6 Heppner Gazette Times, March 1, 1945 BOARD MAN NEWS Great imProvements have been Great improveents have been Frances Skoubo macje on the recreation hall by the A party in honor of Harold and committee, Audree Wilson, Mildred Ernest Tyler was held in the re- Miller, Rozella Meinen assisted by creation hall Sunday, sponsored by Mr. Dickerhoff since they painted the student body. Gingerbread and the window cills and the annex in whipped cream and hot chocolate ivory. Contributions are still being were served after numerous games made and accepted, were played. Mrs. Bertha Heald from lone vis- Evelyn Robinson, former resident ited with her sister, Mrs. Russell of Boardman is confined in The Miller and family over the week Dalles hospital with a broken knee. end Her home is now in Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Avent and family Mr. and Mrs. Van Metre and from Portland have moved to the family from The Dalles spent Sun- former Smith ranch south of town, day on the project visiting friends. Ruby Avent has enrolled in the Mrs. Buster Rands returned home sophomore class. Saturday after spending several Ernest Tyler is home on leave months with her husband. Pvt. after completing boot training at Rands is in the marine corps and Farragut naval training center in is stationed at San Diego. Idaho. Ernie attended Boardman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith from high school before enlisting in the Union are visiting friends in Board- navy. man this week. Albert Partlow Slc writes that he A birthday dinner in honor of expects to be home on leave before Harold, Delbert and Ernest Tyler too long. was held Sunday at the home of Word was received that Elmer Mrs. Grace Tyler. Those invited Tyler MOMMlc has reported for were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball and overseas duty, family, Lynn Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Word h,as been received that Charles Roseland and Norma Rose- Gump Jones and Donald Ford met land. flt sea in the Philippines and were Mrs. Billings, Mrs. John Partlow, together five hours. Mrs. W. A. Baker, Doris Wilson and Susan Partlow were in The Dalles CAMP WETMORE NEWS NOTES on business Saturday. Br M"- A1 Watkins Mrs. Ernie Peck and Mrs. Lester Mrs. L. J. Betts and Mrs. Elmer Uthe from Umatilla motored to Ya- Riffle were called to Toppenish kima Monday to spend several days Wash, by the death of their father, with Mrs. Peck's mother who is Charles Weir. quite ill. Arthur Watkins left Monday for Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeMauro mo- Portland for medical attention and tored to The Dalles to shop Thurs- dental work. He was accompanied day. by Mrs. Charles Miller who wilj Dagmar Skoubo, senior of Pen- spend a few days with her parents dleton high school spent the week- at Vancouver, Wash, end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guests at the Lee Neth home this Adolf Skoubo. week are George Durfee, Mrs. How- Miss Ida Hunting from Silver ard Neth and Mrs. Cummings, sis Creek Wash, is making an extended ters and brother of Mrs. Lee Neth. irM at the A. E. McFarland ranch. The visitors are from The Dalles. Mrs. Elvin Ely has been quite Mrs. Finley Kelly arrived home ill ai, her home over the weekend. Monday after spending a week with TJ AAA had a meeting in the her mother in Baker. s:hool auditorium Monday for the Camp Wetmore visitors to Hepp 1 urpose ox writing up farm plans nef Tuesday were Mrs. L. H. Know for 194!;. les, Mrs. Buck Cummings and Mrs. Eler .ric lights have been installed 'Lee Neth. in th? Catholic church and Mr. Cas- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Knowles re sidy has cut down several trees ceived word from their son Donald that concealed the church. who is stationed in San Diego at The basketball boys returned the naval training base. Donald Sunday from John Day after parti- seems to think the life of a sailor cipating in the league tournament is not to be compared with that of as second place winner in Morrow a lumber jack, county. The Boardman boys made a The L. N. Provo family have re fcood showing tho defeated by Echo ceived word from their son Fred, with a score of 34 to 41. Eldon Lilly who was wounded in battle He is was chosen one of the all star play- making a good recovery in the ers and was awarded a small gold army hospital in England. Mrs. John L. Durfee and Mrs. W. W. Durfee were visitors at The Dal les over the week-end. - JOIN C. A. P. CIVIL AIR PATROL Auxiliary of Army Air Corps Men and Women 18 years or older Boys and Girls 15 to 18 years LearnAviation from the ground up Learn Military Training Learn Radio Theory and Code No physical requirements except for flying. FLYING SOON TO START Call or write CXP. Box 61, Heppner. Ore. or stop in at HEPPNER HOME SERVICE for information W. S. READY AAA News . - . 1943 FARM PLANS The AAA office asks those far mers who have not signed their 1945 farm plans to come in at their earliest convenience. If the operator is to be eligible for '45 conservation payments, the farm plan must be signed and on file in the county office by May 1, 1945. NEW TRUCK OWNERS Anyone acquiring a new truck to do necessary hauling may not sell convert to any other use than that or transfer to. any other person or stated in application, for six months after purchase, without the written permission of O. D. T. Violations are subject to penalties. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly helped and assisted us in so many ways during illness and death of our dear Mother, and for the many beautiful floral offerings. We also wish to thank the singers and the pall bearers. 1 Dona E. Barnett Mrs. Trannie B. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark came over from Hermiston and were in atten dance at the Elk's "ball last Satur day night. Ed is a fireman at Ord nance depot. Being short of meat points and needing the rest, we will close each Tuesday. SUNDAY SPECIAL Turkey Dinner $1.00 per plate Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors N. Schmaltz & Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and ' Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. n ii mi i iiwm m i ! j Sea Foods are Healthful -Eat Them Often We try to keep shell fish on hand in sea son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often ' especially with meat points what they are and may get to be shortly. You are always welcome at the Elkhorn Restaurant He Plants the Seeds of VICTORY The farmers from coast to coast are helping us win ! . Bra Farmers, for all your needs see us. We can supply you with what you want. Ours is a complete line of farming equipment and sup plies. Let us help you meet the maximum goal in production. den Tractors' Equipment Company