-3 O o r- o ?3 O o 2 .' . U O . h -) o O O -.i NeWS From TU T. The Front ROBERT HOSKINS INJURED Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoskins Sr. have received word that their son. Robert, inured jrecently at Fort having started early this week, an Benning, Ga., is able to be out of the nounces Mrs. Ted Smith, chairman hospital for a time. Robert received of the Heppner community. Mrs. a fracture knee and a wrenched Smith chose her district workers hin while iummne from a plane dur- ing training practice. He hopes to be c ,, r - - - . . able to come home for a while, ac cording to the telegram received by his parents. HAYES-RICE Jeff Hayes, AMMlc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes of Condon, Kenneth Blake, Mrs. Emery Coxen, and Miss Bonnie Lee Rice of Con- J. Nys, Mrs, Cornett Green, Mrs. don, were married in that city, Mrs. Alva Jones, Mrs. Fred Ross, Wednesday, Feb. 21. The young Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs. Harvey couple will live for the present in Bauman, Mrs. Ed Bennett, Mrs. Seattle where he is now stationed Harvey Miller and Blaine E. Isom. after two years in the south Pacific. Other sections of the county are Mrs. Al Lovgren and Mrs. Louis going ahead with the canvass and it Letrace, aunts of the groom, went is expected that the drive will be over to Condon to attend the concluded much earlier than previ wedding. ous vears- "V ' " Appeals from our boys in the ser- REPORTED MISSING vice are coming from the various Mrs. Carl McDaniel has received- sectors. The Red Cross , has been word that her brother, George doing a magnificent job for the ser Smith of Condon, a merchant mar- vice men, they state, . and nearly. ine was on board a transport that was blown up in the Pacific and it is reported there were no survivors. JOINS HUSBAND IN KANSAS Mrs. Albert Bailev rceived a wire from her husband, telling of his transfer from Florida to Hutchinson Kansas. Mrs. Bailey will meet Slc Bailey there where he will receive further training. AT REST CAMP According to information receiv ed in a letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, Lt. Jackson Gil liam is now in a rest camp in the Philippines after strenuous activ ities in the war in the Pacific. FINISHES BOOT TRAINING Joe McLaughlin, S 2c, son of C. N. McLaughlin, is home for five days on boot leave from the naval . . . . . T .1 Tx inumng cemei . is interesting to note that Joe com- pletes the family circle, teW fifth son in service. The other bro- thers are Dan, GM3,c awaiting as- signment in Florida; Jim Pfein tne marine corps; Jack, Slc and Hugh Pfc m the Marines. HOME ON LEAVE Alton B. Christenson S3c arrived . , . . , , Thursday evening to spend part of a 20-day leave with his mother, Mrs. Chester Brown at Monument. He was accompanied by Miss Jean ette McDonald of Portland. While in Heppner, Seaman Christenton and Miss McDonald were guests of Mrs. C. J. D. Bauman. Mrs. Norma Greener came in from? Reed's Mill to see her brother and stayed until Monday with Mrs. Bauman. TOWN TEAM WINS ONE LOSES ONE DURING WEEK . Hcppner's town basketball team got in the groove or on the beam or some other type of jive Satur day night and took the 99th Engi neers team from Rufus to the clean ers to the tune of 43 to 25 at the school gymnasium. Monday evening the 129th Engi neers sent a quint up to redeem the reputation of the army, which they proceeded to do, although the Townies gave them a run for the money up until the final quarter when they grew weary. The final score was 46 to 31. La Verne Van Marter has taken the Townies under his wing and Has scheduled a second game witn tfte latn at Arlington next wecu nesday evening. The Townies will play lone there Friday evening of this week. Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 22, 1945 Rd Cro5S Annual Member - War Funcf Drive Opens Here Opening of the annual Red Cross memership and war fund drive, scheduled for March 1, has been set ahead by the Morrow county chap ter. The drive is underway here, last week and permission was grant- j i ji . . it. ui u.e week or so in advance of the pre viously announced date. Assisting Mrs. Smith are the fol lowing people selected from several sections ' of Heppner: Mrs. Ad Moore, Mrs. Clyde Nutting, Mrs. J. every man writing" about it urges the folks at home to be just as gen erous as circumstances will permit. Rev. Bennie Howe is chairman of the county chapter. . O ; ' '. ' JorgC-ISOI. Named . AS liepptierKa tiger Glen Jorgensen, assistant -district ranger in iy44, nas been named to succeed Fred F. Wehmeyer as ran ger of the Heppner district. This in formation was released from the headquarters of the Umatilla Nat- ional forest at Pendleton early this week. Jorgensen was iirst assigned, to work in the Heppner district in 1940. He is exceptionally well qual- ilied for the position through a background of varied experience in forestry work, officials declare. Jorgensen was raised on a farm in northeastern Washington, gradu- ated in forestry from Washington State college at PuUman and seryed in various capacities on different forests in Region gix He alsQ wag employed by Soil Conservation seryice as technician in range man. agement for a His work in Heppner district in 6wiaj- &ivc3 ou ' 1 i "ZC