6 Heppner Gazette Times, February 8, 1945 Highways Health Ey Ada R. Mayne COTTAGE CHEESE COOKERY When meat supplies are shorter, wise homemakers turn to other pro-, tein foods that may alternate with meat for main dishes. Cottage cheese, rich in both protein and cal cium, may be used in main dishes and be considered a satisfactory oc casional meat alternate. Cottage cheese can be seasoned with onion, herbs like parsley and sage, chopped pimiento, green pep per and celery, or tomato sauce. For added flavor and food value chopped nuts, peanut butter or eggs can be added. The chees itself needs no cooking, only heating for hot dishes, although other ingredi ents with it may need some cook ing. Always avoid long cooking or high heat which toughens the curds and may cause separating. You'll find a delicious hot dish for dinner in these cottage cheese patties. Cottage Cheese Patties 1 cup cottage cheese; 1 cup bread crumbs; 2 tbsp butter or cup peanut butter; cup chopped nut meats, V tsp powdered thyme; Vfe tsp powdered sage; 1 tbsp milk; 1-3 tsp soda; 1-3 tsp salt; tsp pepper; 2 tbsp chopped onion. Dissolve soda in milk and work into cheese to remove any acid fla vor. Cook onion in a little fat until tender but not brown. Then mix onion and peanut butter thoroughly with cheese. Mix seasonings and chopperd nuts with crumbs. Com bine cheese mixture and crumb mixture. Form into flat cakes. Roll in fine crumbs or corn meal. Fry a delicate brown and serve at once. The mixture should be' very stiff because the cheese tends to soften in cooking. Serves five. Cottage cheese on toast makes a AAA News . - . There are only 20 days left to purchase Commodity Credit bins. We have been advised these bins will be shipped to other areas where needed if not sold before March 1. Farmers should check their storage space at once and make sure trat they do not need some of these bins to store 1945 wheat before they are shipped out. New pick-ups and light trucks having a gross weight of 9,000 pounds or less will be available for farmers soon in a very limited number. These machines must be in the possession of the dealer before applications can be accepted by the county office. The farm plan sign up for the participation in the 1945 soil con servation program got under way this week with farmers from the South Heppner and Eightmile dis tricts coming in to the county of fice to fill out the necessary papers and list the practices they intend to carry out during th coming season. i Farrrjers in other communities good hot luncheon dish. Season cheese with salt, pepper and celery salt. Add crisp bits of bacon. Spread mixture on hot buttered toast. Then serve with hot well-seasoned to mato sauce or Spanish sauce. Have you ever tried cottage cheese omelet? It really makes a delicious one. Here is a recipe to serve two people. Cottage Cheese Omelet 2 eggs; 2 tbsp milk; 2 tbsp chop ped pimiento or green pepper; Vz tsp salt; 2 tbsp cottage cheese; 2 tbsp butter. Separate the eggs and beat whites and yolks separately: To the beaten yolks add all the ingredients except butter. Fold yolk mixture into stiffly beaten whites. Heat butter in frying pan. Pour in omelet mixture and cook at low heat. The top of the omelet may be browned in the oven. are asked to come to the county office on the following dates: Alpine, Feb. 10; North Heppner, Feb. 13; Morgan, Feb. 15; Lexing ton, Feb. 17; lone, Feb. 20. Since publishing Morrow county's wheat goal of 94 percent of last year, several farmers have asked if they would be required to re duce their wheat acreage. The-answer is no. The wheat goal was set at 94 percent because our wheat and fallow acreage is unbalanced and this is our short year. Farmers may seed all their fallow to wheat, if they so deire. The acreage would still be about 94 percent of last year. - SPECJAL SPEAKER BILLED FOR NEXT P,TA MEETING The Heppner P. T. A. will hold its regular meeting at 8 p. m. Wed nesday evening, Feb. 14 in the mu sic room of the school building. A Founders Day program is planned and the organization was fortunate in securinig Mrs. C. G. Davis, re gional vice-president of The Dalles, as speaker for this evening. There will also be a short play given and a cake, baked by Mrs. Anna Bay less, will be auctioned off piece by piece. Mrs. Steven Thompson, president of the Heppner P. T. A., invites all members to be present as well as others who are interested. kane, where he is receiving treat ment and serving as a clerk. His father, N. D. Bailey, met him in Arlington Sunday morning. i CABIN for rent. Wilson Cabins. Phone 1172. Charley Fraters. 46p LOST Sunday, between Gurdane and Lexington one swedge for casing, 18"long and 6" in diam eter, tapered at both ends, thread ed at one end. Useful only to a welldriller. $5 reward. Return to or notify A. M. Edwards, Lex ington. 46p FOR SALE Cedar posts 17-21 in ches in size, 7 feet long. Guaran teed OK. Delivired to your ranch for 40c per post. 600 to 1000 in a load. Ferris McCoy, Hood River, Ore. Phone 6122. . 46-49c FOR SALE Metal bedstead with good coil springs; gas washing machine motor. Tel. 652, Hepp ner. 46-49p LOST Between Ralph Beamer ley, Ore., truck tire and wheel, place near Heppner and Kimber size 8:25x20. Liberal reward. C. C. Crouch, Kimberley, dre. 46-7c He Plants the Seeds of VICTORY The farmers from coast to coast are helping us win! Braden Farmers, for all your needs see us. We can supply you with what you want. Ours is a complete line of farming equipment and sup plies. Let us h?Jp you meet the . maximum goal in production. Tractor & Equipment Company Being short of meat points and needing the rest, we will close each Tuesday. SUNDAY SPECIAL Turkey Dinner $1.00 per plate Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors TAKE DEPARTURE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon left Saturday night for Portland on the first leg of a journey, which will, take them to Redding, Calif., where they will visit a sister of Mrs. Gordon's. Beyond that they had an nounced no plans, other than to be on the lookout for a new location. They have talked about some enter prise that would keep them in the outdoors and expect to devote some time looking for a location favor able to that type of activity. HERE FROM SPOKANE . Francis Bailey is home on fur lough from Fort Wright, near Spo- CI Sam NOTIC The truck line formerly owned and op erated by Clyde Nutting, Heppner, is under the name of Heppner, lone, Portland Truck Line This truck is to remain in Morrow county to serve this area. It is now being reconditioned at the Jackson Implement Company at Lex ington. TELEPHONE 152 Heppner, or 60 Pilot Rock N. Schmaltz cV Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp: ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. Sea Foods are Healthful Eat Them Often We try to keep shell fish on hand in sea son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often especially with meat points what they i are and may get to be shortly. You are always welcome at the Elkhorn Restaurant