Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 04, 1945, Image 1

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Gordon Drug Store
Ownership Passes
To Freewater Man
. John Saager Takes
Over Management
First of January
A deal which has been pen ling
for several weeks was concluded
the past week-end when Gordon's
drug store was purchased by John
Saager of Freewater. Saager took
possession Jan. 1, although the for
mer owners, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Gordon, will remain there until
about the 15th of the month get
ting their affairs straightened up
and assisting Mr. Saager in ad
justing himself to his new sur
roundings. Saager is a graudate of the school
of pharmacy at Oregon State col
lege, class of 1934. and since that
time has been employed with the
Freewater Drug company. He is
married and will be joined by his
wife as soon as the Gordon apart
ment is available to them. Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon contemplate moving
to the hotel until plans are com
pleted for a trip.
. Earl Gordon, a native Heppner
son, graduated from the pharmacy
school of North Pacific Dental col
lege, Portland, in 1918. Returning
to Heppner he was employed by
the Patterson Drug company, then
operated by the late John Patter
son. He remained on that job for
three years and went to Arlington
for a couple of years. Yearning to
get back to the old home town he
traded jobs with the Patterson
pharmacist, again putting in a per
iod of two years, then yielding to
the urge to get into business, he
and Mrs. Gordon purchased the
Tash confectionery located on the
' coi ner near the Noble saddle shop.
Being trained as a druggist he
could not visualize his future as
a confectioner and in 1926 when
one of the middle rooms of the
Oddfellows building became vacant,
the Gordons leased the room and
launched into the drug business.
When the Knox liquor law went
into effect, Gordon's was desig
nated as the Morrow county liquor
store, which designation it still
A complete modernization pro
gram was put into effect in 1940,
converting the place into a well
lighted and conveniently arranged
shopping center. Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don have conducted the business
alone for the most part, although to
do so has meant close confinement,
and they feel entitled to a long
rest.They have not announced fu
ture plans further than that they
will take their time about finding
something suitable where they can
be employed outdoors most of the
In buying a business here,, Mr.
Saager stated that he , wanted
to get into a good town and feels
Heppner is just that kind of a
The P-TA of Heppner will hold
its regular meeting Wednesday eve
ning, Jan. 10, in the music room of
the school building. The contest for
the greatest number of parents at
tending according to rooms will be
held again. The program is under
the direction of Mrs. Marie Clary
and is on visual education. She will
speak on the use of the films in the
schools. Miss Hoosier will show and
explain a film for the upper grade
level. Mrs. Edna Turner will show
the kind of film used for primary
grades and Don Strait will show a
film on agriculture. There will be
several musical numbers by the
Girls chorus under the direction of
Miss Rose Hoosier.
Development of
Columbia to Be
Farm Bureau Topic
Development of the Columbia
river and its tributaries will be the
topic of discussion by Herbert G.
West, executive vice president of
e imarai waterways association,
when he appears as guest speaker
at the January meeting of the Mor
row county Farm Bureau. The
meeting will be held at 8 o'clock
p m. Monday, Jan. 8 at the Rhea
creek grange hall.
In addition to West's talk, there
probably will be some discussion
of bureau affairs by C. L. Jamison,
beuittaiy or uie state iarm oureau
organization, and Sam Hunter,
a C j.1 a j. r 1
membership chairman for the east-
em Oregon district, both of whom
have promised to be present.
