8 Heppner Gazette Times,. February 22, 1945 Smith, Hugh, lone, farmer; Smeth urst, Velma, Lexington, housewife; Stefani, A. E., lone, farmer; Swag gart, Frank, Lena, farmer; Swanson, A C. lone merchant; Thompson, So phrona, Heppner, retired; Thomson, Jas. G. Jr., Heppner, clerk; Thome, Cecil H., lone, farmer; Troedson, Carl W., lone, farmer; Turner, F. W. Heppner, real estate; Turner, Sam J., Heppner, farmer; Turner, Vir ginia C, Heppner, housewife; Vin son, E. H., Lena, farmer; Vinson, G. M., Lena, farmer; Voile, John R., Irrigon, farmer; Warfield, Jess, lone, farmer; Warren, Clarence, lone, far- Star Reporter mer; Warner, H. E. Lexington, la borer; Wattenberger, Bernice, Echo, housewife; Wells, Dick, Heppner, housewife; -Wells, Sylva, Heppner, housewife; Wightman, Hattie, Hep pner, housewife; Wilkins, H., Lena, farmer; Zinter, Sidney, lone, far mer. WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL FUND Edna Hughes, deputy salary$122.81 Tuesday, Feb. 27 Crime By Night Jerome Cowan, Jane Wyman, Faye Emerson Crime detection in which the com edy never wavers. PLUS Last Ride Eleanor Parker, Richard Travis, Jack LaRue An exciting black market story. Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 28-Mch 1 Atlantic City Consance Moore, Brad Taylor, Char ley Grapewin, Jerry Colonna, Paul Whitcman and Orchestra, Louis Armstrong and Orchestra with Buck and Bubbles and Dor othy Dand ridge, Belle Baker, Joe Frisco, Gallagher and Shean, Van and Schenck A grand musical with captivating songs of yesterday and today. Friday-Saturday, Feb. 23-24 Carolina Blues Ann Miller, Victor Moore, Jeff Don nell, Georgia Carroll, Ish Kabib ble, Kay Kyser and his Orchestra Lots of comedy with lots of music. PLUS Riders of the Santa Fe Rod Cameron and Fuzzy Knight in a good western. Sunday-Monday, Feb. 25-26 Laura Gene Ticrney, Dan Andrews. Clif ton Webb, Vincent Price, Judith Anderson A "speedy and cleverly-contrived mystery story, impressively cast and superbly acted. 156.45 120.49 110.40 50.00 90.40 25.00 25.00 195.00 175.00 32.47 8.00 5.00 p m m n t r co. I MO,, New Arrivals in Bright, Spring Touches on Y.90 l&J lri Ji tv v an c brightened wM fi l r. Jt I w clrful P11 motifs or f U AJ&A I J vestees of rayon jersey. BrU f pSf :3Hff$ lf liantcliPs bolero jackets Spf '" bows at shoulders and i'Hm 1 sWm $ waists . . . Spring's fashionsl Ray bpnngtime in on Print Dresses 4.98 -J 590 P. A. Mollahan, Dep. Sal Florence Ely, deputy salary Marie Barlow, deput salary Letha Rippee, Supt. Asst. J. O. Archer, janitor salary Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phy; Sal. Susie W. Miller, reporter salary F. W. Turner, bonds National Surety Co., bonds Pac. Power & Light Co., court house A. E. Simmons, assessor Children's Farm Home, juvenile court Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., cur rent expense Lexington I O. O. F. No. 168, election Margaret Gillis, Co. nurse The Flax Co., county clerk County clerk's Assoc., county clerk Pac. Stationery & Printing Co., clerk $8.05; justice Ct. $6.25; tax collector $1.95; treasurer $1.35 Wightman Bros., Bang's dis ease control First Nat. Bk of Portland withholding tax Jolm H. Fuiten, sheriff ' State Ind. Accident Comm., sheriff 4.53; sheriff salary $0.31; deputy salary $0.62 County treasurer, treasurer J. O. Turner, civilian defense R. B. Rice, circuit court Heppner Market, jail Gazette Times, official publi cation $19.50; Supt. $41.55; Assessor $26.80 Central Market, court Hse. Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $9.50; Supt. mileage $6.25 Mid-Columbia Typewriter Co. Superintendent The Harbord-Rogers Co., Sher. L. D. Neill, county court J. G. Barratt, county court Bert Johnson, judge, gen eral assistance Bert Johnson, old age assist ance, $423.40; dependent children $48.00; aid to blind $9.40 -Oregon State Agr. college, county agent The Steck Co. county clerk WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND Robert S. Wilson J. L. Wynn W. Cunningham Wm. Harrison M. V. Nolan Harry Quackenbush E A. Kelly A. J. Chaffee E. S Hunt Chas. Williams . ' Frank Nixon Walter Gilman Harold Wilson Austin Wilson Dean Gilman Robert R. Taylor Robert Kelly H. Sherer Nelson Equipment Co. Howard Coopeh corporation Columbia Equipment Co. F. W. Turner '? Pacific Power & Light Co. First Natl Bk of Portland Feenaughty Machinery Co. City of Heppner, water Dept. O. K. Rubber Welders Union Oil company Rosewall Motor company State Industrial Accident Commission Shell Oil company Gamble Store Dealer . Heppner Garage Columbia Equipment company 29.06 Heppner Lumber company 285.37 Jack Allen Supply company 58.13 '''Ml luvu uMuq ft r AMU 1000 ilj ) ri (YftfTlfi i 1 J J m 1 mil iik 1 11 j iiin'in t m IS AF I I llill IIJ 1 I M r IV . w 1 Br 1 : 17.60 I U Garden Rake y j 76.00 I 1 Jf A sturdy rake to do the Job , f 11 j (iTrTfTfTTfpRi ? tufMlently' easiiy aDd 1 on i VJ ' A socket type hoe oero l j rr: mSL fm lent quality. Four-foot A Y fpsL li polished hardwood handle. 3.00 ll Cultivator . 6.82 v . 119j y If 1 Bharp-polnted, forged-steel V m . tines. Tapered handle for ' 87.85 1J flm easy gripping. It 15.75 III W 1.2f ; : pJ m0 Choice of long-handled type li 15 00 or 27-inch D-shape handle. ? 480.80 1 i noMfli rxM fjfj n)nirjsT&MA r ; v m m 1,200.00 4.32 2 Lbs. .Ill 1 ) Will provide a luxurious, fine-textured turf. A top value, f mixture containing a high percentage of fine grasses. r Supreme Sunny Seed, , Supreme Shady Seed. L I 2 lb 1.55 2 Ibi 15 i I Union Oil Co, Hermiston E. R. Lundell Union Oil Co., Hermiston WARRANTS DRAWN ON MISCELLANEOUS FUND Joseph Baltrenas, rodent fund 20.00 Carl McDanieL rodent fund 25.00 John Laurence, rodent fund 10.00 First National Bank of Port land, rodent fund 7.50 20.97 H J 16.47 fW 170.95 I M 112.99 llXCXZ : R.9. 25c7kg! Your War 0 iSS BURPEE'S GIANT GA4B50K f 15 39 1 ;i V - 19416 f ZINNIA SEEDS K Full Information on he S ! ZTr I f . . . . I Care of Your Garden S "18 K Cme ,lf Tdy' I 28 Pages! , 4-93 III- " grjl Sl Mil S i VICWito j 37-00 I B y-j S f tesS323 The ' 3447 m SmZm U & Ivkorom K- 229.82 Mi Pl ff 'Smt for All ti 21.45 m . iss - fi f 3 fetofei p,aBf, 57.53 i: Elghteen-Foo H-'i f'f?H t J 59.02 li Soil-Soaker R M SLbl- 16.56 E3 L fj 8.11 I If 1.65 I M For healthier, more luxuri- i.; 1 iu Gets way down to thirsty 1 y ant lawns, shrubbery, r rootsl Mildew-resistant I I flower or vegetable 1 I B canvas. V I Sard8ns A complete food. 1 24.75 12.03 32.18 ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY