6 Heppner Gazette Times, February 15, 1945 klAU, KJnf ac ' SteagaU were Walla Walla and but the Umatilla girls were in the IITigon neWS rOreS pen(ileton visitors Friday. lead most of the time. Final scores By Beth Russell Mr and Mrs, j. A. shoun recentiy were 21-10 and 21-11, both games in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and received word that their son T 51c the Umatilla girls favor. The Irri family have had numerous visitors Andrew M. Shoun, was among Son toys second string basketball lately. Miss Ellen Miller and Miss those boys who were awarded med- team won over the Umatilla second Betty Mencil visited them last Tues- als for the building of army hospi- team wlth a score of f irst day and Wednesday. Mrs. Robert tals in Cherbourg, general construe stnnS teams won 48 to 16 in Uma Myers and daughter Kathleen spent tioh and good conduct in France. a s avor all this week with them returning William Gollyhorn has returned "g011 vs Boardman girls volley to their home in Zillah Sunday. home from e Umatilla Ordnance 11 games reulted in score of 21-4 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Duby, Mr. and hospital and is improving. and 21-1 in Irrigons favor. Mrs. Frank Winson and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minick and .e fV? Jurry Ann, from Toppenish Wash., daughter, Luella, and Mr. and Mrs. w-th -lt uL J nr ipent Sunday at the home of Mr. Darf Hill and family were Pendleton "TJ1 d! ? L SSwJ and Mrs. Henry Miller. visitors Friday evening. J 8' 8Core 44'19 m HePPners Mrs. Grace O'Brien and small Miss Marylin Kincheloe who has In-igon defeated Rufus here Sat lon, Chester, spent Saturday eve- been employed in Portland, is vis- mght by a score of 44-29. ning and Sunday with Mrs. Char- itLng her parents, Mr and Mrs. H. o les Steward. H. Kincheloe. A A A ki Ray Brown from Pasco was an It- Mrs. Henry Suddarth, Lynn Gre- AAA NtWS rigon visitor this week-end. gory and Mrs. William Slate and Miss Jeanne Brown, Irrigon high children and Mrs. Herbert Ames AAA NEWS achool " graduate, who is attending and children were among other Farm stored wheat that is under X. O. C. E. at La Grande was an Hermiston visitors Friday. Commodity Credit loan is mortgag- Irrigon visitor Saturday. New improvements in our com- ed and cannot legally be moved Mrs. Jack McFall and son Char- munity: a new electric water pump without the permission of the Coun fes were visitors of. Mr. and Mrs. at the Haerlien home and remodel- ty AAA office. Operators who wish Charles McFall recently. ing of the house at the Leslie to sell should have the purchaser Miss Ella Mae Grim and Miss Smith residence. pay off the loan before the wheat is June Goodwin were visitors of Mr. Miss Muriel Herold of Irrigon vi- moved. If this cannot be done, the and Mrs. Alfred Goodwin of Pen- sited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow County AAA office should be con dleton Saturday. and family at Ordnance over the suited. A. W. McFall of Dayton, Wash, week-end. returned to Dayton after spending Mr. and Mrs. George E. Russell The farm plan sign up for Mor aeveral days with his brother Char- and Misses Shirleyand Eunice Mil- row county has entered its second les McFall and friends in Irrigon. ler and Miss Alene Russell were week with only moderate interest Carl Knighten is a new employe Pendleton visitors Saturday. being shown by farmers. Participa- at the Umatilla Ordnance depot. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rider from tion in the AAA program is not Mrs. Eva Reynolds of The Dalles Yakima, Wash., visited Mr. and compulsory but is entirely optional visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. C. W. Grim Sunday. with each farmer. Only those who Adams this week. Mrs. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen were fill out and sign a farm plan are Mrs. Reynolds are sisters. Hermiston visitors Saturday. eligible to receive a government Mrs. Milton Bailey and Mrs. A. E. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Strouser have payment for practices performed. Stephens were Hermiston visitors purchased the Doble place and are Before the county committee can Monday. now moving from their former certify to a farmer's need for a Mrs. Sam Umiker and Dan Hill home in Portland. truck, tractor or other rationed were among the Pendleton visitors Henry Miller has leased the equipment, it will be necessary to Monday. Leicht farm land for this season. have an up to date report of his Mr. and Mrs. Arden Allen and Mrs. Walter Grider was a, Pendle- operations which are included in Mrs. H. W. Grim were visitors in ton visitor Monday. the farm plan. The Dalles Thursday. Mrs. Grim SCHOOL NOTES enjoyed visiting with her father, Irrigon played three games at Treasury procurement has an C. W. Hux, a former Irrigon resi- Umatilla Tuesday night. First game nounced that preference Vill be giv dent. played was with the girls volley- en to agriculture in sale of used Mrs. Lester Seits and Mrs. David ball team. The game was a fast one crawler tractors declared surplus by the armed forces and other gov ernment agencies. The tractors are sold to dealers on a sealed bid ba bids are at the ceiling. In case of tie sis. Because of the demand, most bids, preference will be given to dealers buying for resale to farm ers holding letter of necessity is sued by AAA committee. , FURLOUGH AT HOME Cpl. Ernie Winchester arrived home Tuesday night on a 10-day furlough. While the corporal is at home his wife is not seen very of ten around her place of business, Lois's Beauty shop. Cpl. Winches ter reports back to Walker Field, Victoria, Kan. when his furlough is up. IN PORTLAND FOR WEEK Mrs. Frank Monahan and Mrs. James Healy left for Portland this morning to visit their husbands for a week. DLL IN PENDLETON James Farley was taken to Pen dleton yesterday by Mrs. Wm. Bucknum where he submitted to an operation this morning. Being short of meat points and needing the rest, we will close each Tuesday. SUNDAY SPECIAL Turkey Dinner $1.00 per plate Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy aid Betty Ueuaflen Proprietors He Plants the Seeds of VICTORY The farmers from coast to coast are helping us win! Farmers, for all your needs see us. We can supply you with what you want. Ours is a complete me of farming equipment and sup plies. Let us help you meet the maximum goal in production. Braden Tractor & Equipment Company NOTICE! The truck line formerly owned and op erated by Clyde Nutting, Heppner, is under the name of Heppner, lone, Portland Truck Line This truck is to remain in Morrow county to serve this area. It is now being reconditioned at trie Jackson Implement Company at Lex ington. TELEPHONE 152 Heppner, or 60 Pilot Hock N. Schmaltz & Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. Sea Foods are Healthful Eat Themj Often, We try to keep shell fish on hand in sea son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often especially with meat points what they are and may get to be shortly. You are always welcome at the I 'MM Elkhorn Restaurant