Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 28, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, December 28, 1944
Council Committee
Gives Phonograph
Gift of a portable electric phono
graph and 37 records to the veter
ans administration at Walla Walla
brought the following letter of ap
preciation to Mrs. Ralph Thomp
son, Morrow county chairman of
the Blue Mountain Camp and Hos
pital council, from Lt. Col. J. J.
Beatty, manager. Under date of
Dec. 14, Lt. Col. Beatty writes:
"We have just received from the
Blue Mountain Camp and Hospital
council a portable electric phono
graph and 37 records. This is a won
derful gift from your Morrow coun
ty committee and will certainly
give a great deal of pleasure to our
paients. Will you please express
to all who participated in making
this gift our most sincere apprecia
tion." This is the second: gift of a pho
nograph to the hospital at Walla
Walla, the first one in June by Mrs.
Laxton McMurray of lone. Since
June 1 the local committee has pro
vided $50 worth of new records.
President Roben J. Maaske of
Eastern Oregon College of Educa
tion has announced the appoint
ment of a Veteran's Counciling
committee to work in conjunction
with local Veteran's organizations
and to aid in advising veterans con
cerning their additional education
al opportunities under the G. I. bill
and the Rehabilitation law. Roy L.
Skeen, professor of psychology, was
appointed chairman of this com
mittee. A numer of additional veterans
are expeced to enroll at the college
on the opening day of the winter
term, Tuesday, Jan. 2. Lyle H. John
son, registrar, announced that any
student as well as veterans may be
gin his college career on this date.
Troedson. Their daughter Carol,
who stays with her grandparents
and attends the Heppner school, has
the mumps as of last Saturday and
several visits planned by the fam
ilies during the vacation had to be
Star Reporter
A special meeting of Ruth chap
ter No. 32, Eastern Star, will be
held Friday evening, Dec. 29, an
nounces Mrs. A C Ball, worthy ma
tron. The order of business is initiation.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odein of
Morgan spent Christmas with Mrs.
Odem's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Continued from First Pace
commissioned as Ensigns, United
States Naval Reserve, in ceremon
ies held Dec 14 in the Cathedral
of St John the Divine, New York.
The group was the 21st class to be
graduated from the oldest and larg
est Naval Reserve Officers' school
and brings the total number of
graduates from the New York
school to more than 18.700.
. . : -
ilk 'iSS
X llllli VL J0
ulM SINCE 1939
I EE how they compare! One is up, but the other is down.
Since 1939, the cost of living has gone UP 25.4while
the average price per kilowatt-hour of PP&L electricity is
DOWN 21. Our customers have had three rate reductions
and two "rate dividends" in those five years. And the average
price we receive for residential electric service is down from
2.36 cents per kilowatt-hour then to only 1.86 cents now.
In fact, the average home served by PP&L is using nearly;
twice as much electricity today as was used fifteen years ago
and at no trior cost!
Figurt from U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Pacific Power & Light Company
Friday-Saturday, Dec. 29-30
Ride, Ranger, Ride
Gene Autry in a musical western re
issue. PLUS
The Falcon in Mexico
A diverting experience for the mys
tery fans. The Mexican background
gives the opportunity for some beauti
ful photography and the Introduction
of some good song and dance numbers.
Sunday-Monday, Sec Sl-Ju. 1
An American
(In Technicolor)
Brlaln Donlevy, Ann Xich&rfls, Walter
Abel, John Qualcn
It's America's love story . . . our coun
try, our struggles, our drama! Truly
magnificent entertainment?
Sunday, Deo. 31
11:30 P. M.
Step Lively
George Murphy, Prank Sinatra, Ad
olpiie Menjou, Gloria DeHaven, Wal.
ter Slezak, Eugene Pellatte. Alan
Carney, Wally Brown, Anne Jef
frys, Grant Mitchell
A gay carefree, war-free musical com
edy show. Entirely separate program
from regular show. Admission 50c, 40c,
20c, including tax.
Tuesday, Jan. 2
Dangerous Journey
Thrilling film of travel, adventure
and fascinating scenes from the
world's outposts. Taken by the Denis-Roosevelt
expedition. Narration
by Conrad Nagel. PLUS
Judy Canoya cuts up and sings in
her customarily amusing way.
Wednesday-Thursday, Jan. 3-4
Secret Command
Pat O'Brien, Carole Landis. Chester
Morris, Barton McLane, Ruth
Brawling action and blazing ro
mance, from the thrilling SatEve
Post serial and novel "Pilebuck" by
Oregon Authtors John and Ward
A Large Stock of
New Firestone Tires
Now on Hand
Immediate Delivery
on the following tires:
4:50 x 21
5:50 x 17
6:00 x 16
6:50 x 16
6:50 x 18
7:00 x 16
7:50 x 16
6:50x20 6 ply 7:50 x 20 10 ply
7:00 x 20 8 ply 7:00 x 20- 32 x 6 10 ply
7:50 x 20 8 ply 8:25 x 20 10 ply Transport
8:25 x 20 10 ply All-Traction Logger
Bring your tire certificates to us for quick
Rosewall Motor Co.
Your Firestone Dealer