that will be of real value in the execution ot his work in the position assigned. The new ranger and his family have made Heppner their home for the past year and are sincerely pleased at the prospect of making this place their permanent home. SALE OF STRAIGHT HOUSE COMPLETED THIS WEEK A 1 1 1. .... x .axe nas oeen pending se- veral weeks was completed thi; week when papers bearing the sig natures of all heirs were returned, legalizing transfer of title of the W. E. Straight house to Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe and Mrs. L. E. Dick Jr. The new owners of the property have plans" to make six apartments of the house, which occupies a corn Priorities for materials have been manding site on North Court street, granted and work will start on the alterations shortly after the first of March. ATTEND CONCERT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engkraf, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Cox and Mrs. R. C. Lawrence are going to Pendleton this evening to attend the concert being given by th chorus of the St. Joseph academy. All three families will be represented by their daugh- ters who are students at the school, Pioneer Resident Of County Dies at Home in Lexington Mary Ella Barnett Located on Farm Here 61 Years Ago Funeral services for Mary Ella Barnett, 80, were held at 2 o'clock iU . uiis aneriioon at ine afternoon at the Christian Lexington with O. Wen dell Herbison, pastor of the Hepp- nerChurch of Christ, officiating and arrangements in charge of the Case Morturary. Mrs. Barnett's death oc curred about 11:30 a. m. Tuesday, the result of a paralytic stroke Feb. 10 and a recurrence Monday eve ning. She had been in poor health for some time but was able to be up and around most of the time un til stricken. - Complete funeral arrangements had not been made in time to make them available for publication. However, pallbearers were selected and include George N. Peck, Charl es Marquardt, Alonzo Henderson, Harry Dinges, Ralph Jackson and Earl Warner. Interment was made in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Lexington be side the grave of her husband, the late' William, F. Barnett, who pre ceded, her; in death Dec. 29, 1939. Mary Ella. Nichols was born Feb. 8. 18G5. the daughter of R. A. and Elizabeth Nichols, who resided near Sparta, Miss. The family moved north to Arkansas where, on Oct, 14. 1880. she was married to Mr, Barnett. In April 1884 they .moved v'0'f . Morrow county where they ac re thev ac- quired a tract of land north of Lexington and which is still owned by the family. In 1902, Mr. and Mrs. Barnett moved into Lexington, hav ine acauired a mercantile business which is still operated by their dau- ghters, Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker. A few years before Mr. Barnett passed away he built a iarge an& comfortable residence, one 0f tne finer homes of the county wnere he and his wife each spent their last years., Mrs. Barnett had been affiliated with the church for 60 years. She & member of ington church of Christ and always took . fa &s long as her heaith permitted. Suxviving are two daughters, Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina parker: ' two sisters. Mrs. N. A. lieacn oi .roruana ana ivirs. ivunme U U1Cer 0t uanoma: lw Dro" tho T. Vf. Nirhn s of Lexintrton and R. A. Wash., and relatives. Nichols of a number Puyallup, of other PARENTS RECEIVE SON'S AWARD Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson Wed nesday received a Purple Heart awarded posthumously to their son Kay, who lost his life in action on " e western front Dec. 21, 1944. Kay's parents had previously re- ceived information that he was buried in Belgium with regular bu- rial service by an army chaplain, Tuesday's release of soldiers killed on the western front contained Kay's name, the first official men- tion reieased to the press o RETURNS FROM PORTLAND Mrs. Josie Jones returned to Hep pner Saturday evening after spend ing several weeks in the city, called there by the death of her son-in law, H. L. Stiles. Mrs. Stiles came with her and will make her home with her mother. RECOVERING SLOWLY Leonard Pate. DrinciDal of Her. pner high school is reported recov- ering slowly from a major surgical operation performed at Pendleton Monday. He is a sick man but has passed the crisis, lt is stated. OPA Orders Meat Market to Refund On Locker Rentals Following a hearing here Wed nesday evening, the OPA ordered Mrs. Mabel Burkenbine, proprietor of the Heppner Market, to refund on locker rentals to the extent of $455 or thereabouts. The order specified that Mrs Burkenbine should write certified checks for each alleged overcharge of locker rent, mail the checks to the OPA office in Port land which in turn will mail them to renters. Mrs. Burkenbine was accused by the OPA of having violated a ruling made January 1 or about that time this year, which placed lockers un der service rental rather than pro perty rental. But the other side of was notified by William McCaleb . t the first of September 1944 that he would have to raise her renl,. She sought advice at the local office and was informed that under the cir cumstances she could raise her locker rentals. This she did, then following the. January 1 ruling she was told that