Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 22, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, February 22, 1945 7
Want Ads
tate of W. G. McCarty, deceased, of said day at the Court House at ner, merchant; Finch, Marion C. clerk; Luckman, W. W., Heppner,
has filed with the County Court Heppner, Oregon, as the time and Echo, fanner; Fitzpatrick, M. J. farmer; Lundell, A. W., lone, far
of Morrow County, Oregon her fi- place for hearing objections to said lone, farmer; Florence, N. G., Hepp- mer; Lindsay, James, lone, farmer.
. " account or ner administration tinal account ana the setuement ner, iarmer. Mahoney, Josephine, Heppner, re-
' ' f said estate and sai court has of said estate and all persons hav- Gammell, Arthur W., Heppner, porter; A.' F. Majeske, Lexington,
FOR SALE 1936 Chevrolet truck flxed Monday, the 19th day of ing objections thereto are requird farmer; Gay, Walter H., Heppner, farmer; Mankin, Beulah, lone,
with bulk grain bed. Rosewall March, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 to file the same with said court laborer; Gilliam, Leonard L., Hepp- housewife; Marquardt, Chas. A.,
Motor Co. 48c o'clock A E of said day at the on or before the time set for said ner, merchant; Gillespie, Zearl, Lexington, farmer; Marshall, Ken-
LOST Metal key ring with about Court House at HePPner Oregon, hearing. , Gilliam, Earl E, Heppner, mer- neth K., Lexington, farmer; Martin,
10 keys. Please return to George "V . l"ne anQ Pe Ior Dated and iirst published this cnant; Uilman, Walter L., Heppner, Myles E., Lexington, farmer; Mas-
-.1, : 4 : i - u r: 1 j- , .
A. Corwin. Reward. 48c uuJei-lJU"ii 10 saiu imai aauum, 8tn day 0l February, 1945.
' . ' ' -r , and the settlement of said estate car A V mvntamvr
FOR RAT.F flno annA .Wsou nnrl. , . . .... SAxvA Hi. MOlN AJVULK
- . " b . """j ana an persons having objections 4R rft
""""" -vU .ya, thereto are hereby required to
laborer; Gordon, Charlotte, Hepp- sey, Heppner, laborer; Messenger,
ner, merchant; Gordon, M. E., lone, Truman K, Lexington, state high
farmer; Gorger, Henry, lone, far- way; Miller, H. M., Heppner, far
mer; Grabill, 'Robert, Heppner, mer; Miller, Margaret, Heppner,
merchant; Graham, Claud, Heppner, housewife; Miller, Marcelli, Hepp-
$ao; two -tray incuoators, w, file same with said court on or 1945:
t a f A v f oeiore tne time iixea ior saia acock, nas. w., irngon, tanner; dairyman; Green, Alex, Heppner, ner, housewife; Monagle, Chas.,
trade tor dairy heiiers or calves, hearing. .. Adams, Ethel, Hardman, housewife; farmer; Gray, Merritt. Lexington. Hetroner. farmer: Moore. Clarence.
48-ap Dated and first nublished this Adams. .J' B.. Hardman. farmer: fa
' ' , Mi -vf iivnci , XJ.cpfSlJ.Cl , J-dUVJI CI 1 J.V1UUI.C, J-UHCIl,
Aaams.1! red, irrigon, iarmer; Aiken iarmer; Griffin, Philip S., lone, far- Heppner, housewife; Moore, Rus
. Henry, ' Heppner, pastime operator; mer; Grim, H. W. Irrigon, farmer; sell, Echo, farmer; Morgan, Milton
Akers, Bed, lone, farmer; Akers, Groshens, Emil, Heppner, farmer. R. Jr., lone, farmer; Moyer, M. E.,
wiiour u., lone, iarmer; Aldnch, . Hager, Lulu, Heppner, nurse; Heppner, farmer; Musgrave, Joseph
C, Irrigon, farmer; Applegate, Ivan, Happold, H. C, Heppner, laborer; E lone, farmer; McCabe, Alonzo
Walter Jepson, lone, Ore.
