-0 O cz po to m o P0 o H O r n: "Z. G a u w h o minm Hospital Occupies Attention of C-C Luncheon Group Committee Named To Urge Action by County Court A . Morrow county's proposed gener- was authorized by the people in the general election last fall, was the topic for discussion at the weekly luncheon of the chamber of com- "qS er?House called UDon P W SXney to eSaAe PT miTTnlTlK SToL unon and what will be start conduction earliS IZ cor! Slated Mahonev said in brief SloJdS U carried would give the county court the TXrit? to go aW with plans fo construction and operation of the hoSal Mayor J.' O Turner expressed the belief that a fact finding com- should be aoDointed to get mission tVi m-nnnd work laid bv time mon- tne grouna WOrK laia oy ume muii ev and building materials would be lL S,nr- red in bv Dr. A. D. McMurdo who suggested suggested that a group of six be group appointed to engineer the thing rtk A rv,t;nr nnc finallv Dllt ISSto" ty court on Wednesday and urge J . . r . J. SDnomtment or a commission ij study plans, location, financing and mers, a newcomer from Mitchell, P. Brown, president or ! 1 7ZSnlver recited hospital experiences here any other details. The chair appoint- for a term of one year beginning auxi iary; Mrs Stephen n Thompson, lady appears m jhw newspaper staU ,.During t 3Q ed Dr McMurdo chairman, J. J. Monday, March 5. Summers had president of the Heppner P-TA, (overcrowded conditions pievent we haye itnessed four h Nvs Frank Tinner and Harry wanted to buy the place but the and Mrs. R. B. Rice, secretary of its appearance this week) we are the ud ho ital to fe b Ut Nelson O'Donnells were reluctant to sell the Lexington grange The commu- advised that the senate defeated for peQple fcy people Chairman House reported that but when it was proposed that they nity service panel when organized benate bill Wo. 71 luesday alter- ebbed flnd flowed with countless between five and six tons of paper take a year or so to think it over will have material and speakers for noon W a vote ot 18 to waves of enthusiarns only to dash were collected In the Boy Scout they agreed to a lease. ' . educational purposes for schools .J.J0 Chutes against the wal1 o Waning intereSt drive Saturday. According to present, plans. Mr., and organizations available when the counties of Lake, OmcIm. and be lost in oblivion. WE MUST Robert Walker, home on two and Mrs. O.Dcnnell do noplan to desired. Mrs. Pat Mclntyre has ac- Crook , and Jefferson as the J9th NQT THIS HAPPEN AGAIN." weeks furlough was introduced by leave Heppner permanently. They.cepted the position of volunteer senatorial district, entitling it , to Commissioner Neill favors col KthwSaw, C. W. Barlow. will remahV herffor two months supervisor for the local board. Any one senatorMorrow, Gdliam Sher - "ilil. and then go to California where one willing to do volunteer work man and Wheeler would have been .ximaly $20,000, then at the pri- A. M. Phelps, 82, Buried at Bend Word comes from Miss Elizabeth Phelps of Vancouver, Wash, of the death of her father, A. M. Phelps, s u t?k or 'ivm v,o TimA w,,n- . m,nte "A. M. Phelps, 82, a native of Mar- " m . irtM Trro onH o reetrtPnT. rT ttPllQ 1 . P 1 from 1930 until 1944 died this morn- ZT Ap hnmp hf his daughter . . . He made his home for the past year. Mar- ,v,oii s PfcpW Rpnrl is a son. He three sistprs turY wf. "Mr. Phelps came to Bend in 1930 fZTlt aS ceded in death by his wife, Rosa, who died in Bend, last March 30. Mr. and Mrs. Phelos were married . T ok 1 qqq grocery business in Heppner for many years occupying a strucrore J servea at ""1824, at pate in the grazing management Tuesday night from near Board next to the present Noble saddle m Program. . .nnma - Riwr Min n - volintepred Dractice of the 1945 farm program man. The trio were involved in an i rm r :JJ ! V, e now 3d GeoS rwwin fnmilv . SGT RICHARD HAYES HOME nicnWcrorf frnm the armv. with which he has served more than . ml j -r-! -1 1 TT three years, Sgt T4 Richard Hayes returned to Heppner tnis weeK to remain for awhile with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hayes. Alter spending a furlough here last tail, Richard reported at banta .bara Nov. 1 where he was reassigned to Camp Maie, Tex. He was piaceo . m a casual company witnout r reassignment. Jan. 8 he was Piacea in the hospital and on neo. v ' re- ceivea tne him as a Civilian, rucnaiu syem ox months in the South Pacific, most- ly in New Guinea. " ATTENDANCE DESIRED Maifpr R. B. Rice of the Lexing- ton grange announces a meeting of the grange Friday night, March 9 at which time important business will be presented. A large crowd is urged to be present. Heppner, Eccentric Man Has Novel Method, for Gaining Lodging He was a man a little below me dium stature and sported a beard omewhat on the pattern of the caricatured Russian anarchist. He carried a cane and affected a slight limp the better to impress people with his inability to earn a living by means other than "mooching." Through this process of separating the unwary public of its spare nick- els and dimes he garnered enough of "m" buy jju a "rX.LT nm w ms The drifted down "to Aik- vens tface Hjs order for a was but fimly refused Re re tUrned t0 M"8 but instead of e?TS ? jS'. got 3 tlayfl? Strfak Pp1 his cane through ? large Resut: A nights lo m the county bastile. Hakd before?f, udge ?n a va" ffSJJ gS? g f v?laf nce. Jahy. of ' ?allf- .The .3,udf impd .a 30;day term 3ai1 P1, , $25 fme gave an e1"10"1 suspended sentence o give him an opportu- " " .f? .3 wlt picked UP and, carried him to "lc . '" ranc:Tviratinn in Th nallps. and - --. what do you think? He poked his cane another pane ot glass aown mere r't ii. I V WUniltlli "USB 10 summers Mr. and Mrs. . Harry O'Donnell 1 1 J.1 : rl C,v, nave leaseu uicii uuc i-lt vtu uuiii- they will divide their time between San Francisco, Oakland and Valle- iVX f H1V- 1o. Thev own property in Oakland which they will dispose of. Then, . 1 TT T J T too, their sons, Harry Jr. and Rus- sell are both in naval service, the former in the Pacific area and the latlher in Alaska. It is ixjssible the bovs mav from time to time put . " - . , ..... i into port into port in tne bay custrict ana 1 1 X J- I I ItnttH n me uareiiia xwi . uiev wiu nave a better opportunity to see them if lo- cated down there. r .11 i i i tt "We will be back in Heppner when our year is up," Mrs. O'Don- nell told the Gazette Times report. er. "This is where our interest is "This is where our interest is and where we have our friends. We don't want to leave them." The monthly meeting of the three dens which make up Pack No. 61 of Heppner is being held this evening in the music room at the school. The program mciudes A cuo s aeiignt ice -fe-m - CM PaCK JNO. Dl ck O'Connor, manager of the J. C. Penney company store, as assis- m "-'w...v tant cubmaster. He has had pre- vious experience with cubbing. Cubs and their parents are at- tending the meeting, 1 ' I FAVES FOR RE-ASSIGNMENT Albgrt gchunk Jr AMM (in. stead of 3c ag we erroneously said week) .g leaving Slmday after weeks aj. home with hig father mother) m and Mrg Albert gchunk Young Albert has geen intensified action in the south Pa. cific He will report at Norman Ok- he expectg to be reag giRnedj nkely for more scnooiingi KKTUKN fltUlVl 1'UKIL.AINII Mrs. Hilma Anderson, son Frank and Miss Florence Bergstrom re- turned to thoir homes Sundav eve- ning from Portland. They had ac- corrmanied Mrs. Anderson's dauch- ter, Mrs. Norton King, to Portland when she received word of her husband's death. Mrs. King plans to remain in Portland for at least another week. Oregon, Thursday, March 8, 1945 Broadening Scope Of OPA Locally Explained Here Community Group . Formed to Aid in Checking Inflation It is the desire of the OPA to .T liwu 3 order tV acmplish that purpose u ta necessary for pe0pie as a whole kn(W more about the pur. pose and activities of this wartime er&nW commission. That, ex- plained Frederick F. Janny, dis- trict rationing executive, is why the state OPA officials are visiting several districts-to help edu- " u11011-, , . D np Headed by McDannel Brown, OP- A district director, tfie - group of five from the state office included m. Janny, Hosea Evans, district pnC,e f. ' augh) district board operations ex- ecutive, anu iviaiy .