neroen. west represents an asso-
ciation that has worked for years
for the upbuilding of the Inland
Empire through development of the
water lacinues peruumug to trans-
portation. He comes well informed
and doubtless will leave much food
for thought with the people of this
The farm bureau extends a cor
dial invitation to members and non
members alike to attend the meet-
rng and as an added attraction will
serve relreshments loiiowing tne
Smoking Furnace
Brings Fire Call
A smoking furnace in the base
ment of the Conley Lanham home
gave the family a good scare and
resulted in a call to the fire depart
ment Monday evening. The Lan
ham family had been away from
home from 3 until 9 p. m. and
upon entering the house smelled
smoke. Suspecting trouble in the
lrf nrjf TR WM
furnace room, Lanham opened the purchased the Blaine Elliott house were over. E. R. Lundell went to
basement door. The smoke was on west Baltimore street. The deal work on his accordion and in no
so heavy he knew an investigation was ciosed Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. tuTie the floor was filled with a
could not be made without a gas D0herty will move to Heppner as merry throng of dancers a real
mask so he sent in an alarm. soon as ne h0U3e js vacated by "Hoe-down" as one spectator ex
Firemen found that the flue was Mrs Elliott and 'daughters who are pressed it.
choked and that the pipe leading remaining here tii living quarters riKrn alTYiii,v Muwmr
f iU fm0 tV, fl,,o ma , , , CANCEL AUXILIARY MEETING
disconnected Releasing the smoke
into the basement. The furnace is
an Iron Fireman.
Business visitors in Heppner
Tuesdav were Bert and Ellis Ca-
son of Rock Creek.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, January 4, 1945
1 wipe this out with your tears!
.ijjf, I ' I I
County Sets New
High in Seal Sales
With one or two districts to hear
from, the annual Chistmas seal sale
total in Morrow county to date is
$1212.95. according to Mrs. K. A.
llcube, chairman. This is the largest
fund yet derived from that source
people to support every move that
ana renects tne lenaencv ot me
has a bearing on the War effort.
Since the campaign does not close
until March 1 it is exnected that "1
ditional funds will come in. Those
holding seals are urged to return
them or better, to remit for them
between now and March 1 that
Mrs. House may include the amount
in her annual report.
ri .i . t i i i ! ii
oeai saies nave mourned sie-'cuiy
and substantially in recent years
The 1942 sale totalled $635.95. In
1943 our people bought $963.58
worth of them, and now with the
substantial increase ot 1944 Mrs.
House feels that a word of praise is
due all who participated, both in
distribution and purchasing.
CAKI unjoin lULLbllfcU
A request that people picking up
unexploded cartridges along the
margin of the bombing field turn
them in to the authorities resulted
in the collection of an apple box
m of ,ethal missleS( according
to Chief Bill Morgan who received
the collection.
, , .
lx. woiie ot tne ordnance depot
came to Henoner Wednesdav and
took t SmlS te the
"at Walfa Wat The bt
represented 400 rounds. Army au-
thorities are investigating the ap-
parent waste of target munitions
and continue to warn civilians who
find them turn them in to local
C. E. Doherty of Lexington has
are lounq. oy ivir. Hiinoti at rree-
Billy Hynd has written
Luckman that he is enjoying his
stay at Long Beach Calif, to which
Doint he iourneved several weeks
Hospital Service
Object of Shrine
Club Formed Here
Shriners who reside in this
county held a no-host dinner Mon
day evening Jan. 1 at the Lucas
Place and voted to 'organize a Mor-
,.,,f.. ci,,.; i,,u
nor of hf nnTMpiyjitinn iw in snnn
sor lhe Morrow county hospital and
to fid crippled children through
he Shrine hospital in Portland.
Elaine Iaom was elected president
and Nool Dobyns secretary-treasurer
of the group.
Following the dinner the Nobles
and their ladies attended the thea-
ter. Those at the dinner were Mr.
aJld Mrs" Blaine Isom Mr and Mrs'
John Lane Mr. and Mrs. Nopl Doh.
yng Mr and Mrs Earl Blak6) Mr
alld Mr3. Carence Rosew:iu. Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm Clark, Mr. and
Mrs Den Ward, Mr. and Mrs. James
Dav'is gr-) jyfr' and Mr ' Terrel
Benge, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.' Turner
M , Mrs .Tnhn Wi.Atm.nn Mr
and Mrs. Gordon Banker, Mrs.
T TV T H )T T 1 1 T-i
James Davis, Jr., Miss Nellie Do-
ney, Claude Cox, David Hynd, Tho-
mas More and Oscar Joelson of
(jranQeS Installed
Saturday at lone
Willows grange at lone was host
RhinlBV .nin. t rin. j
y &
Creek granges on the occasion
of annual installation of officers of
three groups. The evening start-
ed wlth a Ptludc supper participat-
ed in by a large crowd.
Mrs. Mary Lundell was the in-
stal,hng on the work
wlth very little helP from man-
uah work was augmented by
the music of Mrs Frances Smouse
violin and Mrs. Echo Palmateer,
vnen ie installation ceremonies
The regular meeting of the Am-
erican Legion auxiliary scheduled 0f the Phelps Funeral Home. In
for Monday night, Jan. 8, has been terment will be made in the I. 0.
Walter canceled, but there will be a joint 0. F. cemetery at Hardman. Mrs.
meeting of the Legion and auxiliary
Monaay evening, Jan. is at wnicn
time a potluck supper will be
Volume 61 , Number 41;
preciPiyion Below
Normal in touniy
During Year 1944
Eightmile Section
Tops Heppner Area
By 1.89 Inches
Records compiled and submitted
by two weather recording stations
in the county indicate that this
area fell considerably below 1943
in the matter of precipitation dur
ing 1944. Particularly is this true
with regard to the Heppner district
where 12.75 inches of moisture
were recorded in 1943 as against
9.56 inches in 1944.
Figures up to and including Nov
ember, 1944 were given a few
weeks ago but to keep the record
straight they are repeated, includ
ing the December rainfall, nnd are
as follows: January .31; February,
1.3G; March.59; April 1.52; May .49;
June 1.20; July .02; August blank;
September .56; October .78; Novem
ber 1.93, and December .80, for a
total of 9.56 inches.
From the Eight Mile-Gooseberry
section Leonard Carlson submits
the following figures: Janu"ry .52;
February 1.62; March 2.45; April
1.45; May .28; June 1.52; July .18;
August .02; September .39; October
.93; November 1.23. and December
.79, for a total of 11.43 inches
sarac as in 1943.
One feature noted by Carlson in
his report is that the last four
the same "mount of moisture. The
months differed but the final re
sults tallied, each showing a preci-
pitation of 3.39 inches
t r. a;.i..:i
tmrl ihii int ami nnrlnrr.fal1i mnis-
ture levels have- joined, indicating
that despite the lack of precipita-
tion there still is 11 good supply of
moisture in the ground. Overcast
skies prevailed most of the time
during November and December,
but since the first of January there
has been a fair amount of sun
shine. During the past week the
temperature has risen from the
middle twenties to 40 above or bet
tcr in mki.day.
Pomona Grange To
Discuss Hospital
Discussion of the nronosed Mor.
row count hospital will be one of
the principal features of the Po-
mona grange afternoon program
when that group meets at Board
man Saturday, Jan. 6, with the
Greenfield grange acting as host.
An effort to secure a speaker for
this special subject was being made
earlier this week and it is hoped
gfnge members and the public
u.emseives 0f
ailXe twl!; . mseives
opportunity to hear this important
Pect outlined and discussed,
Miss Bertha J. Beck, secretary of
the Oregon State grange, will be
guest speaker for the lecture hour
bounty Agent Arnold Ebert will
discuss agricultural problems,
The business meeting will con-
vene at 10 a, m-) with lunch at noon
program to which the pub-
cli is invited is slated for approxi-
matelv 3 t. m.
Funeral Services for Mrs. Ida
May Adams will be held from the
Heppner Church of Christ at 1
o'clock p. m. Friday, Jan 5, the pas
tor, O. Wendell Herbison officiat-
inCi with arrangements in charge
Adams passed away Tuesday at
lhe Dalles where she had been a
patient in a hospital for several