WANTED Turkeys. 40c per pound 15th day of Feruary, 1945
dressed Must be No. 1. Victory SADIE M. SIGSBEE,
Cafe, lone Ore. 48-49c 47-51 " " . . Administratrix
truck, 3 4-1 ton: rubber 90 Carl rnTww nnnmmnnr '
Huffman. Snrav. 48c '', 'm Heppner, laborer; Archer, Letha, Herbison, Doris, Heppner, house- A.. lone farmer: McCabe. Lonnie.
nvuvi , wv.m, "jwo, iojwu, wuc, man, iL,ima, neppner, nouse- lone, iarmer; IVlcUurdy, iiarian,
Echo, farmer. wife; Hiatt, J. W., Heppner. clerk: HeDDner. clerk: McFarland. A. E..
Baker, E. Markham, lone, farmer; Higgins, Phil, Lena, farmer; Hirl, Boardman, farmer; McMillan, John
Baker, J. Henry, lone, farmer; Ball Chas., Lena, farmer; Hisler, Paul, F., Lexington, farmer; McNamer,
William Y., Heppner, clerk; Ball, Lena, farmer; Holboke, L. H., lone, Sarah E.,. Heppner, housewife; Neill,
fresh heifers and four springers, ruary 20, 1945, I am authorized and
See Cornett Green. 47-48p directed to advertise and sell at
DRY BOARD ends for ' sale See public auction at not less than the
tr ... T7i i m i An i : 1, t s 4 .
xiuiner or jiuon xuciter. iu-ip umuuiuui uiiue iiutm aei iuiui. T , T . t n ti tr 1 171 1 t r T TT 1
ne 1NV2 or 1N&4 01 w4 ana , , . T , , . . ,t
jii., ouaiumaii, luniiei , oanaii, vy- "'"i liuujniuii, n. v., iiiigun, iiKanaer, LiUSiar Hi., fieppner, un-
rene, Heppner, clerk; Bartholomew, clerk; House, K. A., Heppner, mer- dertaker; O'Harra, Newt, Lexing-
Chas., Echo, farmer; Bartholomew, chant; Howe, Clara M Heppner, ton, farmer; Olden, Grant, lone,
Phebe, Echo, housewife; Bauman, housewife; Huber, Alex, lone, far- farmer; Orwick, Frances, Heppner,
Bernice, Heppner, housewife; Beach, mer; Hughes, Edwin, Lena, farmer; clerk.
WANTED to buy used irons, ap
pliances, electric motors, wash
ing machines, eto. Heppner Home
Service. 19tf
the N-of NW of SEy4, Sec
tion 36, Township 5 North of
Range 26 E. W. M., for the mi
nimum price of $80.00, cash.
T.TflHT nlants VinncrVit unA .cnlrl nr
serviced. For prices call 383. 32tf , THEREFORE, I will on the 24th
FOR SALE-Harry Jones ranch 12 L V f - ,
" 1 A. AA A HIT - i. J.1 i. J
milos from Heppner-2860 acres A"-w - m- ac ine llu aoor OJ
reasonably Ariced to sell, owner the Court House in Heppner, Ore
w 1
Stella Bailey,
land, Oregon.
M., ijexmgton, retired; Jtiea- Hughes, tiwyn, Jrieppner, laborer; paAvrtt rjarrpll Tone farmer:
10-00 A M at the front door of mer' Ralph' HePPner armer Bech" hughes, Mabel, Lena, farmer; Hum- Padberg( John H. Lexington, far
JrCottMHol t Sner Ori h 5 PWs, Leta M., Heppner pharm- mer; Padberg Louis j., Ione, far.
