Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 11, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, January 1 1, 1945 7
- SWy4SEy4; See. 2. SV2NEy4, NS, 32, NMsNEft, SEy4NEy4, swy4NW,
11 ffI I WO SWy4SW, SEy4SEy4; Sec. 3, lots sy2; Sec. 33, WVzNEVi, W; Sec. 34,
r r win jllio
est in the real estate dscribed in Judge of the above entitled court,
the comnlaint hpriin wViir-h nrv1r is Hatorl TWomhr
2 and 3, SWy4NEy4, SVzNWVi, NEVi- SWViNEVi, Wy2) SEy4; Sees. 35 and Defendants. 11th 1944, and the date of the first
owy4, JM wy4bJiiy4; bee. 10, NEViN- 36, all. T. 6 S., R. 28 E., W. M., Sec. To John S. Warren, and Lillie War- Publication of this summons is
E; Sec. 11, NNE, NWy4NWy4, 1, lots 1 and 2,. SENEy4, NWy4, ren, husband and wife, Robert December 14th, 1944.
H. Warren and Alice Warren, JUa. J. JNib
husband and wife, Alfred T. Attorney for plaintiff.
Warren, a single man, John Residence and post office Address
Leach, a widower, Fred Leach Heppner, Oregon. 3842
and Dorothy Leach, husband and
wife, and all the unknown heirs NOTICE OF BOND' REDEMPTION
of Elizabeth Leach, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the
Also all other persons or parties undersigned Trustee for the bond-
strnrt SnSft Yders of onic Blding
the real estate described in the Association of Heppner, Oregon,
complaint herein, Defendants, pursuant to the provisions of that
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE certain deed of trust executed on
OF OREGON, you and each of you the 28th day of December, 1935, by
are hereby required to appear and said Masonic Bulding Association
answer piaino.ni s conrprauu iiieu Heppner, Oregon, has elected to
WANTED Two discs, 8 or 10-ft. SEftSEft; Sec. 12, NNEy4f SW- WSW, SEy4SWy4 NEy4SEV4:
vy . . oeenaier, ione ure. iu-4zp iy4, iNwy4, iNybwyr, swyiSW, Sec. 2, all; Sec. 3, WVzEVz, Wy2,
DRY BOARD ends for sale See NWViSEV, SSE; Sec. 13, NVzN- SEViSEVi; Sec 4, E, EW; Sec.
Eldon or Homer Tucker. 42- WA- T 12 S' R 40 K W- M- 5- SWy4NEy4, W, WSE; Sec.
45p lots 1'2-3' an(H Sy2Ny2. NWSW- 6, all; Sec. 7, NVzNEVi. SWViNEVi,
ASSISTANT TATTTTrTAN ' SESWV4, SE; Sees. 2 & 3, all; wy2. SWSE'i; Sec. 8, all; Sec. 9,
STATISTICAL Smn 4' SWNWy4, Sy2; Sec. 5. Lots SWV4NEy4, WVz, WSEy4, SE-
DUTlS for SiaSS 2' 3 and 4' Sm' S; 6 SB1; Sea 10, NEy4, SENW, SV2-
Ste Twith StateaOTat 2' 3' 6 and ?' SVzNE14' SENWy4, SWVi, NEy4SWy4; Sec. 11. all, Sec.
yTufbca TpuUk TwelJL Board ESW SE; SeC' ?' lotS 2' 3 12 SNEV4' NWNEV, WVz, NVi-
of HealA Unemlvment and 4' ESW SE, SWy4SEy4; Sec. 13, WVz.
ComSnitn Common E , NEV.SE; Sec. 14, NVz; Sec. 15, all;
Final filing date January 27 1945 SESW SE! Sees. 9 and 10, all; See. 16, EYJWtt; Sees. 17, 18, 19, 20,
SSiT lr TLl'l2! Sec' 11- NEVi, WVz; Sec. 12, NWy4- 21, 22 and 23, all Sec. 24, NWViNEVi,
: ' NEy4; Sec. 16, all; Sec. 17, NEy4- sNEy4, W. SEy4; Sees. 25, 26, aeImst vou in Hie above entitled , Fy T' s "'. , ,
JZ NEy4, WNEy4, NWy4, NWy.SWV. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, all; court and cause within four weeks i.Tw W a
WANTED to buy used irons, ap- EVzSWVt, SEVi; Sec. 18, lots 1, 3 Sec. 35, EM-NEyi, Wy2, SEyi; T. 6 from the date of first publication Z'Q u ' ' -U La
pliances, electric motors, wash- and 4, NEyi, ENWy4, ESWy4, S., R. 29 E., W. M., See. 4, aU; Sec. of this summons and if y6u fail 'to 58. That inlerest on said numbered
ing machines, eto. Heppner Home WyiSEyi, NEVkSEyi; Sec. 19. lot 1. 5. all- Sec 6. EE. WVvSEVt. lots 550 ap1, or .answer, for want bonds will cease on the first day of
Service. 19tf neVaNWV: T. 12 s P 41 V... W. M.. 3 a s q a 19 t is in1,,,ivP- thereof, plaintiff will apply to tne Uebruary 1945.
