Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 04, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, January 4, 1945 7
Want Ads
terest therein and whatever right
or interest you rrtay claim in said
real property be null and void, and
for such other and further relief as
- . may be just and equitable.
WANTED Two discs, 8 or 10-ft This aummons is served upon you
W. C. Seehafer, lone Ore. 40-42p 7? Publicatin thereof once a week
Telephone Batteries 49c each
Hot shot batteries $2.25 each.
Lantern batteries 55c each.
Flash light batteries 10c each.
Radio batteries $5.95 each.
for four successive weeks in the
Heppner Gazette Times, a news
paper of general circulation, pursu
ant to on order of Hon. C. L. Sweek.
Judge of the above entitled court,
which order is . dated December
11th 1944, and the date of the first
publication of this summons is
Rosewall Motor Company.
TO TRADE OR SELL 15-30 Mc December 14th, 1944.
Cornuck Deering tractor. Dan JOS. J. NYS
Bishop, lone. 41c Attorney for plaintiff.
Residence and post office Address
Heppner, Oregon. 3842
FOUND Automobile federal tax
stamp. Owner may reclaim same
by paying, for this advertisement. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Gazette Times. Heppner. 41c Notice is hereby given that the
WANTED to buy used irons,, ap- undersigned has been duly ap
pliances, electric .motors, wash- pointed executrix of the estate of
ing machines, eto. Heppner Home Alfred L. Ayers, deceased, by the
Service. 19tf County Court of the State of Ore-
LIGHT plants bought and sold or gon' for Morrow unty. and has
serviced. For prices call 383. 32tf accMd such trust. All (persons
having claims against said estate
FREE! If excess acid causes you are required to present the same
pains of stomach ulcers, indiges- to the executrix of the estate at
lion, heartburn, belching, bloat- e offlce j q Turner in H
mg, nausea, gas pains get free pner 0regoni within six mm&s
sample Udga, at Humphreys Drug from date hereof
Company- ?3-i?P Dated and first published at Hep-
FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12 pner, Oregon, this 14th day of Dec
miles from Heppner 2860 acres ember, 1944.
reasonably priced to sell, owner
Stella Bailey, Padre Hotel, Bak- 38-42
ersfield, Calif. 33tf
Dated this 30th day of November,
E. R. HUSTON, City Recorder,
Heppner, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Trustee for the bond
holders of the Masonic Building
Association of Heppner, Oregon,
pursuant to the provisions of that
certain deed of trust executed on
the 28th day of December, 1935, by
said Masonic Bidding Association
of Heppner, Oregon, has elected to
redeem those certain bonds, Nos.
4, 10, 18, 28, 32, 48, 52, 53, 57 and
58. That interest on said numbered
bonds will cease on the first day of
February 1945.
The owner or holder of said bonds
mlay present such bonds to the un
dersigned at .the First National
Bank of Portland, Oregon, Hepp
ner Branch and upon surrender
and cancellation thereof, will be
paid the par value thereof together
with the accrued interest.
Dated and first published the
28th day of December, 1944.
Trustee for the Bondholders,
Masonic Building Association.
December 28, 1944. 40-44
lease. Taxes cannot be increased
nor borrowings.
There is ferment due to the in
filtration of new people and ideas
incident to the war. It is too early
to predict the results of all this but
since there are two major reasons
for interest in New Zealand, it will
be worth our while from the view
point, both of friendly interest in
their experiment and for the thrill
ing new scenery, to go to New
Zealand. I think we shou'd help
them solve their problems when
they want our help, and should ob
serve, for our own benefit, the
working out of their ambitious so
cialist republic.
OPEN 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. IN
Best quality blotting paper in
19x24 sheet for desk covers or cut
smaller to suit your needs. Gazette
Times printery.