Jtsecnooit, w. w., iiardman, iarmer; acisi; nuni, Aiex, jjexmgton, jar- Mr. palmateer W G. Morgan,
' " nri cn cnU rn-anortv n trie riicrli- i-rCT-Ii"""' " 6.w, ji.. Palmateer, w. u., morgan,
Box 8626, Port- ff t0 Ae Becket, Chas., Eightmile, farmer; mer; Hunt, Elmer, Lexington, la- arer. L A- Legton,
37c est and best bidder.
FOR SALE-ood Potatoes; 4 miles gheriff Mornw
north of Cecil. J. W. Roberts 3 ELY,
FOR SALE Cedar posts 17-21 in-
Beckner, Lee, Ione, farmer; Beck- borer; Hunt, Mary, Lexington, farmer. Parker Frank E. HeDDnef.
ner, Tilghman, Ione, farmer; Benge, housewife; Hurst, Roy E., Cecil, farmer; peck, Burton H.,' Lexington
Ella, Heppner, housewife; Benge, merchant; Hynd, Herbert, Cecil, farmer; Peterson, Elmer, Ione, far-
Terrel L., Heppner, farmer; Bennett, farmer; Hastings, W. C, Heppner, mer; peterson, Oscar, Ione, farmer;
Lola, Heppner, housewife; Berg- laborer. Peterson. P C Ione. farmer; Petty-
strom, Carl, Ione, farmer; Berg- Instone, William H., Heppner, .-j Lexington, farmer;
ohps in si. 7 foot Inner rtnarnn. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Notice is herebv ttiven that the strom, E., Ione, farmer; Bergstrom, farmer; Isom, Blaine E., Heppner, ouackenbush. Rov. Hemmer. mer-
for 40c per post. 600 to 1000 in undersigned has been duly appoint- Ruth, Heppner, clerk; Bennett, Edd, salesman; Isom, Anna, Irrigon, chant
a load. Ferris McCoy, Hood River, administratrix of the estate of Heppner, clerk; Bibby, Reita, Hepp- housewife. Rauch, Fred, Echo, farmer; Renoe,
Ore. Phone 6122. 46-49c S. C. Salter, deceased, by the Coun- ner, housewife; Bisbee, Emeline F., Johnson, John J., Ione, farmer; Virgil( Ione laborer; Rice, Edward,
FOR qat F M t1 KoH t aA witn Court of Morrow County. Ore- Heppner, housewife; Bisbee, Louis Jackson, Ralph, Lexinington, mer. Lexington, farmer; Rietmann, David
2JTnrw!L 7c IZw and has accepted such trust. E, Heppner, merchant; Blake, Ken- chant; Jones, Alva, Heppner, far- Ionfij farmer; Rietmann, Juanita,
wLS nwS? T1 s? Ml Psons having claims against neth, Heppner, merchant; Brace, mer; Jones, Floyd R., Heppner, far- Ione housewife; Rietmann, Werner,
macnine motor, lei. od5, nepp- hereby notmei Frank D., Irrigon, farmer; Brace, mer; Jones, Ola N,. Lena, house- IonC( farmer; Ring Harvey, Ione,
to file the same with the adminis- Oran O., Ione, laborer; Breeding, wife; Jones, Ralph I., Lena, farmer; farmer; Rosewall, W. C, Heppner,
ESTRAYED 12 head of Ivan Cox's tratrix at the office of J. O. Turner, Albert, Lexington, laborer; Breslin, Jones, R. V., Irrigon, farmer. merchant; A. E. Rugg, Heppner,
cattle branded AK over bar on in Heppner, Oregon, on or before Ed, Heppner, fuel dealer; Brosnan, . Keithley, Howard, Heppner, la- merchant; Ruhl, Otto, Lexington,
left hip, round hole punched in six months from the date hereof. Jerry, Lena, farmer; Brown, Alta, borer; Kilkenny, W. P., Heppner, fag,.. Rumble, Frank, Heppner,
left ear; one cow of my own, Dated and first published this Heppner, housewife: Bryant, How- stockman; Krebs, John W. Cecil, laborer. Rutledee. H D. Irrigon, far-
ard, Heppner, farmer; Bryson, J. H. iarmer; jvunger, nanes, ixuigiun mer; Saling, F. Olney, Lexington,