LIGHT plants bought and sold or y ' Vrw Hn ' ' C 'mm qw' prayed for 111 its comPlaint', ntay present such bonds to the un
served. For prices call 383. 32tf S'J1! For a decree quieting plaintiff's at First National
. : NEyi, NEyiNWyi, Ey2SWy4, SEA. NEyi, Wy2, Wy2SEy4, SEy4SEy4; tle in and to the following des- f prtln rv,nr, ttty
FREE! If excess acid causes you T. 13 S., R. 36 E., W. M.. Sec. 3, lots Sec. 9. E, ENW, SWy4; Sec. cribed real property in Morrow canK 01 TUaxf' wegon, nepp-
voic :j:- 1 j o. m awi.. o is 17 tti wiiMwu' swi,. Co is rur nrcmn twit- ller -orancn ana upon surrenaer
tion, heartburn, belching, bloat. SWy4; Sec. 34, SWyiNWyi, Ex2- Ey2, lots 1, 2, and 7 to 16, inclusive;
ing, nausea, gas pains, get free SWyi, WyiSEyi. The applicant se- Sees. 19, 20, 21. 28, 29 and 30, all;
sample Udga, at Humphreys Drug lects national forest timber from T. 7 S., R. 24 E., W. M., Sec. 2, lots
Company. 33-42p approximately 60,000 acres compris- 1 and 2, SEyiNEyi, Wy2, SWViSEVi:
v 11 . ' 1
SSS re,E ?l3 P-? P- "-ot together
FOR SALE Harrv IonP! ranch 12 inS Portions of the following de- Sec. 3, all; Sec. 4, Ey2, Sy2SWy4,
sJst t- 51s-tr- 26 f- rf ?ci
'reasonably priced to sell owner M- 0regon- Sec- 31- 3- 8" 9' 10' 11 and 12' alL T 7 S- K 25
Ste la MBalley Padre Hotel BaT SW- T. 5 S., R. 27 K. W. M., Sees. K, W. M., See. 1, NEyi, NSWy4,
ersfSd Calif iff 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, all; SWy4SWy4, WSEy4; Sec. 2, Wy2-
bee. aa, XNy2. iy2bwy4, bwy4awv4; iejV4, nv4, 0720 w 74, oeo, a, u,
Sees. 34 and 35, all; T. 5 S., R. 28, K, 7, 8, 9, and 10, all; Sec. 11, Sy2NEy4,
W.' M, Sec. 13, Wy2. WNEy4, W, WSEy4; Sec. 12, E, NWy4-
NUViNEyiSEyi ; Sec. 14, E S- NWy4) ES(Wy4; Sec. 13, all; Sec
NWy4; Sec. 15, NW, WNE, 14, SV2N, SVSs; Sec. 15, NWy4NEV4,
NEHNEH, NWViSEyi, NSW; W, WSEy4, SEyiSEyi. T. 7 S.,
Sec. 17, NEyi, SV2; Sec. 18, NWyi; R. 26 E., W. M,., Sees. 1 and 2, all;
Legal Notices
Department of the Interior.
District Land Office, The Dalles, Sees. 19 and 20, all; Sec. 21, EE, Sec. 3, NV2, EMjSWyi, SWViSWyi,
Oregon, December 27. 1944. WyWy: Sec. 22. NWyiNWVi. SVz- SEyi; Sec. 6, lots 2, 3. 4, 5, SV2NEyi,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NWy4, SWy4, WSEy4; Sec. 23 NE, SEy4NWy4, ESWy4, SEVi; Sec. 7,
That the Wallowa Timber Company! WSW, NEy4SEy4; Sees. 24 and NWViNEVi, W, WSE; Sec, 8.
