8 Heppner Gazette Times, December 21, 1944 TO SPEND CHRISTMAS HERE Wallace Rockwell of Seattle will arrive Saturday to spend Christmas at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Rockwell. Dr. Rockwell's other children are in the service. Charles, formerly in charge of hydro-electric plant in Los Angeles, now in training at Camp Wolters, Tex. Margaret Rockwell is in training at the Area-QYSN hospital, Sampson. N. Y.' BATTLES SLICK HIGHWAY Frank Turner drove to Portland Sunday on a business mission. He was accompanied to . the city by Mrs. Joe Hughes and John Skuzes ki, the . former going to Salem to bring her daughter Mary Olive home for the holidays and Skuzes ki going to San Francisco to spend the holidays with his son Walter and to take a rest for a few weeks. Returning from Portland, Turner was accompanied by Mrs. Hughes and daughter to HeJpner and by Terrell Benge as far as The Dalles where he picked up his own car. Q- ; HERE MONDAY NIGHT Coming for the Eastern Star Masonic installation Monday eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thomas of La Grande, former resi dents here and members of the lo cal orders.' tar Reporter iiiimiiiiiiimimtiiii it'tltlllimi'nHIIHIIItlllllHIIHUllllUlimiMIIIUUIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIHKIIIIIIIIIIlNII II THE COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION, THROUGH THE MORROW COUNTY AAA OF FICE, IS OFFERING THE FOLLOWING GRAIN BINS FOR SALE 34 UNERECTED NORTHWEST PRODUCTS BINS: size 18' di ameter by 15' high, capacity 3340 bushels Price $250 1 UNERECTED ECONOMY BIN: size 16'xl6'xl 6', capacity 3000 bushels Price $225 8 ERECTED ALLADIN BINS: size 10'xl4'x24' capacity 2820 bushels Price $290 (Arrangements can be made with Albert Schunk, Heppner, for moving these bins intact). The uncertainty of conditions affecting the movement of the 1944 grain crotp out of storage before the 1945 harvest, and the urgent need for these bins in other areas have prompted the Commodity Credit Corporation to make this offer. If the bi are not sold locally before March 1, they will be ship ped to other areas where the storage problem is critical. A limited amount of lumber is also being offered for sale. Anyone interested in the purchase of the purchase of bins or lumber should contact the COUNTY AAA OFFICE AT HEPPNER PEN N EY'S YEAR END CLEARANCE ome,ns Millinery ,.M'ns Coats A, minine Slickers SuitS H Pricedfor Don t miss this m clearance yaue Your choice . . $1.00 $1.00 $IO 1 1 p. Womens Giris Dresses r Winter Reduced! CoatS All high grade f? S just two Besses Cl"" r m. Kneed , $.00 Don miss these $ v values I Womens J6 House Coats BlOUSeS Just five left 5oc ns $i-oo Non-rationed OllarS Womens Shoes 25c 35c-70c Purses 50c Friuay-5aturday Dec. 22-23 Sergeant Mike The swell story of the friendship between a soldier and a dog named Mike. This feature replaces Kansas City Kitty originally scheduled for these pfaydates. PLUS- Black Hills Express Don Barry, Wally Vernon Packed to the brim with exciting six gun action Saturday, Sec 23 . Children's Annual Free Christmas Show at 2 p. m. This show is sponsored each year by tue Heppner Elks' lodge and the Star Theater. On the program will be a Smiley Burnette action film and gooi short subjects. Sunday, Dec. 24 ONE DAY ONLY I Love a Soldier Paulette Goddard, Sonny Tufts, Beu- lah Bondl, Barry Fitzgerald. A gay, gallant and reckless love story. Monday, Dec. 25 The Merry Monahans Donald O'Connor, Peggy Byan, Jack Oakie, Ann Blyth, Rosemary De. Camp, John Miljan, Isabel Jewell Familiar ballads and amusing vaude ville turns in an appealing and hu morous musical comedy. Tuesday, ' Dec. 26 Summer Storm George Sanders, Linda Darnell, Ann Lee, Hugo Haas, Edward Everett Horton An achievement in fine characteriza tions, the story is based on an Anton Chekov story of love and weakness and hate in a changing world. Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 27-28 ecoach John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Thomas MitclieU, John Carraaine, Andy D vine A re-issue, "Stagecoach" is on the list of the ten best pictures ever made. It is a thrill and action triumph of th most exciting journey the west ever saw. Stagt 1L A TICK TOCK TOYS 1.09 b- SaUft tt wlKKles all over. Even M flippers! flrraffe Hia lone. Ions neck goes biek nd 7T forth. DONALD and MICKEY, by Wart DIsnav 16 Page of Fun and Frolic ... In Full Color m w MMX I I tinniDo c The little elephant with the floppy ears. 3 Alligator Tou should see his tail nHiiii from side to sidel B Tl inn 'fl"SMtol"HMW I' III ril ill mm - Exquisitely Oressed 17-lnch BABY DOLL 4.98 m. t..o Tionntiful. lifelike curia and moving eyes with the longest lashes! She's irresistible i J DomfBo .. I t&SS ch.curiKift; wifi,n,ifa mW P.rcleDo- I' Ty VVheelbarrow . "V.! f M t I Willi njfaiK.i II Doll T...-L vw "'actb ...I.5 Ma OarA C.l B;9 Don Hou ;5;;58 Immediate Delivery on the following tires: 4:50 x 21 5:50 x 17 6:00 x 16 6:50x16 6:50 x 18 7:00 x 16 7:50 x 16 6:50x20 6 ply 7:50 x 20 10 ply1 7:00x20 8 ply 7:00 x 20-32 x 6 10 ply 7:50 x 20 8 ply 8:25 x 20 10 ply Transport 8:25 x 20 10 ply All-Traction Logger Bring your tire certificates to us for quick service. Rosewall Motor Co.