Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 11, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette
(Raymond Adrian McDonald is the
only draftee from the local select
ive service board this month. Mc
Donald reported at Pendleton
where he has been living. He for
merly resided in this vicinity,
working for Earl Blake and others
around the county.
coats Vi off; winter hats
off. Curran's Ready-tto-Wear.
Star Reporter
Friday-Saturday, Jan. 12-13
Heavenly Days
Fibber McGee and Molly, Eugene
Pallette, Gordon Oliver, Raymond
Walburn, Frieda Inescourt. The
King's Men
A new bill of riots with the stars of
the most popular team on radio giv
ing their fastest performance in a
story tailored to their warmly hu
man comedy talents. PLUS
Charles Starrctt, Arthur Hunnicut,
Shirley Patterson, Ernest Tubb
The early pony express days of the
wild and untamed west . . . music of
the plains by Tubb and his trouba
dours . . .comedy . . . and a dash of
romance. Li'l Abncr Cartoon
Sunday-Monday, Jan. 14-15
Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs
All we- need to say is that Dopey
For Your Bedroom
Priscilla Curtains
Florals, fluffy dots, or
novelty clipped fig
ures. Colors galore!
For Your Kitchen
Tailored Curtains
$1 15
Lacy weaves, meshes 1m
with border designs. J-
reneis or pairs.
Practical and
$1 15
Size 21x42. For
Bathrooms, Kitchens
9m .i t b c Ai &i v w r V "
Times, January 1 1, 1945
Dee Jones spoke to his former
school mates at Heppner high
school, giving them a resume of his
travels and experiences since en
tering the navy. He has been on a
17-day leave and will report back
at Seattle Friday.
Betty Lee Elliott was honored
with a dinner party Monday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0.
Wendell Herbison. The party was
given by her Sunday school class.
and Happy and Grumpy and Sleepy
with all tbe other characters of the
famous fairy tale are back again in
Walt Disney's beautiful Technicolor
feature-length cartoon.
Tuesday, Jan. 16
Singing Sheriff
Bob Crosby. Fay McKenzie, Fuzzy
Knight A good-natured musical
comedy portraying a singing cow
boy who goes West PLUS
A real thriller-chiller with Stephen
Crane, Nina Foch, Osa Massen,
Barton McLane.
Wednesday-Thursday, Jan. 17-18
Double Indemnity
Fred McMurray, Barbara Stanwyck
Edward G. Robinson, Porter Hall
All the suspense and excitement
that could possibly be crowded into
the most baffling of mystery stor
ies. Here's picture-making at its
dramatic best.
f tv- . .n. .
H 1 V i fci
. .2- jT- i.-.-: es. r :jk r.
4 m n?im v'jf $
Monday morning the 43rd legis
lative assembly organized, elected
Senator Howard C. Belton, Clacka
mas, "president of the senate and
Representative Eugene E. Marsh,
speaker of the house. Before con
vening, in joint assembly at 2 p. m.
to hear the biennial message of
Governor Earl Snell ,the standing
committes of the two houses were
announced by the presiding offi
cers To Senator Deon H. Walker,
Independence, went the chairman
ship of the powerful ways and
and means committee of the senate
while Henry Semon was accorded
this honor in the house.
In the openinig statements of his
biennial message to. the legislature,
Governor Earl Snell praised civil
ian efforts and contributions that
aided in bringing victory in sight.
He warned, however, that "this is
no time to rest on laurels or re
cords." In reviewing the state's financial
position, he said, "I am happy and
proud to report that the state of
Oregon is in the best financial po
sition in which it has been been fo
a long, long number of years . . .
The total bonded indebtdness from
original issues of over eighty-million
dollars has been reduced to
around twenty million dollars. . .
The service carrying charges on
our bonded debt have been reduced
from the high of three million in
round numbers to a figure now of
less than a million. . . Two years
ago the pef capita net debt was
$25.50. Today it is $18.80. Ten years
ago it was $55.20.
The governor stated that a survey
of taxes in Oregon, Washington
and California discloses that Ore
gon's per capita tax is much lower
than either Washington or Cali
fornia. Speaking on old age assistance,
the governor stressed that at the
1143 legislature, he asked for an
increase in appropriation sufficient
to provide $40.00 a month payment,
designated as the minimum both in
the state and federal law. "At that
time," he said, "the average pay
ment was around $24.00." The av
erage payment is now $35.00 and
these payments will be increased
further before the close of the fis
cal biennium, June 30. Nearly 50
percent of recipients now receive
$40.00, over 60 percent receive
from $35.00 to $40.00, approximate
ly 80 percent now receive from
$30 to 40 supplementing and in addi
tion to these figures is free med
ical service totaling in excess of
$125,000 a year. "As stated in my
inaugural message in 1935, I still
maintain that $40 per month is little
enough to provide sustenance and
reasonable comfort for these elderly
The message had 6600 words and
required 50 minutes to deliver. ,
The first bill, by Senators Stray
er and Rand, was introduced on
the first day, its purpose being to
repeal the 1943 community tax law,
made useless by a recent United
States supreme court decision. . .
The combined legislative experience
of the members of this legislature
amounts to over 35 years. The old
est member in point of service is
. W. H. Strayer with 15 sessions.
Only two members of the 30 in the
senate and 11 of the 60 in the house
have not had previous legislative
experience . . . You should have
your state income tax blanks by
now. They were mailed Saturday.
It took 10 tons of paper to produce
the blanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert ' Gaily left
the past week-end for Portland,
Mrs. Gaily accompanying her hus
band that far on his way to Cali
fornia where he will take advanced
training in the navy.
Winter coats Vi off; winter hats
Vz offu Curran's Ready-to-Wear.
Tuesday evening will be devoted
to a missionary talk by Miss Cath
erine Rueck, evangelist in charge
of special services at the Assembly
of God church. Anyone interested
in China should hear Miss Rueck
as she spent many years in that
country as .a misisonary. Meetings
will continue at the church every
night except Saturday and Mondny.
Elmer Pomeroy and family -r
Kelso, Wash, arrived Wednesday
to attend the funeral of Mr. Pome
roy's sister, Mrs. Ben Cox.
Car Owners Mp
Who Do Not rfniXmi f i
Run theRUk
New Tire
We wish to express our sincere
appreciation to our friends for the
many cards of sympathy and the
flowers sent to us in our bereave
ment. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson
and Marlyou.
Alex Thompson recently finished
his boot training at Farragut and
has been transferred to a radar
school in Chicago.
Pvt Vernon Amis is home from
Camp Roberts where he took his
basic training in the army.
Motor Co.
mm m mm - mmj u
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