6 Heppner Gazette Times, February 1, 1945 News Notes of Comings and and Vicinity Goings in lone By OTIS. OMAB BIETMANN Mrs. Echo Palmateer was called to Portland Sunday by the sudden death of her niece, Mrs. Erma Heiple of Estacada. Mrs. Heiple is the daughter of Mrs. Palmateer's sister, and recently underwent a serious operation in Portland. Kenneth Crutcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crutcher, (Gussie Lindstrom) of Brightwood has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom and other re latives in and near lone. He return ed to his home with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom when they went to Portland last Sunday. Ken neth is to report for service in the Marines early in February. Mrs Ella Davidson returned from California Thursday of last week. Shs accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Har lan McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Len Gilman and small son of Heppner. Little Brenda Townsend received a bad burn on her. leg when in Pen dleton last week when she came in contact witha heater. The Ameca club have planned a Valentine party for the members and their husbands after a short meeting at 7:00 p. m. Wednesday, Feb. 14 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan who are now at at the Walter Rietmann ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithly and family formerly of Baker have moved into the ' Willard Grabell house. Mr. Keithley plans to work in Heppner with, his brother Harold. . The newly organized club for en tertaining boys in the service gave a party at the grange hall Friday. The honor guests were CPO Earl McCabe who has been at a rest center at Nashville N. C. after hav-' ing been in active service, Donald Peterson from California and Rol and Bergstrom from Idaho who are in training and Bob Rietmann hd Kenneth Crutcher who are leaving soon to enter service, Bob in the navy and Kenneth in the marines. Mrs. Ethel Fellows of Aurora and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shafer of Mi-, kalo were lone visitors Wednesday of last week on their way to Board man to visit Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Agee, parents of the two ladies. A special assembly was held at the school Friday afternoon, honor ing Bob Rietmann who, having corn service this week and may not be pleted his senior year is leaving for able .to attend graduation in May. Mrs. Margaret Turner made a short visit to Portland going Sun day and returning Tuesday evening. She was accompanied by Mrs. Mabel Davidson Ham of Heppner. On Thursday Mrs. Turner drove to Arlington to meet her sister-in-law Miss Gladys Turner of Portland who will make a week's visit here. The Past Noble Grand club met at the home of Mrs. John Gertes Friday afternoon. Two new mem bers, Mrs Ruth McCabe and Mrs. Fred Ely were initiated, Officers were elected for the coming year. Mrs. Margaret Morgan president, Mrs. Ernest Heliker, vice president and Mrs Mary Swanon, secretary treaurer. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Heliker on, Feb. 28.. P. T.. A met at the school house Wednesday evening. Mrs. Celia Van Winkle of the extension staff of 0. S. C. spoke on the subject of Few er Colds." About 40 persons attend ed. Mrs. Van Winkle will give a demonstration of "Food for Health" at the Masonic hall Feb. 7 from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. with a pot luck dinner served at noon. The Topic club is sponsoring this , meeting. Ev ery one is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason have had word that their son Dorr has received a medical discharge due to a foot injury. Mrs. E. M. Baker, president of the O. E. S. social club announces that the club will meet on Wednes day night before Chapter meeting. Mrs. Lena Ray has bought the Smith house next to the Congrega tional church. Topic club will meet for the study meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Swanson at 2:15 Saturday Feb. 10. Mr and Mrs Cleo Drake have been appointed farm census takers of the lone, Gooseberry and Eight Mile districts. ' A number of lone people, are re covering from illnesses and acci dents. Those on the sick list are Mrs. Minnie Forbes, Mrs. Frank Engleman and Markham Baker. Roy Lindstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom and Mardine Baker each suffered a broken arm last week. Vernon Troedson drove to Arl ington Friday to meet Mrs. Margar et McGreer of Portland who was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Rice of Lexington. A number of friends attended a dinner in her honor Sunday at the Troedson apartment. Arrangements are being formu lated for the one schools to parti cipate in the drive for collecting clothing for the relief of the Rus sians. Directions are as follows: Col lection of clothing and shoes at the school house will begin at once. Clothing mut be' clean and in good condition-. Only clean articles will be accepted. Shoes must be in good condition, cleaned and tied together in pairs. The school will sort and pack all clothing and shoes prepar atory to collection by Mrs. Lucy Rodgers between Feb 7 and 10. Jeff Walker of High Point, N. C formerly of lone paid av isit here last week. He had received a med ical discharge after three years in the army. Pvt and Mrs. Clarence Harris and family arrived in lone Sunday eve ning from Camp Roberts Calif. Mrs. Harris and children will remain in lone and Pvt Harris will report to Fort Ord Calif, on Feb 7. Mrs. Elmer Griffith was called to Orcas Island Wash. Tueday of last week by the serious illness of her Being short of meat points and needing the rest, we will close each Tuesday. SUNDAY SPECIAL Turkey Dinner $1.00 per plate Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors sister, Mrs. Turner, who was suf fering from pneumonia. Mrs. Grif fith returned Thursday when Mrs. Turner showed signs of improve ment. Louis Bergevin received word Monday of the death of his cousin, Mrs. Rita Eichner of Ellensburg, Wash. Mrs. Carl Linn and dauhter Leeta of Arlington were lone visitors last week-end. Laurence Jone? was rushed .to The Dalles last week when he suf fered an acute attack of appendici tis. He is reported recovering sat isfactorily. Continued on Page t'even NOTICE! MOT JTMT 4rnurui) ""T The truck line formerly owned and op erated by Clyde Nutting, Heppner, is under the name of Heppner, lone, Portland Truck Line This truck is to remain in Morrow county to serve this area. It is now being reconditioned at the Jackson Implement Company at Lex ington. . TELEPHONE 152 Heppner, or 60 Pilot Rock DON'T DRINK Vmm YOU'RE DRIVING!! N. Schmaltz 6 Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. EDUCATIONAL v ADVISORY COMMITTEE to lh Oregon Liquor Control Commission Sea Foods are Healthful Eat Them Often We try to keep shell fish on hand in sea son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often especially with meat points what they are and may get to be shortly. You are always welcome at the Elkhorn Restaurant SEND A SPECIAL DELIVERY MESSAGE All . . A lovely way to compliment her beauty.. .cosmetics. Choose a favorite perfume . . . Leigh's Risque, Dulcinco, Heartbeat or Poetic Dream . . . matched make-up Cara Nome et ... Attar of Petals Toiletries in hand-painted apothecary jars or one of the many sweetly scented, beautifully packaged lovelies from our counters . . . with a lacy, modern Valentine, Humphreys Drug Company