2 Heppner Gazette Times, December 21, 1944 IONE NEWS NOTES By ms. OMAB BSE' The lone Masonic lodge and O. E. S. chapter held a joint installa tion Thursday. Dec. 14. The new officers for the Masons are W. M., Omar Rietmann; S. W., Alex Hu ber; J. W., Oscar" Peterson; Sec. George Ely; Treas., E. R. Lundell; S. D. Roy Lindstrom; J. D., Walter Dobyns; Tyler, Bert Johnson; S. S. W.m. Seehafer; J. S., Elmer Grif fith. Officers of the O. E. S. for 1945 are W. M., Dorothy Smith; W. P., George Ely; A. M., Marjorie Baker; A.P. E. Markham Baker; Sete., Ruth Mason; Treas., Ruby Roberts; Con., Kathryn Lindstrom; A. C, Pansy Seehafer; Marshall, Roxy Krebs; Chaplain. Jennie Mc Murray; Organist, Gladys Drake; Ada, Ann Smouse; Ruth, Esther Dobyns; Esther, Lena Lundell; Martha, Elaine Rietmann; Electa, Mildred Morgan; Worder.' Fannie Griffith; Sentinel, Wm. Seehafer, lone school faculty were hosts at a formal dance for the high school and alumni Saturday night at the school house. The auditorium was beautifully decorated with appro priate Christmas trees and decora tions. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of a very en joyable evening. Some of the lone folk on the sick list this week are Mrs. Delia Corson, Denny Swanson, Ann Mar garet Jepson, and Ernest Drake. They are haying a tussle with the mumps. Mrs. Mabel Morgan pTans to spend Christmas at her home in Seattle. During her absence Mrs. Ray Barnett and daughter Mary will care for Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan, Sr. Mary is home for her Christmas vacation from the Can yonville Academy in southern Rev. 'Paul A. Davies of Portland, Oregon. superintendent pf the Congrega tional conference of Oregon made a short visit at the McMurray home Saturday on his way to En gl e chapel for services Sunday. Carlton Swanson was a visitor in The Dalles Saturday when he was in that city to see about repairs on his car. Baptismal services were held at the Christian church in Heppner , Sunday at 5 p. m. when Delores Drake, 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake was received into the lone Christian church. Rev. H. N. Waddell officiated. Evangelistic meetings conducted by Rev. E. Ross Evans of Hood River for the last two weeks at (the Christian church in lone came to a cIoSg Wednesday evening. The lone people feel fortunate in se curing the services of such a cap able evangelist. The Cooperative church Christ mas program will be held at the Christian church on Christmas eve. The high school students will as sist with the program and special music. A very impressive candle lighting ceremony will close the program. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, the Father of all men, and Masons, to call from our lodge our beloved brother, Alfred Lee Ayers, who for mlany years was a promi nent and respected citizen of Hep pner, and a worthy Brother and member of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., Be it resolved that while we bow in reverence to the will of Him who doeth all things well, yet we do not the less feel and deplore his loss. To the family of Brother Ayers we his fellow craftsmen and bro thers extend our deepest sympa thy in this their hour of grief. Be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of our lodge, a copy sent to the family of our deceased Brother and a copy be furnished thje local newspaper for publica tion. C. R. McAlister Robert Wightman- O. G. Crawford o UP AND AROUND Her many friends will be pleased, to learn that Mrs. Rose Howell is able to be up and about the house after an illness of several weeks.. She is deeply grateful for the in terest shown by friends and the many things they have done for-her. These are busy times especially so for the one who has to plan and pre pare the meals for the family for she too is do her share of war work. It will be a boost to her's and the family's morale to eat out occasionally to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare. Come any time . . . we're always prepared. Elkhorn Restaurant Ml NO So Accepted For R epairs Until Further N otice! WE HAVE SO MANY SHOES TO REPAIR THAT ANY MORE COMING IN MAY BECOME LOST AND CAUSE ADDED DELAY. Closed from Dec. 26 to Dec. 29 GONTY'S Shoe Store CHRISTMAS H44 vjitSi oxxx cuitomzxi. a dlzxj dlviLtma an d GREETINGS Nelle's Beauty Shop jjgj is! Enough wood was used shipping military supplies in 1943 to build 700,000 six-room, houses. That is where your new home If gone, but only for the duration. Wood will be ready to serve all of us again as soon as the war ends, because the forest industries have almost no problems of plant conversion. Millions of men will go to work building the structures we have been unable to build during the war. During these war years, our forests have been preparing for the future by growing more than 1 1 billion cubic feet of new wood every 12 months. Our forest lands a third of the nation can continue to produce the wood America needs if they are protected from fire and other damages. Forests are our only major resource which constantly replenishes itself. KINZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY