2 Heppner Gazette Times, February 1, 1945 ENJOY3 CHRISTMAS WITH FORMER LEXINGTON MAN MANY TRIMMINGS PASSES AT CORVAIXIS Pvt Jack Holt writes an inter- Charles Burchell, a resident of esting account of Christmas day in tne Lexington district for many Germany to his mother, Mrs. C. J. years, passed away Jan. 24 at his D. Bauman. His letter is dated home m Corvallis following a long Dec. 28. - illness. "Some of the fellows in my sec." ' Mr- Burche will be remember, tion got together and found a small hy of older genera- but nevertheless pretty tree and tlon pt C0URty as one of the some decorations in a wrecked Ger- outstanding baseball players of the man home and set it up in the eel- tlme- He was a Piteher f consid- lar we used to sleep in. It was real erabk akilitv and he his bru nice but made us homesick. We had ther m formed a battery which turkey for dinner. Again the gng uany s11 trouble for oppos- went raiding arid showed up with a teams white tablecloth, silverware, plates, Surviving are the wife, Ida, and box of soup mix (from an Ameri- a daughter, Mrs. Hulda giggles can kitchen truck) and pitcher of worth nad one brother, H. M. water, in place of champagne. All Burchell of Sheridan, Ore, of this plus our food we put on a LEXINGTON GRANGE TO fme long table in a room that had nosT 0T,,E GRANGES not been wrecked (a rare thing) j- . . ' , , and really had a fine banquet even p JfJ V"" ? though the "censored Jerries" leh9 t0 Wlllowi? shelled the place with "88's" be- wee ? ' t .wmcn ,ume new RETURN FROM COAST have spent most of the past two will have to return to Wheeler for Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson months while Harley was receiv- a check-up and another treat returned the first of the week ing medical treatment. Harley is ment before his physician can dis from Wheeler, Ore., where they greatly improved and states that he charge him. members will be initiated into the first and second degrees. At the close of work there will be re freshments of sandwiches, cake and cotffee. Grange will open at 7 p. m. Here is a list of things I can 3 jock fore we had finished we refused to move, finishing our meal first. Just as we finished we had to move out and on to new positions but it was swell while it lastted. always use candles, airmail stamps The password is ready and all ft, 1 . ., , , , members are urged to attend, pay they stick together, food or candy, l j, , . ; H; , , n- u L u their aues and receive the word. Honorable Discharge, but no cig- 0 arettes as they supply us with HOME ON FURLOUGH plenty." Frank Monahan is home from o Camp Roberts on an 8-day fur- DIGGING FOX HOLE BAD lough. He to Heppner to get ON SOLDIER'S HAND family md they are visiting Mrs. Ed Burchell received a let- with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. ter from her husband, Major Ed Frank Monahan, at Condon. Mrs. Burchell, this week after a silence Manahan and little daughter are of several weeks. Being in the Phil- making their home with her par- ippine campaign there has been ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Farley, little time to write. The major for the duration, states that he is physically fit ex- cept for a .blister on his hand i vmmu caused by digging a foxhole in a Mr. and Mrs. James Cowins will tremendous hurry. He is not so leave Sata-day for Portland for sure about his mental attitude af- dental work" Thev exPect to be ter talking to natives and hearing away a wee- of hardships and cruelty under LOST-Pair of dark brown, fur Jap rule. Hned gloves Return t0 Gazette Major Buirchell feels that the Times office. 45-7p present campaign brings the get- " ting home one step nearer. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart- VISITING IN PORTLAND felt thanks to neighbors and friends Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson and who were so thoughtful in our re Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jones are cent bereavement and for the many spending the week in Portland on beautiful floral tributes, business and pleasure. Mrs. Addie Salter and family This Is a Want Ad! READ IT! We want everybody to read this adver tisement, because there is a serious shortage of teachers and you may be able to aid in alleviating this shortage. If you are a qualified teacher and not now engaged in that work, won't you please fillout the blank below and mail or return it at once to the county superintendent If you have not been certificated but could qualify, please fill out the blank and return it to this office, Unless drastic action is taken at once, our school system will be sorely handicapped next year. Won't you act now so that a list of teachers may be made up to submit fo the several districts? Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Lucy E. Rodgers County Superintendent Heppner, Oregon Please fill out at once and return ; Name P. O. Address Grade Teacher Preference High School.. Subjects v v Additional Information How Can Anyone Know Quality? h Quality Goes Beyond the Metal on Jewelry The established reputations of the jeweler and manufacturer enable customers to know they are getting fine quality. Since 1928 we have always striven to merit this confidence. Buy Bonds For Victory! PETERSON'S r Food and munitions are rushed to the front in wood and paper packages. They arrive in good condition, ready for use, protected by forest products. The reason you can't buy all the forest products you want right now is because they will be at war until the armistice. But they will make the comeback to peace almost overnight. Because forest industries need little conversion from war production, they have been called the "shock troops of employment." They will be among the first of American industries to employ returning soldiersthey and the many other industries dependent upon forest products. Our forests can continue to serve us, in peace or war, forever, because, like all living things, they reproduce themselves. KINZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY