Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 15, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, February 15, 1945
Si 00 Fine IrtlDOSed beer at a local P61153 but Jt could secure good jobs in other Mrs. W. C. Rosewall, no other new the -other hand, should Boardman
. f is stated that someone more sym- plants located where housing was construction has been granted here defeat Umatilla, Heppner immed-
FCT IntOXICation pathetic than the bartender got a more plentiful and of a higher for the duration. . iately is eliminated. ,
For .beins intoxicated in a nublic bottle of the cheering brew and order. This was causing discon- Friday night, while- praying for
place, Marion Earl Redding was helped him a little farther towards tent among local workers, several Q jLv U- II
sentenced to pay a $100 fine and the justice's office Kis Oregon li- of whom moved away, creating a" 4.CSCI
spend 50 days in the county jail quor license has been cancelled. labor shortage at the plant and a Continued from First Page
factors in the Mustane's defeat.
Hager Saturday. The jail sentence M m,BIV1,BC TT?IT, placements. The city authorities Although this game dispelled all AmCNCCiniSIT! lO be
was later suspended but it will be and the chamber of commerce en- hopes ot the league cnampionsnrp AYjljnrv TU
:ort lor the Mustangs, it does not enm- ---
Umatilla to win, Heppner plays a
double-header with Lexington and
the strong Arlington team.
difficult for RpdrW tn spcnro tb UU3 iNiKanaer spent several days tered into the nicture in an effort
' intoxicating fluid sinice the justice in Portland this week buying new to secure more ilnd housing, inate their chances to go to the
issued an order of interdiction, stock t0 -ase Jfurmture com
meaning, in the parlance of the Pany
"street", that he is "siwashed." ' .
Redding was picked up by State iJ. e'
Officer Edgar Albert and turned nOUSing i
over to local authorities. He was Continued irom jnrst Pae
Americanism will be the theme
The city took steps to regain con- district tournament. Provision nas u xbi mxmdiy program
trol of prbperty leased to the fed- been made for the two teams that at the regular meeting of the group
eral government for the CCC camp finish first and second in the final Monday evening in the Legion hall,
and after obtaining an agreement league standings to go to the dis- There wiU asb be a talk on, Girls
paramount to a relinquishment, en- trict tournament at John Day. State and following the program
wJ a ,nntrt ,itfc tha TTpn League standings at present are as the auxiliary will join with the
charged with disorderly conduct Lack of adequate housing facilities pner Lumber company whereby follows: Umatilla is tops with one siuh feuauinaiB ana a soc-
while under the influence of intox- was working a hardship on the the company leased buildings on the loss, Boardman second with two lal tlme- -
icating liquor. He had been refused company inasmuch as mill hands city property and converted some defeats and Heppner third with ' Mrs. K. K. Blake, national de-
of them into apartments. These three defeats.'-lone ana imgra, ' u, ""B
were readily occupied and still the other league memers, have been play to be placed in the window at
demand for houses has not been eliminated by too numerous losses. Humphreys drug store next week,
met Heppner's only hope now lies in that being national defense week in
It' is expected that several people the fact that Umatilla and Board- the Auxiliary,
will take advantage of this oppor- man have a game yet to play in The auxiliary sorted and packed
tunity to construct new houses, which these two teams tangle at more than one ton of clothing and
some of them for homes, others for Umatilla Friday night. Should Urn- shoes for Russian relief. The ma
rent. Numerous conversion jobs atilla, the favorite, win, Heppner terial was gathered principally by
are under way or have been re- and Boardman would be tied for school children of the county and
cently completed under a previous second place with three defeats brought to the Red Cross rooms
approval, but aside from the spec- each. This would necessitate a where the packing and tying were
ial permission granted Mr. and playoff game on a neutral floor. On done.
Star Reporter
Friday-Saturday, Feb. 16-17
Action, Music and Fun in
The Big Bonanza
1-ivingston, Gabby Hayes, Lynne " j-MuC, -
Tuesday, Feb. 20
Youth Runs Wild
Bonita Granville, Kent Smith.
telligently presents d.
Sagebrush Heroes
Charles Slnrrctt. Constance Worth.
One Mysterious Night hsSiJsmmy WakeIy and
Roberts, Bobby Driscoll
This film replaces "Utah," advertis
ed for these dates, which the distri
butors cannot furnish at this time.
Chester Morris
Jnnis Carlcr,
George E. Stone
A western with music.
A Boston Blackie adventure story.
Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 21-22
The Climax
Sunday-Monday. Feb. 1S.19
The 'Dohzlrh
Ann Sheridan, Alexis Smith, Jane Tinhim Hey, Susanna Fotor, Boris
Wyuian. Jack Carsrn, Eve Ardcn. Karlolf, Gale Sondergaaid, Scot
Irene Manning;, Charles Rugglcs, ty Beckett .
' 0 A,a" Mouhrny. A worthy successor to "The Phan-
WhSn ?lfT CTd-u" tom of the ra" eally rich
Washington Glories, decked out with . . . ' . . . ,
a strong cast and punctuated with ln Technicolor, beautiful music,
delightful chuckles to keep you beautifully sung and splendid per-
happy. formances.
WonderfuEly Dct!!cd Drsss er CgsugI
Coats for Cusinsss or Social Hours.
Flattering, spring-like pas
tels in smooth, attractive
jWeaves, cut with a know
ing flair. Clever buttons,
nice detailing and lining.
9 to 40.' "
y N
' f. M I f m If
L: '"'I
Arf;-- If
' hi i
Castrni COATS
Chesterfields with unusual
touches pf velvet at the
trim collar, buttons, pock
ets.Fitted or boxy. 9 to 40.
A perfect answer to that hungry feeling at any time
of day.
We have a variety of flavors to offer
for the week-end.
The entire family likes our
Ice Creams
v Acs;
on the following sized tires:
4:75 x 19
5:50 x 16
6:00 x 16
6:50 x 15
6:50 x 16
7:00 x 15
1 1 :00 x 20
Mast of fchs passangor carftiras lisfcad above fare
available in 4- and 6-pIy.
Bring your tire certificates -for quick service.
Your Firestone Dealer