8 Heppner Gazette Times, January 4, 1945 The Capital Parade . . By MURRAY WADE LEGISLATIVE PREVIEWS There will be no delay in the or ganization of the forty-third legis lative assembly of the State of Ore gon scheduled by statute to con vene on January 3, the earliest date the legislature has ever met in this state. The 1943 session had a stor my launching with a two-day hold up over the election of a president of the Senate. Elective majorities are assured Howard C Beltton and Eugene E. Marsh for president of the Senate and speaker of the House respectively. Senator Bel ton, as president of the Senate will preside over that body and joinit assemblies of the Senate and House, appoint members of interin com mittees, be authorized with veto power, become acting governor in case of vacancy or disability and be in an advantageous position to run for governor. The speaker of ihe house has similar duties and succeeds the president of the senate to the gubernatorial chair in case of vacancy or disability of both the governor and the president of the Senate. It is as plain as the words on a 24-sheet poster that the 'coming le gislature will have more group fponsored bills to contend with than any preceding Oregon law making body. The big storm scene will start in the first act and continue during the whole show, ammuni tion by the whiskey, milk, truck and labor groups will follow in troduction of bills in their interest. These bills will be political hot po tatoes filled with dynamite. Port land saloons (commonly and fre quently referred to as speakeasies) will be the heavy dough troop. They will be in the lobby early with brief cases bulging and drip ping. These liquor jugglers have been drilling for a long time as they realize the drys won during the last war and may try it again. Their errand will be to block any laws for temperance and to legal ize streamlined saloons, cocktail bars and "refreshment clubs." ATTORNEY GENERAL RULES Recent opinions by Attorney Gen eral George Neuner: One who auc tions or attempts to auction real estate for a fee or commission is required to be licensed as a real estate broker. Justice courts have no jurisdiction over violations of C. 275, O L'41, relating to killing of game without a license. ASSESSORS CONSERVATIVE The present inflationary prices on real property should not be used as a legitimate basis of assessment at the present time, nor should be until they have reached what may be considered a more permanent general level, the Willamette Val ley Assessors' association decide i at their annual meeting in Salem last week. Several assessors from outside the valley attended. Keep ing uniformity of personal property assessments needs an enactment by the legislature the assessors agreed. WITH OiK EYE SHUT State Budget Director George Aiken has been annoyed for sever al weeks by an eye infection. It is better now. The trouble came on when the budget for the 1945-47 bi ennium was in the making and he had to wear a patch over one eye. He claims that patch saved the tax payers a great deal of money as he could see only one-half of the re quests for increased appropriations made by state department heads. WINTER FOREST HUES There were several forest fires in Oregon the past week, the last one near Lacomb in Linn county, which destroyed about 50 thousand feet of logs. At this time of the year ferns have been dried out by frost and thaw and are a great fire hazard. The destruction wrought by fern fires is very great as all the young sprouting trees under the fern are completely destroyed. Many fires in the mid-winter sea son are started by "warm-up" fires in logging camps. CAPITAL SHORTS Governor Earl Snell's latest pet, a 190-pound two year old bear from Siberia has found a home at the Portland zoo. Her name is Maria and she is a gift from Captain Ba digan of a Russian ship. . . Oregon will spend $16,400,000 a year for the first three years after the war. . . Secretary of State, Roert S. Farrell, Jr.. has distributed $1,200,000 to counties as the second 1944 payment from the highway fund. . . Star Reporter Highways To Friday-Saturday. Jan. 5-6 Sweet and Lowdown Benny Goodman and his Band, Lin