Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 28, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    . .
IfaflCAn Ptrt
Continued irora mrst Page
work again for legislation on their
parity program, dut to fear of a col
lapse in all farm prices after the
16. Taxes will not be increased
during 1945 and some will be re
duced; in fact, some nuisance taxes
will be eliminated altogether.
17. The Federal debt will contin
ue to increase during 1945.
18. Whatever is done about taxes,
the cost of living will continue to
rise during 1945.
15. Providing job for returning
soldiers will be the big political
football of 1945. I am not now pre
pared to forecast what will happen
in this connection.
20. Through a coalition of Re
publicans and Conservative Demo
crats, we should have a "do noth
ing" Congress during 1945.
21. The volume retail sales will
show a decline during 1945. Prices
of ladies' apparel and general lux
uries will suffer, while grocery
sales should be higher.
22. The total dollar retail sales
should be about equal to 1944 with
an increased demand for woolen
and cotton textiles for civilian use.
23. The best cities for 1945 busi
ness should ,be:
Altoona, Pa.; New York. N. Y.;
Cleveland. Ohio; Davenport, Iowa;
San Jose, Calif., and Wichita, Kas.
24. There will be a great stam
pede in 1945 to get rid of the make
shift ersatz goods which have been
made to take the place of good mer
chandise. Thus, 1945 will witness
many "mark-down sales" of un
rationed merchandise.
25. Wise will be those manufac
turers, merchants end consumers
who realize that postwar competi
tion will be terrific and, therefore,
withhold purchases until 1946.
26. The United States will own
over 50 of the world's ships in
27. There will be an increase in
free exports with the "freed! coun
tries", but lend-lease exports will
28. We will make England and
Russia large postwar loans provid
ed they spend the money in the
United States.
29. Both the British Empire and
Russia will go into the competitive
foreign trade market during 1945;
many cartels and governmnt m6no
polies will be in operation. I, there-
: P. o
' 1. A If At y I h Jl l A&-f ti J
fore' forecast higher prices for cof-
articles for which we are absolutely
dependent upon foreign countries.
30. No central bank will be organ
ized nor will the stabilization of
foreign currencies .be attempted in
31. The Little Steel Formula will
be amended during 1945.
32. Industrial employment during
1945 will be off 7 in hours and off
10 in pay rolls.
33. The building of a few new
autos and new houses will be re
sumed during 1945.
34. Many industries, now operat
ing on a 48-hour week, will return
to a 44-hour week during 1945.
35. Wage rates will not decline,
but "take-home" income will be
3G. The greater part of Germany's
army will collapse before the Ger
man planting season opens in he
spring of 1945. Before surrendering,
Germany will try poison gas.
37. Japan will not hold out as
long as most people think. Japan
will collapse within six or 12 months
after Germany collapses.
38. If Stalin's health continues, he
will be the world's most powerful
man in 1945 and may dictate the
peace terms, especially for the
39. Sometime after April, 1945,
Russia will join (or threaten to)
the Allies against Japan but only
after the promise of territory privi
leges and a huge loan.
40. The markets may witness a
"communistic scare" during 1945;
but they should soon recover
41. The rails will show the great
est decline during 1945, ecause the
airplane and shipbuilding stocks
are already pretty much deflated.
42. The heavy chemicals, steels
and motors mlay hold their own
during 1945; but consumer goods
will do much better.
43. The safest stocks to buy
considering value, , income and
safety will be the merchandising
stocks, especially the chain store
44. 1944 saw a large increase in
the demand for peace stocks with a
decline in war stocks; but 1945 will
witness them both moving more or
less together. Switching has been
over-done in most cases.
45. 1945 will continue to witness
creeping inflation, although the big
movement toward inflation will not
take place until the next business
depression which will follow the
postwar prosperity.
46. Though bank loan rates
should continue to have an upward
tendency, interest rates in general
will remain low through 1945, since
the moriey sujpply is now 20
above normal and government con
trols will continue.
47. Anticipiating the expected de
cline in Federal taxes, 1945 should
surely see a falling off in the price
of most municipal and probably
other tax-exempt bond.
48. The highest grade corporation
bonds will decline during 1945.
49. Investors will give much mce
attention to diversification and
staggered bond maturities during
50. More public utilities will be
taken over by municipalties and
"authorities" during 1945.
51. Suburban real estate will be
in much greater demand with high
er prices during 1945.
52. City real estate should hold its
A Good
New Year's
To eat at the
just as often
as possible
throughout 1945
Yours i for
Better Eats
Heppner Gazette Times,
own, excepting in the congested
war areas where declines may set
53. Small productiive farms will
continue to increase in price; but
large farms may sell for less in 1945
than in 1944.
54. Building will show a consid
erable increase. Contracts will be
up 25 but prices may be a little
lower due to increases in lumber
and cement production.
55. There will be no changes in
residential rents during 1945.
56. Real estate will be helped by
Congress ceasing to induct any
more men into the armed services
after June 30, 1945.
57. The uncertain political factor
of 1945 will be Mr. Roosevelt. Peo
ple will soon fear that he may re
sign before the next Congressional
elections either on account of ill
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December 28, 1 944 5
health or to become head of a Peace
Commission or new World Organi
zation. 58. Our foreign headaches will
become worse and more frequent
during 1945. What we are going
through to reorganize Italy, will be
repeated in many other countries.
59. The Latin American honey
moon has passed its peak. The at
titude of Argentina will extend to
other countries and our South
American troubles will increase
during 1945. '
60. 1945 will see more religious
interest, including more church
going, than did 1944. People gradu
ally are realizing that without a
Spiritual Awakening no peace OT
other plans will be much good. Na
tions cannot be depended upon to
cooperate and stick to their agree
ments unless they recognize God as
their Ruler and Guide.
Standard Man
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon