Heppner Gazette Times December 28, 1944 7 terest therein and whatever right Dated this 30th day of November, parents. Lexington school presented a ZllrJ0 dajm S3if 1944' Pattv O'Harra is spending her Christmias operetta to a capacity mav be iust and couitaWp pp er' we!l" cadet nurse at La Grande. school auditorium. Santa was there Ads WANTED Two discs 8 or 10-ft This summons is served upon you njiiMuriu Mrs. Bethel Taylor is visiting rel- cwluy " W. C. Seehafer lone' Ore 40 42d by Publication thereof once a week Notice hereby given that the atives in Klamath Falls during the chlldren- fdr gATT?yiJ rr-- for four successive weeks in the undersigned Trustee for the bond- holidays. poitmtv rmmT F. !.'300d.30;3?. cbine Heppner Gazette Times, a news- holders of the Masonic Building Mr. anH Mrs n r - 0T iwu ooxes or sneiis. hone paper of general circulation, pursu. Association of Heppner, Oregon, nnj M T el " . 40c ant to on order of Hon. C. L. Sweek pursuant to the provisions oflL Sugars JS"? 1 T P'S"1 ft ,f FOR RENT Rooms by week or entitled court, certain deed of executed on Natives m GamMe Store . Dealer mnntV. Wilo'o n which order is dated Dorwiher , . , , roruana- Jack Allen Supply Co. Tn 11th 1944, and the date of the first oi ecemoer, x oy Mr Mrs. Trwaan Messenger Feenaughty Machinery Co. Charley Fraters. 39-40p T V, -v"iu -iuoe emtn December 14th. 1944 "J ) WllV u-iuuc x illi- co car radio; large baby crib and publication of this summons is sai d M50 Buldmg Association family spent Christmas with WARRANTS DRAWN ON 129.35 10.85 822 27.71 JOS. J. NYS aaj. a 1 'ie stroller. Phone 1384. 39-40c t.:j. Y j "jL .f. TT" '. ' ' xwrsiuente ana posi un ice ruiareas 00. inat interest TO TRADE 92 cubic foot Elec triclux refrigerator for gas or tflamo refrigerator. Delbert Em ert, lone. 37-40p Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly of Heppner, Oregon, has elected to relative of RnarJan MISCELLANEOUS FUND redeem those certain bonds, Nos: Thn T ovincrtnn c,a,. u i Joseph Baltrenas, rodent fund 20.00 i -,2r?jj2 s- ass-. "? 5s on said numbered Sunday night at the Christian vtr Kri f P-tlH . dent fund 7.50 wiu cease on tne iirst aay or church. A large crowd attended February 1945. " The owner or holder of said bonds mlay present such bonds to the un. WANTED-to buy used irons, ap- Sg,S f Tv, T dersigned at the First National pliances, electric motors, wash- T f PortlandOregon, Hepp- ing machines, eto. Heppner Home r Tf ner Branch and upon surrender Service. 19tf f e S ate oiA- and cancellation thereof, will be LIGHT plants bought and sold or TZZ value thereof together serviced. For prices call 383. 32tf FREE If excess acid causes you are required to fte tion, heartburn, beldhing, bloat ing, nausea, gas pains, get free accepted such trust. All (persons .,, j ... . jiavuig uiaims against saia estate same to the executrix of the estate at the office of J. O. Turner in Hep- sample Udga, at Humphreys Drug from the datg hereof 7tny" -3-3- Dated and first published at Hep. FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12 pner, Oregon, this 14th day of Dec. miles from Heppner 2860 acres ember, 1944. reasonably priced to sell, owner . the Dated and first published 28th day of December, 1944. FRANK S. PARKER, Trustee for the Bondholders, Masonic Building Association. December 28, 1944. 40-44 Stella Bailey, Padre Hotel, Bak ersfield, Calif. 3tf Legal Notices t MABEL HUGHES 38-42 Executrix NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Administra tor of the Estate of William Hynd, deceased, has filed his final ac count and report in the said estate SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THF. with the Clerk of this Court and STATE OF OREGON FOR THE that the Judge thereof has fixed COUNTY OF MORROW. Monday, January 22, 1945, at the STATE OF OREGON. P,,hlio .our f 'clock A' M' as tl?e rnnwrat ,- J v , time, in xne county courtroom in Corporation, acting by and v, : ti nr. LEXINGTON NEWS By MRS. MARY EDWARDS Mrs. Etta Hunt of Portland is spending a few days here with relatives. Miss Edith Edwards of Spokane came home Friday evening to spe" ' her Christmas vacation with her N. Schmaltz & Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. through the State Land Board, Plaintiff. vs. JOHN S. WARREN, and LILLIE WARREN, husband and wife, ROBERT H. WARREN, and AL ICE WARREN, husband and wife, ALFRED T. WARREN, a t, m VtadS- "lcU1. ovn J-JAn, a a r i4n:,traw row County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. DAVID HYND Administrator of the Estate of William Hynd, deceased widower, FRED LEACH, and ' nnROTTrv T rim i 1 j neppner, vrecon. 