Legal Notices
that the undersigned, Administra
tor of the Estate of William Hynd,
deceased, has filed his final ac
count and report in the said estate
EST THE fror-nrr rmmT ni? tot with the Clerk of this Court and
STATE OF OREGON FOR THE that Ju1ge thereof has fixed
COUNTY OF MORROW Monday, January 22, 1945, at the
qtatt? tt hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. as the
oiAiJi UJ? OREGON, a Public time, in the county courtroom in
Corporation acting by and the courthouse in Heppner. Mor
tnrough the State Land Board, row County, Oregon, as the place
Plaintiff. for hearing objections to the said
TTYS' , . final account and the settlement
JOHN S. WARREN, and LILLIE thereof.
WARREN, husband and wife, ' DAVID HYND
ROBERT H. WARREN, and AL- Administrator of the Estate
ICE WARREN, husband and 0f William Hynd, deceased
single, man, JOHN LEACH, a Attorney for the A(Imirristrator
rROTHYusb'ani Heppner, Oregon. 343
and wife, and all the unknown NOTICE OF SALE OF
deceased. Also all other persons BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF
or parties unknown daiming any THE COUNTY COURT, dated De
right, title, estate, lien or inter- cember 20, 1944, I am (authorized
est in the real estate dscribed in and directed to advertise and sell
the complaint herein, at public auction at not less than
Defendants, the minimum price herein set
Lots 4, 5. 6, and 7 of Block 2
and Tract 3 of McAlister's 1st
Addition to the Town of Lex
ington, Morrow County, Oregon,
for the minimum price of $50.00
Lots 4 and 5 of Block 1 in City
of Boardman, Morrow County,
Oregon, for the minimum price
of $30.00, cash.
THEREFORE. I will on the 20th
To John S. Warren, and LUlie War
ren, husband and wife, Robert
H. Warren and Alice Warren,
husband and wife, Alfred T.
Warren, a single man, John
Leach, a widower, Fred Leach
and Dorothy Leach, husband and
wife, and all the unknown heirs
of Elizabeth Leach, deceased.
Also all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right,
the real estate described in the ay of January, 1945 at , the hour
complaint herein, Defendants, ?:00A- H,at e. fr??t dr
' ' of the Court House in Heppner,
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Oregon, sell said property to the
OF OREGON, you and each of you highest and best bidder,
are hereby required to appear and JOHN H. FUITEN
answer plaintiffs com'pl'aint filed Sheriff, Morrow County. Oregon
against you in the above entitled 39-43
court and cause within four weeks mno
from the date of first publication
of this summons and if you fail to ON WA1LR PIPE
so appear or answer, for want Notice is hereby given for the
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the purpose of replacing water mains
above entitled court for the relief the City of Heppner, Oregon, said
prayed for in its complaint, to-wit: City of Heppner will re0eive bids
For a decree quieting plaintiffs for p;pe m Qf the following
title in and to the following des- materials: steel, cast iron, concrete,
cribed real property in Morrow and cement fiber prkes FQB
County, Oregon, to-wit: Heppner
Beginning 340 feet West of the onnA , ......
Southwest corner of lot 4 Block 2000 feet of six inch pipe,
2, Adams Addition to the town 4000 feet of four inch pipe,
of Hardman. Morrow County, Bids will be received until Jan
Oregon, running thence North uary 7, 1945, at the hour of 7:30
parallel with Willow Street in p m at which time all bids will
said Addition 6.06 chains, thence opened and considered by the
West 5.30 chains, thence South Coundl at the Council chamyfrs
o.io cnains, wience in an easier- . .j . tti mu
ly direction 5.30 chains to the J? the,sald Clty f ?T-
place of beginning, containing
3.27 acres, more or less, other
wise described as Beginning at
a point 6220' West 1861.2 feet
from the Southeast corner of
Setion 34 in Township 4 South,
Council reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
Range 25 E. W. M.. and running The Heppner Gazette, established
thence North 1 18' West b.06 March 30, 1883. The Heppner
chains, thence South 8 9 50' TimeS) established November 18,
West 5.30 chains, thence South 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912.