Ione, mechanic; Buschke, Ed, Mor- farmer; Lanham, Conley, Heppner, farrner; Seehafer, Wm. G., Ione, far
gan, farmer. merchant; Lindstrom, Franklin, Shaffer, E. R., Heppner, sheep-
Campbell, May A. Lexington, lone", iarmer; Levesque, iouis, iex- man; Schunk, Albert, Heppner, car-
branded B with circle bar un- 25th day of January, 1945,
derneathi on right hip. Phone ADDIE F. SALTER
13F3, Lake Beckner, Heppner, 44-48 Administratrix
Ore. 46-49
ni.v,n Up fUWL T,,,.,if. r-1 m, T inonn farnnor- T.indfitrnm. Rov. tx:... T t
Notice is hereby given that the ' , , T t t va rr n.it
m or 1 Qconcior Krnrnr Hnrrknor ifiiif. mi it 1 . 1 niLYia. ncu. iicuuucn i.,iitii niunu Jti rasn lji'"
VUOV. V A J A A f 4. J-V--iV, A J , 7 ' ' '
Legal Notices ztott Title' ,Camichai' cl'
1 " W. Baird, deceased, with the Coun-
CITATION , tv Court of the State of Oregon.
Lexington, farmer; Chapin, Guy,
Hardman, farmer; Chinn, Edward,
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE for the County of Morrow and said ?e?Jmer' merchant; Chaffee; Mabel
STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Court has set Monday, the 26th R ILepPner' housewife; Clark Hen-
COUNTY OF MORROW. day of February, 1945, at the hour E- Ione' ; Cohn, Helen,
In the Matter of the ESTATE of of 11:00 A. M. of said day at the HePPnf - housewife; Cotter, Mabel,
OWEN T. FRENCH, County Court Room of the Morrow Ie, housewife; Cox, Ben, Hepp-
Deceased. . ' County Court House, as the time ner' er; Cox, Clara L., Hepp-
TO: Mary Kirk, Anna Potter, Em- and place of said hearing. All per- ner' housewife; Cox, Claude, Hepp-
ma Howard, Cecil Matteson, Mrs. sons having objections to said fi- ner' merchant: Cox, Dee Jr., Lex-
Durward Jones, Claude French, nal account are hereby required to on' iarer' oxen, Edna O.,
Rodney Collins, Helen Doner, file the same with said Court on HePPner housewife; Crajjer, J. E.,
Mae McPherrin, Ruth Davidson, or before the date set for said !Jardman, farmer; Crawford, Viola
T-v T -r
u., neppner, newspaperwoman;
Crawford, Wate C, Ione, farmer;
Currin, George, Echo, farmer; Cuts
foth, O. W., Lexington, farmer; Dal-
zell, Arthur, Condon, farmer; Dav-44-48
ison James F., Heppner, laborer;
Denney, Clyde, Lexington, farmer;
Mrs. Anna Howell, Mrs. Marjorie hearing.
Smith, Rita Egan and Roderick HENRY F. BAIRD
French: Administrator
Greetings: . J. O. Turner, attorney for
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE e administrator of said
OF nRF.nnw- v uu estate.
.u iuueu u appear m tne um. niSAi. Accuuwr Devine, Claud W., Lexington, far
County Court of the State of Ore- Notice is hereby given that the mer. Devine) Pearl; Heppner, houe
gon, ior the County of Morrow, in undersigned executrix of the estate wife; l gr neppner) mer-
the Court Room thereof, at the of Robert McCullough, deceased, chant; Dinges, Bertha, Lexington,
County Court House in Heppner, has filed her final account of her housewife; Dinges, Harry, Lexing
Morrow County, Oregon, at the administration of said estate with ton rnerchanf Dillon Charles
hour of 11:00 in the forenoon of the the County, Court of Morrow Coun- Boardman, farmer; Dobyns, Noel!
