a n