SALARY BOOSTS Bills raising the salaries of 13 top officials have been passed by the house and sent to the senate. The bills would boost the annual salary of the governor from $7500 to $9000, the salaries of the secretary of state and the state treasurer from $5400 to $0000, the attorney general from $5000 to $5750, the seven justices of the supreme court from $7500 to $8 000, the labor commissioner from $4000 to $5000, the superintendent of public instruction,, from $4200 to $4800 and the deputy secretary of state from $4200 to $4800. None of the officials asked for a raise. Some of the salaries 'will be' as large as that of General Eisenhower, who gets $8000, one house member stat ed. All increases will total less than $10,000 a year. ' CONFIRMATION COMMITTEE The senate's six man interim com rnittee tax act on confirmation of appointments made by the gover nor during the 22 months interval between legislative adjournment and the opening of the 1947 legisla ,,ro W hpen elected by that body. The members- elected are: Senators W. H. Strayer, Baker; Earl T. New- , bry, Ashland; Angus Gibson, Junc tion City; H. C. Wheeler, Goshen; Dean Walker, Independence; Will iam E. Walsh, Marshfield. Senator Strayer is the only democrat on the committee. LIQUOR FUMES Governor Earl Snell has signed a bill appropriating $25,000 for a li quor control commission investiga tion. The montey will come out of liquor profits and not out of the general fund. It is generally con ceded here at legislature that the investigation wijl reveal that the commission was warranted in mak ing the distillery deal in following out the conditions demanded by the law that the type and quantity of liquor demanded be secured in or der to head off black market ac tivities and secure profits for old age assistance. , The deal under in vestigation will yield profits of $4,500,000. Comment of one august senator on the liquor investigation: "I was a member when the Oregon Liquor Control commission was created. Since the senators have voted $25, 000 for an investigation of the com mission they should investigate the sanity of the members who put the state in the liguor business." TAXES AND EDUCATION In urging attendance at the public hearing on educational and school tax measures Governor Earl Snell made clear and emphasized his pol icies relating to schools and taxes, saying, "Our schools and our teach ers are charged with responsibility of training the youth of our state, boys and girls of today but men and women of tomorrow, who will be occupying places of responsibility in the social, economic and politi cal affairs of our state and nation. The necessity for adequate state support, equalization, adequate tea cher compensation and retirement is obvious to all, I am sure. "I endorse the plan of additional funds for state support from the in come tax surplus and I believe equalization meaures to be impor tant and necessary. I go a step fur ther also in believing that a sound, stable, long-range program of ade quate support of schools is impera tive. . . Provisions should be made for emergency relief." CAPITAL SHORTS The 'state's absentee soldier ballot was used at a ratio of 11 to 1 over the federal ballot by soldier-citizens in the November election the state elections department has just an nounced. The total number of state ballots used and returned to be counted in Oregon was heavier than contemplated by 20 percent, the to tal, 30,336. The total of the federal ballots was only 2618. 7 New Flower Shop Proves Popular " Last week Mrs. Edwin Dick an nounced she would have cut flow ers on sale for Valentine trade. She had made arrangements with a Portland green house to hande flowers on a limited basis pending maturity of plants in her own gar den. She found it necessary to get a downtown location, which she found in the front of the Red Cross sewing room, and where she sold out every last posie by Wednesday evening. . v Mrs. Dick plans to have the cut flowers on sale every Saturday at the Red Cross room and will make an effort to provide service for special occasions. She is announc ing corsages for the Elks annual ball scheduled this year for Feb. 24. . o LIKES COLUMBIA HIGHWAY . Mr. Albert Bailey, a newcomer from Florida, is greatly impressed with the Columia highway. With her mother-iri-law, Mrs. N. D. Bai ley, she left Sunday to visit in Portland and Kelso, Wash. Mr. ..Bailey took them to Arlington where they oarded a bus for Port land. The constantly changing vista along the river thrilled the young woman from " the deep south and she is rapidly becoming a booster for Oregon and the northwest. Heppner Gazette Times, February 15, 1945 5 her daughter, Mrs. C. N. Jones. He VISITING IN PORTLAND Portland. With their son Bob they makes his home in Salem and ac- Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney were drove to the city Sunday, Bob re comparued Mrs. Don Jones when expected to return to Heppner to- hiring Monday with P. W. Maho she came last week for a visit with day after spending several days in ney's refinished car. relative. . ON BUSINESS TRIP Mrs. G. A. Sanders is in Port land this week on business. She expects to return to Heppner Sat urday. HOME FROM SEATTLE Mrs. Agnes Curran returned Tues day from Seattle and Portland where she spent the past week on a buying expedition. CALLED TO SEATTLE Mrs. Pat Mclntyre was called to Seattle the first of the week by the serious illness of a sister. IT PAYS TO HAVE IT RIGHT A complete accounting service including payroll-tax reports, periodic financial statements and tax counsel. Have your books kept up-to-date by a qualified accountant INCOME TAX REPORTS Harry Nelson Hotel Heppner Bldg. Phone 2392 itiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiHtKitnni VISITING DAUGHTER I C. N. Miller of Salem is visiting ! Dance I OOF HALL LEXINGTON FEBRUARY 17 Music by Kids About Town Admission 50c; Tax 10c; Total 60c The public is cordially invited. A good time is assured to all. PRESCRIPTIONS Rapidly Filled We will fill your prescriptions quickly and accurately. You can be sure of first quality drug supplies, well informed and courteous service in our store. Fountain Service Sundries Gordon's Drug Store John Saager, Owner DOG OWNERS PAY LICENSE HIS MONTH After March I the price will be double 1.00 for each male or spayed female 2.00 for each female 2 for each male and spayed female 4 for each female JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff and Tax Collector NOW $ March 1 $