she had acted in vio lation of the OPA law. Members of the local price panel hearing the testimony were Conley Lanham, P. A. Mollahan, Mrs. Earl Blake, Mrs. D. M. Ward, all of Hep pner and W. B. Rice of lone. Roy Quackenbush, -another member, re fused to stay after hearing what the charge was about. , . Radar OOmething Discussed Only in .Drtpfl. rirr pc " Radar is something about which only those studying it know the answers, for it has not become com mon enough to be made a topic of discussion except in class rooms. For that reason, Ted Ferguson, home on leave from training base at Corpus Christi, Tex., could not enlighten the 30 or more folks in attndance at Monday's luncheon of the chamber of commerce. For the duration, ct least, radar must re main more or less secluded from the public as there are features about it which still are not known to the enemy, Ted explained. Raymond Parrish also was a guest of the luncheon group and since he expects to sign up for a course in radar he was reluctant to discuss the subject. Orville Smith introduced W. B. iliary a success Monday evening. A Kennedy, contractor and builder, talk by Dick Ferguson, home on who has been working in Lexing- leave from navy training, and song ton and vicinity the past year and and recitation by young people who, Smith stated, will superintend from the school formed the major construction of the Heppner Lum- portion of the entertainment, ber company's new dry kiln. Ken- Ferguson spoke briefly of his ex nedy was engaged in alteration and periences in training camp, where construction work for the Jackson he is completing a course in radar. Implement company and in work- A trio of high school girls, Jean ing over several residences in Lex- Turner, Marian Miller and Carolyn ington. He also modernized the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Duvall in the Blackhorse area. B. C. Pinckney gave an account of his experiences in trying to lo- cate the proper authorty in relation to the Heppner housing project. He spent practically one half of a day running from one building to "nnolh- er in Portland housing government agencies before iinding one knew something about, the set-up. that local AUXILIARY PREPARES ATTRACTIVE WINDOW National Defense week is being brought to the attention of passers by through an attractive window disPlay .in, the Humphreys Drug store window. .Pictures, tiags and other emblems signifying the things for which America stands are grouped in a manner to tell the story in a graphic manner. American Legion auxiliary and the The window is sponsored by the decorating is the work of Mrs. Ken. neth Blake and Mrs. Alva Jones. . n - o . 1 c: j Volume 61, Number 48 - r New $75,000 Unit To Be Constructed At Sawmill Plant Go Ahead Given For Dry Kiln By Heppner Lbr. Co. Announcement of the construc tion of a new dry kiln at the plant of the Heppner Lumben company was made Monday by Orville Smith, general manager, who stat ed that work will begin by March 1 and it is expected the new unit will be ready for use late in June. The kiln will be of sufficient size to handle the entire output of the mill and will be built at a cost of It has been the desire of the mill company to put up a dry kiln ever since reconstruction of " the plant following the fire in early 1943. , During the past few months it has been impossible to keep up with orders for dry lumber, making a kiln daily more necessary, and it was finally decided to go ahead with the new unit. While Smith did not go into de- t ; " ""'f structed of tile brick. It will require five carloads of the tile and one of cement, which indicates a size- able structure. A site across the railroad track opposite' the sawmill has been se lected as the location of the kiln. Workmen have been busy this week moving lumber piles off this land sin preparation for construction work. With the completion of the dry kiln the Heppner Lumber company will have one of the best equipped small plants in this area. With but few exceptions, all men employed at the plant work under cover, in suring as much com'.ort as possible, for year around operation. Workmen are engaged in install ing a second boiler at the mill so that when the kiln is ready for op eration there will be plenty of steam for all puiposes. Youths Appear on Auxiliary Program Youth contributed a large share to making the Americanism pro gram of the American Legion aux- Bauman, with Jean at the piano, sang several songs, and Darrell Blake gave a recitation. -Ihe auxiliary voted a contnbu- tion to the Red Cross, ordered books for the library dedicated to the boy3 in service, and appointed a commit- tee to arrange for r memorial to our service men and women from Morrow county. BOARDMAN REMOVES HEPPNEIl FROM RACE Heppner's Mustang quintet will rest while the Umatilla and Board man teams go to John Day to try to wrest district honors from the boys over that way. Boardmun stop- ped the Mustangs cold Monday eve- ning, after Umatilla administered a aeieat io tne local squaa rriaay evening. In Heppner's behalf it is only fair to state that enlistments in the arm- ed forces created a handicap which Coach Pate could not overcome, es- pecially since he was ill most oi the season. This is no alibi it is just the plain truth. O o rn H