2nd day of April, 1945, then and ty, Oregon, and said court fixed Tna t. n,mo wQit. i.
there to show cause, if any you Monday, the 5th day of March 1945 fQ '. rvi,L -rIa t' tJ
miy uic auiiujiisuauu 01 me ai uie iiuui uj. xi uuuta xi.. ivi, ui
1 mm
C0m 0H IN-AHD BE .
ington, farmer; Doherty, Neil, Ione,
estate of Owen T. French, deceased, said day at the Court House, at far ' Doherty, Wm.'j,, Lexing-
WIUUJU 11UL &eu lne real Property or neppner, uregoo, as uu; ume ana tQn farmer; Dolvin, Raymond M.,
said estate, described as follows: All place for hearing objections to said Lexington farmer- Drake Cleo
L,t ? in B1ck ne (1) 0f final fCC0Unt settle?ent lone, clerk; Drake, Emma K.', Hepp-
Ayers Third Addition to the City of said estate and all persons hav- n housewife. Drake) Ray, Hepp-
of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore- ing objections thereto are hereby ner, farmer; Duran, Moses E Hepp-
gon, in order to distribute the sum required to file same with said farmer1 Duvall H L Lexing-
i jt p , , , , . 1 1 r .1 x e: j ' ' --7 ' 0
receivea mereior to tne neirs ot court on or oeiore trie ume nxea on farmer Dykstra,
saia estate as tney are enuuea ac- ior saiu. nearuig,
cording to law. Dated and first published this 1st
WITNESS, the Honorable Bert day of February, 1945.
Johnson, Judge of the County Court MARGUERITE CHAPIN
of the State of Oregon for the Coun- 45-49 Executrix
ty of Morrow, with the seal of said NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT
Uourt ariixed this Sftn day ot Deb
ruary, 1945.
Cloy W,
Heppner, farmer.
Edwards, Alonzo, Lexington, well
driller; Edwards, Mary, Lexington,
housewife; Ekstrom, Herbert, Ione,
Elder, George, Ione, farmer; Ely,
Franklin, Cecil, farmer; Emert, Del-
Notice is hereby given that the bert, Ione, farmer; Esteb, Ione, far
undersigned administratrix of the mer; Eubanks, John, Ione, farmer;
estate of C. W. McNamer, deceas- Evans, Earl, Lexington, farmer;
ed, has filed with the County Court Evans, Mrs. Geo., ' Heppner, house
of the State of Oregon for Morrow wife; Evans, Harold, Heppner,
County her final account of her farmer; Farris, John, Ione, mer-
NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT administration of said estate and chant; Farley, James Sr., Heppner,
Notice is hereby given that the said court has fixed Monday, March laborer; Ferguson, E. 0 Heppner,
undersigned executrix of the es- 12th 1945 at the hour of 10:00 a. m. farmer; Ferguson, Raymond, Hepp-(
(Court Seal) County Clerk.
by the slickest and most fascinating little device you ever saw.
Watch it clean gears 'til they shine like a new dollar. Evn
the metal pores are cleaned and all of the accumulation of tar
gum and worn-out grease in transmissions and differential It
gone in a matter of minutes.
Car manufacturers say For longer life clean and rtfifl
transmissions and differentials every 5,000 miles.
. Start fresh today with gears "handkerchief-clean." Com
on in . . , we'll show you how DEE TEE works-FREEl
We have an experienced lubrica
tion man on our lube rack and are
able almost always to give you a
lubrication job on your car. Bring
your car in or phone for an appoint
ment. Hodge
Chevrolet Co.