118' East 6.18 chains, thence m. j ,
North 88-32' East 5.30 chains to Published every Thursday and en-
torea at uie rost mnce at nepp-
the place of beginning,
and that plaintiff be adjudged the
owner in fee simple of said real
property and that you and each of
you be forever barred of and from
all right, title, estate, hen or in
ner, Oregon, as second class
Subscription Price $2.50 a Year
Publisher and Editor
New Zealand . . ,
Continued from First Page
Roughly speaking, with the ex
ception of the radio facilities and
air travel facilities, I would place
the physical condition of the coun
try as somewhat akin to 1915-1920
A big qualification here lies in the
fact that there is no ugliness or
slum-like condition in New Zealand.
All of the simple facilities are nice
ly kept with gardens fruit and
vegetable everywhere, fore and
aft, of every cottage..
I am not sure whether the regm
erattive capacity, from the econo
mic point of view, is sufficiinet to
produce the modernization neces
sary to come up to or keep abreast
of the times. Industry there, like
other things, is leveled off with
many sma'l factories, again similar
to America in its 1915-1920 stage.
The other approach that might .be
helpful in an effort at evaluation
of the New Zealand experiment is
to look at things through the eyes
of the New Zealander. If he likes
it, why should we worry or give
him a lower score ismply because
he lacks our gadgetry.
There is much self-conscious de
fensiveness among New Zealanders
when talking to Americans as to
the differential impHed by the
physical picture that I have dec
cribed. Many business men are
heard to criticise their government,
much as in this country. It is sig
nificant, however, that many busi
ness men voted against their own
candidate and for the return of Pe
ter Fraser, the labor Prime Minis
ter at the general election. They
said to each other, "We are not sure
our people can handle labor the
way the Prime Minister can."
Much time is had for simple out
door pleasures in New Zealand. The
lack of gadgetry does not handicap
this. There are long week-ends for
fishing in the magnificent trout
streams and lakes and in the sea.
Much time is spent at the shore in
simple cottages referred to as
"batches". There are race meetings
in normal times somewhere in the
country every day in the year. Ma
jor race meetings in an area pro
duce the equivalent of a week's
In spite of self-conscious defense
by New Zealanders, I think that
they like their country and way of
life very much.
In spite of all this, the country
does stand at crossroads politically
!lnd a swing back of some degree is
now in the making. In the latest
general election the abor govern
ment was returned to power by a
narrow margin of a few seats, and
the trend is such that the next
government will almost certainly
not be labor.
Great problems face the country,
largely due to its unselfishv per
formance in this war. It owes Eng
land an enormous sum. relative to
the New Zealand economy. In addi
tion, there is a large book debt to
the U. S. A., on account of 'end-
These are busy times
especially so for the one
who has to plan and pre
pare the meals for the
family for she too is do
her share of war work.
It will be a boost to her's
and the family's morale to eat out occasionally
to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an
oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of
excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare.
Come any time . . . we're always prepared.
Elkhorn Restaurant
N. Schmaltz & Sons
Peters Building, Heppner
Roofing and Siding Contractors and
For Information Write Box 726, Hepp
ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore.
jot n m w m
by the slickest and most fascinating little device you ever saw.
O Watch it clean gears 'til they shine like a new dollar. Even
the metal pores are cleaned and all of the accumulation of tars,
gum and worn-out grease in transmissions and differentials it
gone in a matter of minutes.
Car manufacturers say For longer life clean and refill
transmissions and differentials every 5,000 miles.
Start fresh today with gears "handkerchief-clean." Com9
on in , . , we'll show you how DEE TEE works FREE I
We have an experienced lubrica
tion man on our lube rack and arc
able almost always to give you a
lubrication job on your car. Bring
your car in or phone for an appoint
ment. Hodge
Chevrolet Co.