-i.. : Thov snpnt niiy bkivi --r Wednesday afternoon and evening here holding a well-attended pub- lie meeting in the &lks nan at o O ClOCK. IVirs. Trances uuuj'i board supervisor for this district, "lohns effected a nity aiSO was pieaem. service organization ouring uxe u- t-armnnn tnOotltlCf With MrS. Uhl IS iw ... T . in the local board otlice should contact Mrs. Mclntyre. In the next milHUVV AUut v .... ..1 . .... 1 1 1 . iJii .... l-. nwiM. nnnnA three weeks all trucks and pick- ups will have to have new gas ra- j.' J -x tirill V tions and volunteer 'help will be appreciated. It was explained by the speakers that the Oregon district has been cut in large truck tires from 450 . nr. si -. ii i v.-t to n. oman tires us.u tue w uiu MnrM -til nOTPOnT nD I nuu I'X I'lln ,iiuw oc u Hww,w " lated production; sugar down by 750,000 tons; shoes greatly reduced, j ..i J 1 mn anu auiuiiiuuiics u.uwi xium j.,v to 20 for the whole district. Bill Kennedy asked a few ques tions and was given satisfactory answers, as was Walt Ready, who inquired in behalf of members of tne newiy lormea uvuku. r- Tencn Aldn'ch TTC I nCn m.uhui Killed IR Action ivir ana mrs. rvaipn vium-u ui i.v, iir, -j . , -- . pted Feb. for service and was acce 17, 1943. MISS MCINTYRE BETROTHED program and to sign up the graz- men are cnarged witn causing au Mrs. Catherine Mclntyre of Spo- ing plans necessary if they receive accident and failing to stop and of kane, formerly of Heppner, has an- payment under the new program, fer assistance. They are being held j ii. c fnr Npvarln authorities on a car daif?htPr Ann Eliaheth to 1st Lt. Arthur E HulehlriSon Ut S. ArmV) son of Mr and Mrs A K Hutchin- gon of pendl:ton Both young peopk attended 0regon state coi. , from w jch Lt Hutchinson graduated in 1940. He is at present taking a militarv courso at thG Un- iversity of Caliibrnia in Berkeley, Migs rcIntyre is ernDloyed at Spo- kane Arm Ail. Field as an admin. istrative clerk in the Judge Advo- . rnniL - RETURNS FROM COAST Mr nnd Mrs Walter Piprkpt. have returned to their home after Knpndini snmo tim in Wheeler. Oregon where Mrs. Becket was re- ceiving medical assistance. From Wheeler the Beckets went to Red Bluff Calif, to visit Mrs. Julia Glaesmer, Mrs. Becket's sister. Just a Bunch of Little Helpers . Maybe the. victim of this little joke would rather keep it dark but it seems rather too bad to let it pass unmentioned. . ' Arnold Ebert, Morrow county agricultural agent, recently was confined to his home with a case of measles. The days were long--and the nights even longer and the en ergetic agent was chafing at the bitt or whatever it is that one does under such restraint. News of his ftresa reached the ears of the and they decided to relieve his plight. So they sent him a bottle of spot remover. Arlington in Race - TourilfiV rOT JlOTC I OUrnCy basket fans wUl be in- tetrested m news that the a,- Hnon squad will J W SaUrday. evening in the third of a series of to determine which win re. nt fifth and sixth districts at tournament at Salem March 15 , . T?e Honkers won J1? in tournament there Feb. 22-3-4 xne team tnen ourneyea to uie t, 1 td rvogue niver uouiury, ueieauug w mver 30.28 on . Feb. 26 and on Feb. 26 and losing 37.30 on Feb. 28. The games were piayed on the Medford iloor. Senatorial District Measure Defeated Through the courtesy of Murray ir.,j ,u ni.( me ui uibu.i u"c and Klamath county the 17th dis- uin. wiui unC Wi. Stockmen's Meeting . r r j I j TL J scheduled I hUrSday n , .