39-43 the complaint herein, DOROTHY LEACH, husband and wife, and all the unknown NOTICE OF SALE OF heirs of ELIZABETH LEACH, COUNTY PROPERTY deceased. Also all other persons BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF or parties unknown claiming any THE COUNTY COURT, dated De right, title, estate, lien or inter- cember 20, 1944, I am (authorized est in the real estate dscribed in and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 4, 5. 6, and 7 of Block 2 and Tract 3 of McAlister's 1st Addition to the Town of Lex ington, Morrow County, Oregon, for the minimum pride of $50.00 cash. Lots 4 and 5 of Block 1 in City of Botardman, Morrow County, Oregon, for the minimum price of $30.00, cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 20th day of January, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door Defendants. To John S. Warren, and Lillie War ren, husband and wife, Robert H, Warren and Alice Warren, husband and wife, Alfred T. Warren, a single man, John Leach, a widower, Fred Leach and Dorothy Leach, husband and wife, and all the unknown heirs of Elizabeth Leach, deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants, of the Court House in Heppner, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Oregon, sell said property to the OF OREGON, you and each of you highest and best bidder, are hereby required to appear and JOHN H. FUITEN answer plaintiffs conrplaint filed sheriff, Morrow County. Oregon against you in the above entitled 39-43 court and cause within four weeks CALL F0R BIDS from the date of first publication WATii.R pipf of this summons and if you fail to ON WATER PIPE so appear or answer, for want Notice is hereby given for the thereof, plaintiff will apply to the purpose of replacing water mains above entitled court for the relief he City of Heppner, Oregon, said prayed for in its complaint, to-wit: Qity 0f Heppner will receive bids For a decree quieting plaintiffs for pipe in any of the following title in and to the following des- materials: steel, cast iron, concrete, cribed real , property in Morrow. cement fiber. Prices F.03. County, Oregon, to-wit: Heppner per foot in carload lots. Beginning 340 feet West of the zm of gix pipCi Southwest corner of lot 4 Block . 2, Adams Addition to the town r of Hardmlan. Morrow County, Bids will be received until Jan. Oregon, running thence North uary 7, 1945, at the hour of 7:30 parallel with Willow Street in p m-) at which time all bids will said Addition 6.06 chains, thence opened and considered by the West 5.30 chains, thence South Council at fte Council Chambers 6.18 chains, thence in an Easter. fa City of Hjeppneri -phe ly direction 5.30 chains to the reserves the right to reject place of beginning, containing 3.27 acres, more or less, other- any or all bids. wise described as Beginning at , UCPPKJFR a point 6220' West 1861.2 feet ncrrnclX from the Southeast corner of GAZETTE TIMES Setion 34 in Township 4 South, 1 1 C 1 Im" Rang 25 E. W. M.. and running The Heppner Gazette, established thence North 118' West 6.06 March 30, 1883. The Heppner chains, thence South 8 9 50 Times, established November 18, West 5.30 chains, thence South 1897 Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. lr18'aS.U.6i8 A'rh?Z Published every Thursday and en North 88 32 East M0 chains to J the place of begtnning, and that plaintiff be adjudged the matter owner in fee simple of : said real property and that you and each of rRAWFORn you be forever barred of and from O. O. CRAWFORD all right, title, estate, lien or in- PuWisher and Editor Jackson Implement Co. Lexington, Oregon ANNOUNCES Hardware Stock Now on Hand PLOMB TOOLS Master Tool Sets 3-8-in. Drill Sockets 1-2-in. Drill Sockets 3-4-in. Drill Sockets End Wrenches Ratchets Speed Wrenches Extensions Screw Drivers OTC Tool Sets 3-8-in. Drill 1-2-in. Drill 3-4-in. drill Extractors Set Screw Wrenches Punches Drill Bits Pipe Wrenches Hacksaws Hammers Files, Feeler Gauges Tool Boxes Vises HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Insto Soap KemTone Finishes Varnishes O-Cedar Polishes O-Cedar Mops Floor Wax Glass Cleaner Soiloff Drain Pipe Cleaner Red Devil Soot Remover Chamois Polishing Cloths Sandpaper Steel Wool LePage's Glue Light Globes Telephone Batteries Stovepipe Stepladders Water Pipe Pipe Joint Compound Garbage Cans Carpet Tacks Nails MISCELLANEOUS Hydraulic Jacks Welding Outfits Welding Rod Welding Flux Oxygen and Acetyl ene Gas Blow Torches Ale mite Grease Guns Pump Oil Cans Trouble Lights Electric Cord Power Skilsaw Power Drills Air Cleaners Grinding Stones Oil Filters Battery Boxes Car Batteries Truck Batteries Tractor Batteries Truck Mirrors Seal Beam Kits Clearance Lights Auto Hornfs Copper Tubing Dnternational Harvester Dealer Phone 1111 7-- I!