da DiarnelL Jack Oakie, Lynn Bari, Allyn Joslyn America's top swing band in the musical that's tops. PLUS MOJAVE FIREBRAND Bill Elliott, Gabby Hayes, Anne Jef fries, Harry McKim, LeRoy Mason Action of the solid western type. Sunday-Monday, Jan. 7-8 Arsenic and Old Lace Cary Grant Priscilla Lane, Ray mond Massey, Jack Carson, Ed ward Everett Horton, Peter Lorre, James Gleason, Josephine Hull, Jean Adair An intricate plot is unkinked to provide a happy fate for all who deserve it. You'll like this rollicking murder mystery. Tuesday, Jan. 9 Hairy Ape William Bendix, Susan Hayward, John Loder Eugene O'Neill's play is an ab sorbing drama, distinguished by splendid performances. Wednesday-Thursday, Jan. 10-11 Sensations of 1945 Eleanor Powell, Dennis O'Keefe, Sophia Tucker, W. C. Fields, Woo dy Herman and Cab Calloway with their Bands, Eugene Pallettc, C. Aubrey Smith and many tal ented specialty numbers. The great est stars of the entertainment world in one gay bundle of fun. PLUS March of Time: Inside China Today The editors of March of Time pass over our victories and take their camertas to the front where Axis forces are pressing forward ... a counter-balance to our growing as surance of victory. Health By Ada R. Mayne " - PMNNKY CO., INQ, DOUBLE BED Our famous "Cloister" blanket, 72x84 inches. A three-fiber blanket, warm wool, lustrous rayon, sturdy cotton. Matching binding. SIZE BLANKETS 5.90 Golden Dawn Indian Design Blankets Generous double bed size, 72x84. 5 Single all-over fancy design blankets. w W FRIDAY FEATURE Cotton Sheet Blankets Double bed size, 70x80. 89 FAMOUS PAIRS Just as there are famous pairs of people Romeo and Juliet, Samson and Delilah, Lunt and Fontaine there are famous pairs of foods sauerkraut and weiners, liver and onions, apple pie snd cheese. There is something about the flavor of these pairs which blend together rnd complement each other. We are in favor of the marriage of another pair steamed pudding and ice cream. If you've never eaten this combination you've a treat in store for you. We think the flavor of ice cream on the steamed pudding is much better even than whipped cream of hard sauce. And so much easier! The steamed pudding can be prepared in advance, then merely heated just before serving. Prune-Nut Suet Pudding ala Mode 2 cups sifted all purpose flour; teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon baking soda; 1 cup coarsely ground suet; 2-3 cup chopped dried prunes; 4 tablespoons grated orange rind; 2 eggs, well beaten; 1 cup milk; 1 cup molasses; 1 quart vanilla ice cream. Sift flour, salt and baking soda together. Combine remaining in gredients and add to dry ingredi ents. Mix these together thorough ly, and pour into a greased, cov ered 2-quart pudding mold. Then steam for V2 hours. Serves 10 to 12. Serve warm topped with ice cream. ' Ice cream is good served over other foods too. Have you tried it over warm stale cake? Ginger read and icecream is an excellent combination. And pumpkin pie or squash pie ala mode should not be forgotten. The fact that any dessert which contains ice cream is nutritious must not be overlooked. One serv ing of ice cream will furnish 1-6 of an adult's daily requirement of calcium. According to the report of many studies of American diets calcium is one of the food elements often lacking. It is therefore quite THE INDISPENSABLE CAN important to add calcium-rich foods to meals whenever possible. Ice cream serves a useful purpose in this respect. When compared with different foods often used in its place in meals, ice cream is low in calories, high in calcium and supplies varying amounts of other dietary essentials. Brownie Scouts have collected over five pounds of beads and five pounds of yarn for occupational therapy at McCaw General hospital. iff I 1 CARRY INSURANCE- illwSvJA Regular Ad In This Newspaper 5 Sii mm Wk v j41 2 JUS MUM 4 St MY icwum&m 15c I I s H-i. FAT INCLUDES 1. Painting carrier with acidproof paint. 2. Checking with hydrometer and giving power test. 3. Cleaning and tightening battery cables. 4. Recharging battery. We Are Headquarters For LUBRICATION, TIRE, BATTERY, SPARK PLUG AND BRAKE SERVICE Rosewall Motor Co.