8 Heppner Gazette Times, March 8 1945 AAA News . a . DAIRY PAYMENTS CONTINUED Dairy production -ayments to producers for the month of Janu ary, February and March will be made at the rate of 70 cents per hundred weight for whole milk and 10 cents per pound for butt erf at. Payments for this period will be made to producers applying at the AAA office after April 1 and not later than May 31. RUSSIAN ARMY GETS BUTTER D.uring 1944 four percent of the total butter supply of the United States was shipped to the USSR for use by the Russian army. EGG PRICE SUPPORT With war requirements in 1945 than in 1944, it apperas likely that government buying of eggs for price .support .will not be . needed. Short ages of egg cases, labor and trans portation might interfere with normal distribution. WFA will stand ready to support the produc er's market by shell egg purchases, if necessary. DRY PEAS SUPPLY LARGE The support price for dry edible peas of $4.50 a hundred weight will apply only to producers who keep within their acreage goals or who feed all peas grown on excess acres to poultry or livestock. PROPOSED POTATO CEILINGS Proposed ceilings on white pota toes marketed during July, Aug ust and September, 1945 have been announced by OPA at levels vir- Food Program Under Way in County The week of March 3 to 11 is be ing observed throughout the United States as National 4-H Club week. Members everywhere are doing their part to produce and save food, to make the most of what they have and to keep vrp with the 4-H club motto, "Make the Best Better." Morrow county has 13 clubs or- tually the same as these prices in 1944 before ceiling adjustments were made for reduced yields. Some minor changes in pricing areas also are proposed by OPA. ganized. Mrs. Lavinia Holcomb leads the Rub and Scrub club in Lexington. Mrs. Verl Frederickson leads a health . club in Lexington. Mrs. Holt, lone, leads a health leads a health culb. Mrs. Cleo Rob cluh Mass Rose Koosier, Heppner, inson ' leads a health club in the Hardman school and Miss , Mary Perry leads one in the Pine City school. Mrs. B. C. Forsythe is leader of the Busy Bee homemaking club , in lone. Mrs. A. F. Majeske leads a clothing and a homemaking club in Lexington. Audrey Majeske is leader of a camp cookery club in Lexington. Mrs. Marie Lehman leads a clothing club at Boardman. At Heppner, Mrs. Tress McClintock is leader of the Camp Cooks and Mrs. Irene Nolan is leader of the Stitch in Time sewing club. NOW IN HAWAII Mrs. Willard Blake received a letter from her husband on' Wed nesday stating that he is . now in Hawaii. Mr. Blake is a gunner on a B 29. ' ' Star Reporter Friday-Saturday, March 9-10 Abroad With Two Yanks William Bendix, Dennis O'Keefe, Helen Walker, John Loder One big laugh hit when two hard boiled marines go soft for a doll. PLUS Cheyenne Wildcat The best yet of the Red Ryder westerns. Sun.-Mon.- Tucs." March 11-12-13 Going My Way Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald, Frank McIIugh, Rise Stevens, Gene Lockhart, Robert Mitchell, Boys Choir. Delightful at every turn, few pro ductions can exceed the richness, the warmth and the captivation which distinguishes Going My Way and makes it superlative entertain ment. Wednesday-Thursday, March 14-15 The Conspirators Paul Hcnreid, Hedy Lamarr, Syd ney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, Vic tor Francen, Joseph Gallcia Partners in the greatest of all con spiracies, met in the world's most dangerous city, the prey of the world's most dangerous men. J. C. PKMMKY .. IH9 Handbags V. ' that .are . . . ssv 0vk If your suit is tailored, you'll want a trim envelope ... if it's a dressmaker style, you'll find a soft pouch is the per fect complement. All leather. OTHER STYLES 2.98 Simulated leathers, fabrics. RAYON FABRIC GLOVES 98 Attractively stitched, care fully tailored, in wearable, washable fabrics. Black and beautiful costume colors.-1 SATURDAY FEATURE at PEMNEY'S On Sale at 1 p. m. Saturday, March 10 900 yards Cotton Prints Sorry! No lay-aways or phone calls. Limit 9 yards to customer. St. Patrick's Ball at the RHEA CREEK GRANGE HALL Saturday, March 17 Dancing from 8:45 to 1 1 :45 Music by KIDS. ABOUT TOWN Admission: 50c; Tax 10c; Total 60c per person Dance Willows Grange Hall IONE OREGON Saturday Evening MARCH 10 GOOD MUSIC Supper Served Admission 50c, Tax 10c, Total 60c Everybody Welcome REMEMBER: The new curfew ruling prohibits damcjing after 12. The hall must be cleared by that time. Come early and enjoy yourself until 11:45 p. m. 4. ,.,,. mis .'UltlMHIHIHUIIHIlt THANK YOU! Having sold Nell's Beauty Shop, I do not want to retire from the business without expressing my appreciation to the women of Morrow County for their patronage and support during the time of my ownership. I sincerely hope you will continue to have your beauty work done at the same place, now under the name of the MarCarol Shop. NELLIE G. ANDERSON ii S3 iih mi i mull inftniim in h i QMME D1AT DELIVERY on the following sized tires: 4:40 x 21 4:75 x 19 5:50 x 17 5:50 x 16 6:00 x 16 6:50 x 15 6:50 x 16 6:50 x 18 7:00 x 15 7:00 x 16 7:50x16 7:00 x 17 7:50x17 6:50 x 20 7:00 x20 32x6 8 :25 x 20 10:00 x 20 1 1 :00 x 20 10:00x24 listed t Most of the passenger ;c. available in h an J 6-ply.j Bring your tire certificates for quick service. SEWALL MOTOR CC Your Firestone Dealer -iJ are