North 8832' East 5.30 chains to
the place of beginning,
that plaintiff be adjudged the
in fee simple oi said real
n--,f Ti- r.nA vnn arA papb nf
109. Dursnant to thp art nf Maml, aU: Sec. 30. E. WW: Sec. 3i, NEW. W. SEyi; Sech. 14, 15. 16, F
20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465), as amended N, SE; Sec. 32. N, SE; Sec. 17 and 18, all; T. 7 S., R. 27 E W.M., tiflej estatei lien or in.
by the act of February 28 1925 (43 33. EVfcEVz, Wy2; Sees. 34, 35 and 36, Sees. 1 and 2, all; bee. a, lot 1, ays- terest therein and whatever right
9 kam KAA-Mm t the town wlt the accrued interest.
of Hardmlan. Morrow County, Dated and first published the
Oregon, running thence North 28th day of December, 1944.
parallel with Willow Street in FRANK S. PARKER,
?arid Adti0n. ?'6 CtainS' en?v Trustee for the Bondholders,
West 5.30 chains, thence South ., . ,. . . ..
6.18 chains, thence in an Easter. MaSTiS g
ly direction 5.30 chains to the December 28, 1944. 40-44
place of beginning, containing
a point 6220' West 1861.2 feet BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF
from the Southeast corner of THE COUNTY COURT, dated De
Setion 34 in Township 4 South, cember '20, 1944, I am authorized
Rang 25 E. W. M.. and running and directed to advertise and sell
thence North 118' West 6.06 at public auction at not less than
chains, thence South 8 950' the minimum price herein set
West 5.30 chains, thence South, forth:
118' East 6.18 chains, thence Lots 4, 5. 6, and 7 of Block 2
ona o j a nr t,- ok oil. s 9fi isw,nf.W WiA SVNiA. S1?: Sec. 9. by2JN'a; bees.
ucluuu nvcuue, warren renn- -"v. - 1
j;j tv 1 C-C1.. O 07 C OQ TMl 10 anrl 11 all! SpC. 12. NV9. SWy4. ana
' ' . , , , , nTiri'r.T11 f - 10 TIT 1 TT7 1 . OT?l. UWllCi
file its formal atmlication Nr. O.-'S- SWV4. WzSWi, SV.V&Wi bee. Z, awy4sn,y4; see. 10, vv 72174, 74-
and Tract 3 ef McAlister's 1st
Addition to the Town of Lex
ington, Morrow County, Oregon,
for the minimum price of $50.00
Lots 4 and 5 of Block 1 in City
of Boardman, Morrow County,
Oregon, for the minimum price
of $30.00, cash.
THEREFORE. I will on the 20th
Stat 10flo ifi TT r r co asvz anj all. T. 5 S.. R. 29 E.. W. M.. Sec. NEyi, Sy2; Sec. 4, NVz, NSWVi, or interest you rrtey claim in said
486) and the act of March 4 1925 17, NEyi, NNW, SWy4NWy4, SWy4SWy4, NSEy4, SEy4SE; real property be null and void and THEREFORE. I will on the 20th
m o, o. . ... J r wiq,wia KTi-uswiA lsiASF.u, Sph s. s NV,.' SWV.. NSEy. for such other and further relief as day of January, 1945, at the hour
27, 1940 (54 Stat. 402), to exchange 18, Ey2, NEy4NW1i, SW; Sec. 19, SEy4SEy4; Sees. 6 and 7, aft .j f up0Il you S L lnXS?.
land within and adjacent to the all; Sec. 20, NyfeNEyi, SWNEy4. Sec. 8, SN, NWy4NWy4) S; wlSthrSceiLk Oregon, sell said property to the
Whitman National Forest, Oregon, Wy2, SEVi; Sees. 29, 30 and 31, all; Sec. 10, EVfe; SecsN 11 and 12, all; f Qur successive weeks in the highest and best bidder,
for timber within the Umatilla and Sec. 32, N, SWy4, ESEy4; T. 6 Sec. 17, Sy2NEy4)Wy2NWyi, S; Heppner Gazette Times, a news- JOHN H. FUITEN
Willamette National Forests, Ore- S., R. 24 E., W. M., Sec. 21, SEyi- Sec. 18,, all; T. 7 S., R. 28 E, W. M., pper of general circulation, pursu- Sheriff, Morrow County. Oregon
gon. The applicant offers the fol- SEyi; Sec. 24, lot 4; Sec. 26, S- Sees. 2, 3 and 4, all; Sec. 5, lots 1 ant to on order of Hon. C. L. Sweek, 39-43
lowing described lands, containing NW, SW; Sec. 27, N, ESW, and 2, SEyiNEyi, Ny2SWy4NEy4, BraETO&M!ra
oocor.00 rr me -o -07 -c tir SF.V.- ?0 OR TCTRW RIANWV HWW NWttS'M. NWydNEViSW'A,
M., Oregon, Sec. 21, NWy4SWy4. T. SWVi, WSEy4; Sec. 29, SS; WWSWSWy4, SSE, NE
11 S, R. 36 E., W. M., Sec. 3, SWy4- Sec. 30, SWy4SWy4, SEy4; Sec. 31, SE'A; Sec. 6, all; Sec. 7, W. T. 19
NEy4; Sec. 13,' SWViSEyi, EySEyi; ' NEyi, NEy4SEyi; Sec. 32, lots 1, 2 S., R, 4 E., W. M., Sees 13 and 24,
Sec. 24, E. T. 11 S.. R. 37 E., W. M, and 3; Sec. 33, N, Ey2SWy4, SE; aft. T. 19 S., R. 5 E., W. M, Sees.
Sec. 16, SWy4NEy4, NWy4, ESWy4 Sec. 34, all; Sec, 35, W, SEy4. T. 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, all. The of
WyfeSEyi; Sec. 17, Ny2, NWViSWyi; 6 S., R. 25 E., W. M., Sec. 26, Ey2- fered lands are subject to rights of
Sec. 18, lots 3 and 4, NEy4NEy4, SEy4, Ey2NWy4SEy4) EygNWyiNW- way granted for highways, county
SEyiNWyi, Ey2SWyi, Wy2SEy4; yiSEy4, SWy4NWy4SE14, SWy4SEl4,; and Forest Service roads, and tele
Sec. 19, lots 1, 3 and 4, ESEy4; Sec. 35, NEyi, SSWy4, WSEy4; phone lines. Approximately 700
Sec. 20, SWy4SWy4; Sec. 29, SWy4- T. 6 S, R. 26 E., W. M., Sec. 4, acres in Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 40 E,
NWy4; Sbc. 30, lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, SWy4SWy4; Sec. 5, SWy4NEy4; Sec. Sees. 5,6,7,8 and 17, T. 12 S, R. 40 E.
NEyiNEVi, Sy2NEyi,' SEy4NW, 8, NWy4NWy4; Sec. 9, SEyiNEyi; and Sees. 15. 16 and 22, T. 12 S., R.
Ey2SWy4, NSE T. 11 S, R. 39 Sec. 12, E, EW; Sec. 13. all; 36 E., are subject to rights in favor
E W M Sec 27 SWViSWyi Sec Sec. 14, NEVi, EV2SEV4; Sec. 15, of Baker County, Oregon, granted
33 SWViNEy4 SNWy4 NEVi- NSWy4; SEy4SWy4; Sec. 19, lot by virtue of two instruments dated
SWVi- Sec 34,' WNEy4, NW- 4; Sec. 20. SEyiNEyi; Sec. 23, E, April 15, 1926 which convey de
NWVi, SVzNWVi, NVzSWVi,' SWVi- Sees. 24. 25 and 26, all; Sec. 27, EV2- terminable fee title for highway
SEy4. T. 11 S., R. 40 E., W. M., Sec. NEVi, SWy4NEy4, SEViNW, S; right of way purposes.
17, SEVi; Sec. 21 W; Sec. 25, EV2- Sec. 28. N, SEy4; Sec. 33, N, The purpose of this notice is to
NWVi, SWViSWVi Ey2SWVi, SE1; NEViSWVi, NVzSEVi; Sees. 34 and allow all persons having bona fide
Sec. 26, SEViSEVisec. 27, S; Sec. 35, all; Sec. 36, NEViNWVi, SWVi- objections to the proposed exchange
28, SV2SWVi, SEVi; Sec. 31, SEVi- NWVi. T. 6 S., R. 27 E., W. M.. Sec. an opportunity to file their protests
SWVi, SWViSEVi-' Sec. 32, EV2- 1, NVi SWVi; Sec. 2, lot 1, SV2NV2. or other objections in this office,
NEVi' SWViNEVi ' SVfcNWVi NVz- sl2; Sec. 3, lots 2, 3, 4, SVfeNVz, Sec. together with evidence that a copy
SWVi, SEy4SW, SE14; Sees. 33 4, Ny2, SWSWV. SEy4; Sec. 5, Lots of such protest or objection has
and 34, all; Sec. 35, ENE, E- 1, 2, 3, 4, SEViNEVi, ESEy4; Sec. been served upon the applicant
SWy4, WSE, NEy4SEi4; sec. 36, 6, lot 7; Sec. 7, SVi; Sec. 8, SN, within 30 days from the date of the
all. T.' 11 S., R. 41 E., W. M., Sec. 7, SVz; Sec. 9, NEVi, SVz; Sec. 1Q, NW- first publication of this notice.
Ey2SEVi; Sec. 18, Ny2NEy4; Sec. 29, ViNEy4, W, NWViSEVi, SSE4; Date 0f first publication, January
SV2NWV4, NWViSWVi, SVzSWVi; Sec. 11, Sy2; Sees. 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, U) ig45
Sec. 30, lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, NEy4, E'2- 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, all; c F SPAULDING,
W, SWViSEVi, Ey2SEVi; Sec. 31, Sec. 26, E, Ey2Wy2, SWViSWy4; 42.45 Acting Register.
lots 1 3, and 4, NEVi, - EVzNWVi, Sec. 27, SOTB4, NWy4NEVi NW4 iJ
32, 'NNWy4, SWy4NWy4, Wy2- SWy4SEy4; Sec. 28, Ny2, SWVi, IN THE CTRCUTT COURT OF THE
SWVi. T. 12 S., R. 36 E., W. M., Sec NVzSEVi, SWViSEV4; Sec. 29, EVz- STATE OF OREGON FOR THE
3 SWVi- Sec 4 SEVi1 Sec. 9, N- E W; Sees. 30 and 31, all; Sec. COUNTY OF MORROW.
mi;.. cJ.- ia tmWia. Son is KF.i,. 1 " STATE OF OREGON, a Public
SWy4; Sec. 16, SWNE'A, NWy4- HEPPNER
Nwy4, sEy4Nwy4l sy2swy4NWl-4, .atcttc timpc
sv2Nwy4swy4Nwy4. nwnw- uaxxmi: imh
SWViNWy4, Ny2Sy2, bH.y4br.y4; The Heppner Gazette, established JOHN S. WARREN, and LILLIE
Sec. 21, NVz; Sec. 22, WVi WVzSEVi; March 30, 1883. The Heppner WARREN, husband and wife,
Sec. 26, WVzSWVi; bee. it, all; oec. Times established November 18,
1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 191Z
Corporation, acting by and
through the State Land Board, .
34, NVz, NVzSWVi, WVzSEyi, SEyi
SE'i; Sec. 35, WVzNWy4; T. 12 S.,
R. 37 E., W. M., Sec. 5, SVzNWVi,
NVzSWVi, SWy4SWVi; Sec. 6. lot 1,
svzNEy4, sEViNwy4, EVzSwy4,
SWViSEVi, EVzSEVi; Sec. 7, NEVi,
EVzNWVi. NEViSWVi; Sec. 8, WVz-
Nwy4, Nwy4swy4. t. 12 s., r. 39 e.,
w. m sec. 1, swy4swy4, Eswy4,
Published every Thursday and en
tered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second class
Subscription Price $2.50 a Year
Publisher and Editor
ICE WARREN, husband and
single man, JOHN LEACH, a
widower, FRED LEACH, and
and wife, and all the unknown
deceased. Also all other persons
or parties unknown dairning any
right, title, estate, lien, or inter-
-by the slickest and most fascinating little device you ever saw.
Watch it clean gears 'til they shine like a new dollar. Even
the metal pores are cleaned and all of the accumulation of tar,
gum and worn-out grease ia transmissions and differentials U
gone in a matter of minutes.
Car manufacturers say For longer life cleaa and refill
transmissions and differentials every 5,000 miles.
Start fresh today with gears "handkerchief-clean." Comt
on in . . , we'll show you how DEE TEE works FREE I
We have an experienced lubrica
tion man on our lube rack and are
able almost always to give you a
lubrication job on your car. Bring
your car in or phone for an appoint
ment. Hodge
Chevrolet Co.