Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 04, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gozette Times, January 4, 1945 3
BOARDMAN NEWS Irrigon News Notes
and C. V. Acocks and other rela
tives and friends. They debited
Monday morning for Spokane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elliott of where they will continue their
Lt. Ralph Skoubo who is a prisoner j t u l j.- i.
of war in Germany. It tfoUows: tVJ ll Cpl Glen 'Brien- rad an
J 1 18 1944 pc.iCM.. gunner Qf the air corps left Wed-
rtr. vii, if v,U J m Harriet Smith and small niece nesday for his base in southern
I W IS l0"g T Theresa Weigand spent a week's California after spending his vaca-
I have been own nepvly five at- -u. 4. u-u,.'.. u , ...,..
v-vauuu wiui me uauj a inuuia , uon wiui nis wue ana smaii son
Frances Skoubo
A letter has been receivied from
koubo whi
months. Where it hi one I cln't
account for. Some of the weeks
Mrs. Joy Weigand returning Sun- here and at Menlo Wash, where
day accompanied by Mrs. Weigand. his mother, Mrs. Nona O'Brien and
- J xl.- il U "J
rallCu uu, uley wouia nevta- They ar, at Harry Smith home, o(her relatives
.w xiy. , Jimmie wag burnedt0 death Haddock are
WhaTaXl sStLMet T?? Mr'
sirs. Xand w Lo d?: sssn zs tTzr Haddock 18 empioyed- havp
the same wi ketball.. Bo T "
teams that I am on seem to stay brother George Drby spent the holidays
on the foot of the ladder for cham- George taught in irrigon last year wllh 1x15 slster' ms- rgaret White
pionship teams. It certainly aids in Jimmie played here he and family.
passing the time. We were allowed was a good violet. Oro Thompson disposed of the
to go swimming last week and real- Dave steagall came up from Port- service station in Umatilla and is
ly enjoyed it. Also we have hd a land to spend a few 3 with back on the farm here,
couple picture shows through the family at e Wm. Collyhorn place. Sinice Moore and son Dale were
u t j Wlld west show and, one He left Wednesday morning. He is Irrigon visitors Thursday. Dale
with Judy Garland. The mail com- empioyed in Portland. spent the day with Don and Robert
mg in now is getting closer to the Mr and K A, Fanchier of Adams. '
date that I want down so I am cer- pendleton spent Thursday at the The Irrigon high school basket-
tainiy looking forward to the day Herman Duus home. They brought ball team was defeated 28 to 19 at
that I am blessed by one.. Give my LaVern Duus home from St. An- Stanfield. The grade team won
ui everyone my love lo you thonVs hospital to" spend two days their mme.
aho is caring for her sister Mrs.
James Henderson and family. Mrs.
Henderson has been quite ill.
lexngton news
Miss Patty O'Harra has returned
to La Grande to resume her school
work. She is a cadet nurse at the
La Grande normal.
Miss Marcella Jackson returned
to Eugene Monday. Marcella is a
student at the University of Ore
gon. Miss Edith Edwards left Monday
night for Spokane where she is a
teacher in the Kinman Business
S. G. McMil'an is enjoying a visit
with relatives in Portland and
Miss Freda Breeding accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hicks of The
Dalles to Spokane last week. They
went up to visit Ben Grant and
found him quarantined at Farragut
Rath and Dean Martin,
with scarlet fever.
Mrs. Charles O'Connor and Mrs.
Horace Holcomb of lone have been
hired by the local school board to
fil1 the positions recently vacated
by the resignations of Mrs. Eula
Barnhouse and Mrs. C. C. car
michael. Mr. and Mrs. Orris Padberg have
returned from Portland. They took
their son Charles down for a medi
cal examination.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger
and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan
and daughter Jo were Pendleton
visitors last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson were
hosts at a New Year's eve party
at their farm home. Guests were
Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse. Mrs.
Anne Smouse, Mrs. Minnie For
bes, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Devine,
Louis Levesque, Miss ShirUey
Smouse, Mr. and Mrs. Randall Mar
tin, Mr. and Mirs. Orlo Martin, Mr.
with her parents. She will gradu- Mr. and Mrs. Dee Larson spent
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black spent ate from hosPital Jan. 11. the holidays with their cousin Sam
r TlTi T ' TV IT 11 3 T) i-A-. wr i i 1
Christmas vacation with Mr. and
Mrs. Crawford Ovason and family
in Wallowa.
Cpl and Mrs. James Leitch were
in Wallowa with relatives over the
Mrs. Grace Tyler received word
that her son Harold Tyler S lc
has returned to the States for mud
ical treatment.
Crystal Barlow has been in The
Dalles hospital since Dec. 28 with
undulant fever.
The P. T. A. sponsored a dance
in the school gym Saturday night
with a large crowd attendinig. The
Ordnance orchestra furnished the
Frances Skoubo visited friends in
Union and La Grande over the
Christmas vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Petts were
blessed with an 8 pound baby girl
Dec. 28 at The Dalles hospital.
Irene Roberta is her name.
Mrs. Edward Werner and son re
turned to Portland Tuesday after
spending Christmas with her mo
ther. Mrs. Grace Forbes.
Zoe Billings and Marlene were
in Arlingtton over the Christmas
Bob Miller from Gresham is in
Boardman on business this week.
Mrs. Nicholas, Lee Potts and Mrs.
Van Metre visited Mrs. Leo Potts
and daughter Irene Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher and
Mrs. Roy Pettit and son visited
friends here in Boardman enroute
to Portland Saturday.
Doug'as Hendricks has been ill at
home for the past week with flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wynn and fa
mily were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Wynn Dec. 24 and 25.
Ronald Van Metre who has been
in The Dalles hospital, was able to
be home for Christmae.
Misses Lois Markham and Betty Umiker. and fami'y.
Acock, student nurses who finished Elton Fraser went to Kendrick,
their studies in La Grande Dec. 16 Idaho to spend his vacation with
have been spendinig their vacations relatives there. 1"
with the families, the Harry Smiths Miss Mary Riley of Kendrick, Id-
trMerchan tJtfarine
First Ship to Reach Lae
The Cape Greiq. a modern U.S.
v merchant ship.was ordered to
'sSC? rush supplies to hard-pressed
P9 aillo frortnc J I A Maw
Guinea. up an uncharted river.
?he neqotiated the tortuous ,
channel, vines and trees brush- YfWmMli
mq her deck.under incessant m'ih-
attack btj Japanese bombers,
and snipers li Throuah breaks m the lunale.
the crew saw the vicious fight
inq between Allies and Japan
ese. An enemy bomb tore a
hole in her stern nwriiff"'
With men and supplies OTll
"I . Tt I - - . .i.kt1
undamaaed. she reached
Lae.Seamen, gun crews, After unloadinq in only three
and troops lent a hand in days, the Cafte Greig had to back
qettinq the precious down the narrow river, under
carqo ashore. constant bombinq-another tri
umph of the American Merchant
ittrotMtTioH eoutrnr of fat jMetiCA
uilCfxr iaasinc nnrtTure.e..n.y.
tp jtwJ.cAui(Y, iv S A trcriftt comtroMPtm.
COrrKltMt ff4 J. Y-CUtKKt
" Staghound" Spearheads Allied Thrusts
' Ttfa H ? si .
Fleet and vicious, a 14-ton armored car,
called the Staghound, spearheaded Allied
thrusts against the enemy in Italy and France.
Sponsored primarily by the British govern
ment, the vehicle has been a closely guarded
military secret for more than three years. It
was designed and built in quantity in plants
of the Chevrolet Motor Division of General
Motors Corp., sole producer in the United
States. It combines the features of a tank and
a reconnaissance car, according to M. E.
Coyle, Chevrolet general manager and a G. M.
vice-president. , .
At the left it is shown being tested on the
proving ground. Below is one of many huge
shipments on the way to the fighting front.
4H V
? , '
Shop Thoughtfully
-You will be able to eat
well if you spend points
Five new red poinit were released Dec.
31 T5 through X5. Also those releas
ed Dec. 3 Q5 through S5 are still
You can use these stamps to good ad
vantage at our store.
SUGAR STAMP 34 is good for 5 pounds
of sugar. Blue points valid at this time
are X5 through Z5 and A2 through G2.
We are endeavoring to keep on hand all
the time a good vanety of Fish good
eating, healthful, and point free. Keep
in touch with us. We will do our best to
give you the right kind of service at all
Central Market
We Will Be Open
for Business
Monday, Jan. 8
Mr. Sanders has recovered from his
recent illness and will be on the job
Monday with a complete line of your
and other choice bakery goods.
Yours for a big year 1945!