-.;T1:V'.,1J oaruneiK oi annual inuusu v uuui n Oregon State college, and George from the .n... ""r;' dfviskin of the AAA will wer".T" ! fzJZ iieau uie uiuciaiu ui a owliuikiio i .j . ,i 1; r,U of M.rt i, i., Hn, Tnrcrl.v ,f-r. " ' . , , ' M"i:T; "!":J: " , nr 'f Bradley will discuss range management as it ties in with the 1945 agricultural conservation program. Both of these men are specialists in the field of livestock and grazing and u mcfic u.cj . : Stnrkmpn whn intend to nartici- will be especially interested in this . , .ii . . ..j meeting as tnis win oe uieir oppui- tunity to receive the details of the CAR RESTORED TO OWNERS Mrs. Orville Smith and son Jim- my made a hurried trip to Seattle last week-end following a call that Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. J. F. Pfeiffer was very ill. Upon arrival it was found that Mrs. Pfeiffer's illness had been brief and not so serious so Mrs. Smith and Jim re- turned to Portland where they were able to pick up the family car that had been stolen earlier in the win ter, and returned to Heppner Mon day evening. The car apparently is none the worse for its experience. ILL AT THE DALLES Mrs. Marv Thomson is verv ill and is in a hospital in The Dalles. Mrs. Thomson submitted to a major operation Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bisbee drove down this morning to spend the day. Vol lime 61 , N umber 0- Court Considers Selection of Fact Finding Committee People Ask That Hospital Be Built Early as Possible Urged by a delegation of Hepp- n,er m representing the Zf " TO. ana iu a. e MorroTcoS FaSeau the BgJ Wednesday morning accepted the Proal that a uSiX of presentative citizens be appointed as a fact-finding body relative to the construction and operation of a general hospital. Speakin fr his ttee' Dr' A. D. McMurdo of the chamber of comrce, presented conclusions of ft f u First, the majority of the people - n Morrow want to buM hosPital now' Second, it can be done. Third, it must be done. Dr. McMurdo Quoted a Spokane architect, "all necessary materials can be otained for the building of a hospital in a community where a hospital is needed. I am building two large hospitals now, one in Washington and one in Idaho. We are experiencing no difficulty in U(:;. l ul mrrv a., nrinrltv wha f.nr '-any a "iJi. hsiLjiii.j. i"c uumui mary election next spring vote on bondg tQ finish .Qh that by that time materials would be available. Commissioner Barratt urged the court to accept the chamber of commerce proposal, stating that he favors a bond election at the ear- liest possible date. He also related . ., some or tne nun numerous conversa- tons he has had with citizens who m willinS to to considerable length to get the hospital now. . . .. impressions Dy ouieia piewcui. expressions oy ouieia T.- 1 1 1 showed that many people are giv- while not all agreeing on the time it should be built there was no dis- agreement about the necessity for lt, T 1- - f .....amh n J rv , 1 4 t JTr re" U1C TT r a facfmdmg com- niission there may be an opportu- '" w vc w ST ATP POIICF RRINflS TRIO three orisoners to the county jail accident in which their car struck :J t ; ..,I,;V, iKm- r ctniplr anu wicteu iiuicj. i u...i... j an elderly couple. The accused theft count. ZZZ HERE FOR SHORT VISir Mrs. Catherine Mclntyre has been spending a few days in Hepp- ner attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Mrs. Mclntyre enjoys living in Spokane, especially as her three daughters are all employed there and live at home. VISITS RELATIVES Miss Vera Mahoney, daughter of Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, arrived Wed nesday to visit her mother and other members of her family Miss Mahonev makes her home in L03 Angeles, and flew from there to Pendleton where her brother Phil met her. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs Mahoney and their new dau- ghter, Shannon, home. O O pa a 2 r w o o PI H -