2 Heppner Gazette Times, March 8, 1945 Missionary Coming To lone Tuesday Evening, March 13 Miss Ingle, recently returned Congregational miss'onary from the Near East, will give a lecture on her work Tuesday evening, March 13, at the Christian church. Every one is invited to this lecture and the potluck dinner preceding it, at the Congregational church. Mrs Clara K'ncaid returned home Tuesday of last week from a month spent in Prineville and Portland. Pvt and Mrs. Walter Corley left Monday to return to Fort Knox Ky. where Pvt Corley is training- The Topic club will meet at the Congregational rooms Friday after nonn, March 9. The hostesses are Mesdames Martin Cotter, Victor Rietmann and Algott Luudell. Mrs. Elmer Griffith left Friday evening for a short visit in Port land. Mrs. Walter Dobyns was the guest last week of her daughter, Wilrna, who is attending Oregon State college. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hopt( Nola Bristow) and daughters Marjorie and Mildred and Robert Conlon were week-end visitors in lone. Mrs. Catherine Felger of Port land, associate grand conductress of O. E. S. will hold a school of in struction Thursday evening March 15 at the Masonic hall. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich that their son Pvt Tench Aldrich has been killed in action in the Phil'ppines on Feb. 12. Mrs. Dale Ray returned home Sunday from The Dalles hospital after- underging two major opera tions recently. Her granddaughter Thelma Jean Goodrich of Lyle ac companied her and will remain while she is convalescing. The Ameca club w'll meet at the home of Mrs. Raymond Lundell on March 17. Mrs. E. C. Heliker and Mrs. Don ald Heliker were hostesses at the E. C. Heliker home to a number of friends to celebrate E. C. Heliker's 63rd birthday and the 37th anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. John Bry son. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hel iker, Mrs. Ida Fletcher, Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs. Wm. Seehafer, Mrs. Arline Baldwin and S.lo Donald Wetmore. A birthday cake for Mr. Heliker and an anniversary cake for the Brysons were served dur'ng the evening. Mrs. Arline Baldwin and S lc Don Wetmore of The Dalles are visiting their sister Mrs.' Donald Heliker. Seaman Wetmore is on a, 30 day leave after serving 22 months overseas. The H. E. club will meet at the home of Mrs. Margaret Akers on March 16. Mrs. Cecelia Van Winkle OSC extension worker will demon strate meat cookery. The meeting will begin at U a. m. with a pot luck dinner at noon and further demonstration during the after noon. There will be an Oddfellows and Rebekah booster party at the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday, March 14. Pot luck supper will be served at 6:30 followed by interesting enter tainment in the evening. Everyone 's welcome. Mrs. Inez Freeland of Portland is a house guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Omar Rietmann. FORMER RESIDENT VISITS Claude Knowles, of Browning, Mont., a former Heppner resident, has been visiting old friends for the past several days. Mr. Knowles returned to Browning Wednesday. Wait a minute! We're not sticking our neck out as a weather forecaster! Spring will be here soon and we think you should be prepared for increased activities dttendant up on its arrival. If you don't feel quite up to form, you probably need a spring tonic, or more vitamins. Whatever it is, you can get the highest quality here. GIVE rJ"U GIVE mrU mom! GORDONS DRUG STORE JOHN SAAGER, Owner 19x24 nm altar to Mrit fur Tines priataqr. rera mt rt Gaatttt "OHULTHE YEAR'S TOP SURPRISES! THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact that we serve the' best meal in town ac counts for the ever increasing popu larity of this place. If you are not a patron now you soon will be Yours for Better Eats HEPPNER CAFE Sft Vmt Magazine BING AND HIS GANG WITH HIS BEST HIT SONGS IM uic rbct PICTURE! rJS'JS!r Y -4. . 1 I ...... "CS. rw u. u thj l-i-s mil. I W W "The Oay After Forever" ' HV V f f Jt, jPT, -vj "Going My Way" l I ' "' " ..mMw "Swinging On A Star" f I, M s , '"x?! "Silent ""ay Night" f FLfv i M Jvll A lim Brown and Jean Heather Kkwm '.jf'T 11 find 0ing Bing's way is best! tor m": ING CROSBY A Paramount Picture with Barry Fitzgerqld Frank McHogh Porter Hall Fortgnio Bonanova MS LEO McCAREY BvGlpeSyfvO, tcu)i rofuter '.Sam Play f.anlc BuHet mi ? WiSSSjSsaj .r.ir rTrnrli fmm Conwalts o( STAR THEATER Heppner Sunday-Monday-Tuesday March 11-12-13 Sunday Matinees at 1 p. m. and 3:30 p. m. GEE & &F?m m3flR (?() raft ftffifO . ..... . . TT I 1 MVii4,i'i'jubiv-,Mvi'A AVE you ever watched the birth of a new forest? Seed flies from ripened cones and soon Nature has carpeted the ground with the fresh, new green of a junior forest. This miracle of renewed life is converting millions of acres of lands into productive farms, yielding a harvest of trees. That is why timber is often called "America's only renewable resource." Modern-day timber operators aid Nature by "leaving adequate sources of seed for future forests, by planting seedlings when necessary, and by spending millions of dollars for fire prevention. By such methods, America's 630, 000,000 acres of forest lands can grow all the timber we need for homes, for commerce, for national security and for recreation. ,11 tW" D -uv -Art sv - "''" rn,,',iiiii' KINZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY