BOARDMAN NEWS Frances Skoubo Eleonora Skoubo who is attend, ing college in Eugene, is spending her Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Skoubo. Lanora Self from Bend is spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier. J Boardman basketball team met their second defeat of the season at Heppner Friday night with a score of 31 to 23. This was our first lea gue game. Mrs. Tyler is convalescing at home after returning from the Ordnance hospital Tuesday. Cecil Hamilton is spending the Christmas holidays with his wife and family. Mrs. Billings, Hilma See Tyler and Marlene Billings spent Satur day shopping in Pendleton. Daniel Ransier who is stationed at Pasco, spent Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier. Funeral services were held for Mr. Deulen in the Community church Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Deulen is survived by two sons, Al vin Deulen of Boardman, and Al bert now serving in the army, and two daughters, Mrs. Bob McLean and Ida Mae Deulen who are resid ing in Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs Van Metre took their son Ronald to The Dalles hospital Sunday where he will have medical treatment for an abscess on his foot. Mr. and Mrs. Dickerhouf were chaperones af the Recreation hall Sunday night. Guests at the party were David Sides and Robert Ra Vert. . . Mr. I. Skoubo and Frances were in The Dalles Monday on business. Boardman lost their game with Hermiston Saturday night with : a score of 22 to 42. Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo received a letter from their son Ralph Fri day. The letter was written July' 18 from Stalag Luft III, just five months en route. The Boardman high school is sponsoring a Christmas dance Sat urday night, Dec. 23, in the school gym. Music by the Ordnance orch estra. Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daugh ter Barbara, Mrs. I. Skoubo and Mrs. Elvin Ely and family motored to Pendleton Tuesday on business. Drt J. P. Stewart .Eye-Sight Spe. cialist of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, DECEMBER 27th Heppner Gazette Times, December 21, 1944 3 ILLEGAL SLOT MACHINE ORDERED DESTROYED Operation of a slot machine con trary to law was the charge brought against McAtee's by the sheriff's of fice Friday and Justice of the Peace J. O. Hager ord?red the machinie destroyed and all money found, in it' turned over to the county treas urer. The sheriffs office ordered dis continuance of operation of slot machines several months ago . and this is the first violation coming to the attention of the "law." ti'mmimnimmtmiii ti'tiHitirmimii HAPPY HOLIDAY BETTER NEW YEAR May the message of Christmas un changed through the ages bring deep and abiding peace unto your heart. Humphreys 'Drug Company 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND The best of the season to everyone Hold War Bonds! HUSTON'S GROCERY Wiristmas vhcei The Season's Best to Our Customers and All Their Friends Gordon's Drug Store "'i .IIUIIIItHHHItllttltlllHIItlltllllltitlltllHIIIHIIIIItllllttllMllimtltflHMIMAi. v This Christmas Give the Gift of RADIONIC HEARING to a loved one who Is hard ot hearing "jk with New Neutral-Color Earphone and Cord Come in . . . ask for a free demonstration. Alt Available -Tb hw Bom ConaWdoa Zeoiifc tot then whou phnicitat Mcommtnd chil crot af I luminal ifiiaa! B-J-A, 150.00. TTi new Bont-AIr Znith-in tlr oxufoctloa nodal af v U0.007 " CouncU a AjrtiMi MtdMim MWI A-J A . Stram Optical Company 225 South Main Pendleton, Oregon Gifts.... for the Kiddies Cribs, Rockers Arm Chairs, Play Pens Beds, Mattresses Play Tables andjChairs Bench Blackboards Buggies and Toys Case Furniture Co. PERFECT TEAMWORK between train men, station agents, and all other Union Pacific employees, has made possible efficient transportation of a gigantic wartime traffic load. If By . m . . fit sj.gam.cwamm.iran.cioaci. . jfa xx mm . f9s ii mis - -J4 1 v jry hHIXX , jtc Jul -v 81 KZf$zm II fll wwssn ir mm - a : 1LS ' ' ' V 'to", rx6ti' Sf" A. :: - Ass's Y " ' uriunnn wn!vrtv T r i 0 fcs s? 'AT4 r S ' ' ' fS " is" r,j ss I mZ'H ?&v'J' s vrj, 4. romnviiff,-ifrri,iiiflM, TKlEy "KEEP 'BBS H B LIL1 N 6 RAILROADS ARE THE BACKBONE OF OFFENSE USTIN TO TOU AMIRKA" ON YOU FAVORITI MUTUAL STATION IVIST SUNDAY 1 . M. f ACIFK WAR TUtI