P-TA Told Home Security Safeguard To Nation's Future Stressing-the objects of the or ganization, Mrs. C. G. Davis of The Dalles, regional vice president of the Oregon Parent-Teachers assoc iation, told the Heppner chapter that home security is essential to the future stability of the nation. Mrs. Davis was guest speaker at the Founders day program given in the music room of the school and made several observations relative to ed ucation of the child. Every parent should make a se cure home because children need this sense of security; a musical education of some kind is needed in every school and in every child's life; juvenile delinquency is due to the great numbers of youthful workers below the age of 18 and because of the many mothers in war work, and she explained how the P-TA is caring for these children; recreation shouul be developed so that when our soldiers come home they will have something to help them while they are adjusting themselves to routine life; spiritual education is a necessity for all these and other points highlighted the speaker's talk. She also empha sized the fact that school property belongs, not to the school boards, but to the taxpayers and that these buildings should always be avail able to the community. EVENING IN MtiRO A car of Eastern Star members went to Moro this afternoon. Mrs. Claude Graham had been invited by the Moro chapter, to be present and participate in the initiation of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Becket this evening. Accompanying her were Robert Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson and Mrs James Thomson Jr. HERE FROM PORTLAND Mrs. Joel R. Benton has been in Heppner for a few days and is a guest at the Herbison home. She came on business, expecting to be here just a day or two but remained to attend the funeral of her friend, Mrs. Mary Eila Barnett of Lexing ton. Mrs. Benton resides in Port land where she is assistant pastor in one of the churches. HERE FROM BOARDMAN Pet Slavin from Boardmanwas transacting business in Heppner Wednesday. VISIT LA GRANDE Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix took their granddaughter JoJean to La Grande Friday for eye examination and treatment. While there a snow storm broke over the Blue moun tains and they were obliged to stay over until highway crews could clear the highway. MAKES BUSINESS TRIF Mrs. John Saager, representing the Gordon Drug store, went to Portland the first of the week to attend buyers week for druggists. She returned home Wednesday evening. HAVING EYES TREATED Lawrence Miles, sawyer at the plant of the Heppner Lumber com pany, left Sunday night for Portland where he will spend several weeks having his eyes treated. He will have several cataracts removed. AN OVERSIGHT In mentioning the marriage of S. Sgt. John McRoberts in the issue of Feb. 15, the Gazette Times fail ed to mention that Mrs. Austin Devin is the groom's mother. We regret this oversight and hereby offer our apology. ATTENDING BUYERS' WEEK Miss Leta Humphreys is in Port land this week attending druggists' buyers week. She plans to remain in the city over the week-end in order to hear Roland Hayes, inter nationally famous negro tenor who gives a concert there Sunday after noon. ' HOME FROM HOSPITAL William Y. Ball returned Monday from Pendleton where he spent a few days in the hospital receiving treatment for an infection of the nose. The infection is about cleared up and he expects to' return to -his post at the Central Market in a few days. COUNTY COURT REPORT FOR JANUARY 1945 The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved. The Court orders the bid of the Union Oil Company at the rate of 17c per gallon accepted. The Court orders that Block 21, Wills Addition to lone be leased to Morrow County AAA for one year at a rental of $50 per year with an option to have another year or more at the same rate. The Court selected the Heppner Gazette Times as the official paper for Morrow County for the year 1945. ' The Court orders that after March 1 dog licenses shall be collected for at the rates of $2 for male and spayed female and $4 for female. The Court orders that no employe of the County, working in Ccvrt house shall- receive r two weeks vacation with-pay until said em ploye shall have worked one year. Heppner Gazette Times, February 22, 1945 5 The Court orders the publication and sale of the following county property: Lot 6 in Block 1 of the City of lone, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $10.00, , cash. Lots 1 to 8 inclusive in Block 7 of the City of Boardman, Mor row County, Oregon, for the minimum price of $100.00, cash. All of Lot D in the City of Boardman, Morrow County, Ore gon, for the minimum price of $20.00, cash. The Court grants the request of C. J. D. Bauman for leave of ab sence from his duties of Sheriff of Morrow County during the time he is in the armed forces of the United States and appoints John H. Fuiten as Sheriff pro tem. The Court drew the following names for a Circuit Court jury list for Morrow County for the year Continued on Pape Seven EARLY MEETING SCHEDULED The Women's auxiliary of All Saints Episcopal church will meet at 2 p m. Friday, Feb. 23 in the par ish house. Mrs; William P. Reming ton of Pendleton and Mrs. Percy Hughes of Milton, president of the Church Womens Service league of the Eastern Oregon diocese, will be special guests and speakers on the program. Members and friends are urged to be present. IT PAYS TO HAVE IT RIGHT A complete accounting service including payroll-tax reports, periodic financial statements and tax counsel. Have your books kept up-to-date by a qualified accountant INCOME TAX REPORTS Harry Nelson Hotel Heppner Blda. Phone 2392 Keep Healthy with VITAMINS r They may be just the spark you need to pep you up for. your day s work. Bexel 100 for $1.98 Ironized Yeast 60 for 98c Halibut Liver Oil 100 for 79c McKesson's ABGD 100 for 2.39 Supermalt 11 ounces for 1.25 and other brands GORDON'S DRUG STORE II f EDUCATIONAL I ' fil y I ADVISORY I NkT I i COMMITTEE fr'hiP " "V A I ii to the A j :d Oregon 0mm '""""N, " Sx I ! JOHN SAAGER, Owner PSSTVJI II " ' i ' PAY LICENSE THIS MONTH After March I the price will be double N 0)A iS'"00 eaC'1 ma'e or sPayed female 2 for each male and soaved female U for each female JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff and Tax Collector Mairch n (fJ ii v: