Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 22, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, February 22, 1945
AAA News . - .
crease is in prospect for the current for appendicitis in a Walla Walla
season on the basis of present world hospital baturday.
consumption prospects, the USDA
Annrximatelv 36.000 DickuDS and
110,000 medium trucks have been WASTE FATS NEEDED
One of the added attractions of
ur trophy case is the "Elliott
110,000 medium trucks have been TmnW Thpse words are engraved
authorized for production in 1945, The fat salvage situation s very SttcTSS
but there is no assurance that ma- acute and unless the collection of "j s . , , ,.. ... o11
1 1 1 1 1 .f 4 -i li 11 Li Oil III till bUlUUl LVJ lust iwiuau
teriab will keep pace with produc- used household fats can be mcreas- mQst outstanding
ea it may De necessary xo ration - , r
soap. Save your waste fats to help football player to be engraved ach
meet war and civilian needs.
tion schedules. If all these trucks
are manufactured and none are ta
ken by the army, the total number
would fill less than one-fourth of FARM PLAN SIGN UP
the estimated essential civilian re- farmer- who has not signed
quirements. Applications received at farm pia should call at the
the btate onice tor new iarm trucKS
are several times the number ex
pected to be released for Oregon
Copper wire supplies for farm
and other civilian use are expected
year. lieorge voiie, m, iresn
man" I. H. S. is justly proud of this
beautiful trophy.
As the basketball season draws to
n tAriRt with the last same rjlaved
AAA office the next time he is in whh Rufus Xuesday night we feel
town- the season has been a good one.
We have played a total of 23 games,
11 on the home floor and 12 played
away; with eight games in our
Volley ball team (girls) have
played six games this season. They
have all played a good game and
Irrigon News Notes
By Beth Russell
Roy Minnick and Mr. and Mrs.
to be materially reduced during the 1)311 mi were Pendleton visitors
next few months and farmers may Thursday.
' rr' 1. ! "VTtc Trtr aoi xri c l fori TVTr
even experience amicuiiy in pur- ... , ..fi
chasing copper wire with certifi- and Mrs. Harry Smith and family forward to a more successful
cates. The allotment of copper wire Sunday,
season next year.
for farm use for the first quarter Mrs. Glenn O'Brien and small The G. A. A. invited the boys to
of 1945 is the smallest since the son, Chester, left for Riverside Cal- a Valentin party we in or reo,
program began.
A broad look at
the future of
fciishanri Rhp nlans Everyone had a wonderful time.
to make her home there as long as The highlight of the evening was
Mr. O'Brien is stationed there. the scavenger hunt which was a
. . . 4 1 ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minnick and mad scramble and sucn a close tie
Boy Scout officials here have
been informed that the paper drive
scheduled for Saturday has been.
postponed until March 3. This news
has relieved the minds of some of
the council inasmuch as some of
them have numerous , other duties
to perform that day. It is understood
that Umatilla county asked for
postponement due to inability to
ship the paper this week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn and
Mrs David Wilson returned home
from Seattle and Bremerton, Wash.
Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Cohn
visited their son, Philip, ART3c,
who is stationed in Seattle and Mrs.
Wilson visited her mother, Mrs.
Jennie Elder, in Bremerton.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy are
in Portland for a few days this week
on business. They went down on
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doherty are
the parents of a son born Feb. 9
at St, Anthony's hosital in Pendleton.
Being short of meat points and
needing the rest, we will close
each Tuesday.
Turkey Dinner
$1.00 per plate
Jone, Oregon
Roy and Betty Lieuallen
k A 1 1 i 0 A
u 13 n a p w a v daughter, Luella, visited Hrmiston it is hard to tell who won. The girls
culture Claude R. Wickard, m his X..' vnw&. rhaTmoA ih Kovs to a vollev ball
m 1111 I 11 ISl I I t-."1?4 I' 1 IllJfl V. I VI 1 . .iVAllllllIV. w4Miy,iiHv .v r- j - J
, . , 7 on business Friday. Mr. Minnick challenged the boys
WnlCu ne . . , t- , 1 I o J nAW i n rr rmir florofl
expects to go to .rortiana. ounaay game auu cuici uu"'6
where he will receive mdical treat- to the boys costumes they managed
ment. to win. A delicious lunch was served
Mrs. Herman Duus was a Hermis- and valentines exchanged. Ella Mae
ton visitor Monday. Grim and Leonard Aldrich were
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grider of honored as king and queen.
Irrigon and Mr. and Mrs. W. Bran- High school honor roll students
don of Boardman made a business for the past semester are: Kathleen
trip to Vale this week. . Poulson, Loretta White, Delpha
Sunday services were held at the- Markham, Ella Mae Grim, seniors;
Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock Clarke Stephens, Clara Fraser and
Farm machinery production for Rev. Kenneth B. Daniels of Loraine Schneider, juniors; Bob
1945 is running about 23 percent Portland officiating. Brown, David Rand and Shirley
behind schedule. This is due to the Delos Knighten, who has been Miller, sophomores; and LeRoy
manpower shortage and heavy milr flowing gardens in town lately Schneider, freshmen; '
itary demand for malleable and grey was a dinner guest of Clark Steph-
iron castings. Wheel tractors,- repair ens Sunday. " VALBY CHURCH SERVICES
parts and attachments are expected. f jg. Elliott attended a meeting of Worship services both morning
WOOL. CARRY-OVER LARGE the teachers recruitment committee and evening have been scheduled
World carry-over of wool on July of the state department of educa- at Valby church in Gooseberry,
1, 1944 was much larger than in tion at La Grande last week-end. Sunday, Feb. 25. Rev. Muir of Port
any previous year and a further in- Edwin Hinkley was operated on land will be in charge.
annual report for 1944 in
stressed the continued need in the
post war period of soil conservation,
erosion control practices and re
seeding of land to grasses and le
gumes. "The nation's soil resources
are its capitol stock, of which the
farmers are the chief custodians,"
the report stated.
He Plants the Seeds
The farmers from
coast to coast
are helping
us win!
Farmers, for all your needs see us. We can
supply you with what' you want. Ours is a
complete line of farming equrpment and sup
plies. Let us help you meet ttie maximum
goal in production.
Braden Tractor & Equipment
The truck line formerly owned and op
erated by Clyde Nutting, Heppner, is
under the name of
Heppner, lone, Portland
Truck Line -
This truck is to remain in Morrow
county to serve this area.
It is now completely reconditioned and
ready for your service.
C. R. Gomillian
Hotel heppner
N. Schmaltz cV Sons
Peters Building, Heppner
Roofing and Siding Contractors and
For Information Write Box 726, Hepp
ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore.
Sea Foods are Healthful
Eat Them Often
We try to keep shell fish on hand in sea
son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often
especially with meat points what they
are and may get to be shortly.
You are always welcome at the
Elkhorn Restaurant