Heppner Gazette Times, February 1, 1945 5 DO OWM 1 iS TIGHTER LIQUOR LAWS The number of liquor permit holders in Oregon more than dou bled when rationing of whiskey was instituted, but probably no more than a third of the permit holders drink, Ray Conway, state liquor commissioner, told the senate alco holic traffic committee. He said more than 700,000 permits were issued in 1944. Conway told the committee new laws were needed to augment en forcement of liquor statutes. "There had been considerable trouble in the commission's attempts, usually futile, to close beotleg bars and il legally operated night spots and that operators of unlicensed places arrested for violations often have bail posted and are selling drinks again before the arresting agent can write his report." Bills sug gested would give the commission the right to take as evidence and to confiscate on conviction all equipment, furnishings and liquor on premises where a violation is charged; increase penalties for, violations; make it the duty of all police officers to assist the commis sion in enforcement; raise the fee for service license from $25 to $250 aarnually and add to Knox law pen alties for purchase or acquisition by minors of alcoholic beverages. THREE WEEKS OLD At the end of the third week of the present legislative session 332 bills, resolutions and . memorials have been introduced. The senate has passed House bills, 1, 3 and 16 and adopted House Joint resolution 2. The house had passed Senate Bill 13 and adopted Senate Concur rent Resolutions 1, 2 and 4, and Senate Joint Resolution 4. HB 1 provides for the expenses of the 43rd legislative session. HB 3 provides that the . secretary of state may designate the motor ve hicle license plates of any year as the plates, of any succeeding year. HB16 relates to salaries of officers of Hood River county. HJR 2 au thorizes the purchase of 25 type writers. SB13 extends the time two years in which, cities and towns may have audits made by others that accredited accountants. SCR 1 was to convene the two houses to hear the governor's message. SCR 2 fixes forms, enacting clauses, ab breviations and orthography to be used in drawing bills. SCR 4 ex presses appreciation to Sons and Daughters of the American Revolu tion for a flag of the state of Ore gon presented to Independence hall which was placed among the flags of other states. SJR 4 provides for appointment of a committee to in vestigate affairs of Oregon liquor control commission. SAMPLE LEGISLATION SB 107 increase from $200 to $250 the amount which a justice of the peace, who is on a fee basis, may retain as a monthly compensation. SB.HB 191 places a $5 annual fee on boats with additional $1 for each foot in excess of 20, in lieu of taxes. HB 166 provides that chairmen and secretaries of a central political committee needn't be precinct com mitteemen or women. HB 167 pro vides that in all four grades above the eighth, military training for at least one hour each day is made a part of the course for the duration and six months. HB 186 increases the salary of the assistant secretary of state from $4200 to $5000. PURIFYING RELIEF CHECKS In line with the governor's re commendation a bill introduced provides that revenues of the Ore gon state liquor control commis sion shall be paid into the general fund of the state rather than into the special fund for old age as sistance. It is designated to remove the stigma of accepting aid ob tained from profits on liquor sales. The checks for old age asistance will no longer be marked "Liquor Fund" if the bill is enacted in its present form. RULING ON FORECLOSURE In tax delinquency foreclosure Continued on Page Eight - After March I the MOW or March JOHN Wtkf i PAY LICENSE ww wi I 2 for each male and spayed female 4 for each female M H. FUITEN, 1'-. . ) F,RST "Tlon wiU take care PERSONop "nanc.al emeroenc.es You may make a First National Loan for any worthwhile purpose; hospital and doctor bills, accumulated bills or other unexpected emergencies. - zs, - Cost is low nnrl Jiivt. . . wei u years Loans made $50 to $1000 and vou establish vnf B' " ' w Bank Credit for future use. day SkzkcA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE C OX'P 0 ASTftO Njfc price will be double eac'1 ma'e or sPayec' female v.ui i iciiiqic Sheriff and Tax Collector vnil Vonnv mrtLfx . i penoa. in any amount from m