8 Heppner Gazette Times, December 14, 1944 Our Men . Continued from First Page Honolulu, "crossroads of the Paci fic", where close to a thousand such inquiries are handled every week. The Service, however, is popular everywhere Red Cross personnel are stationed throughout the global warfare. It was in one of the latter stations that the Cox brothers re union was effected by Strong. PARIS STILL GAY, STYLE CAPITAL OF WORLD SAYS LEXINGTON SOLDIER From somewhere in France, Lew Evans writes his impressions of that country in a letter to his father, E. J. Evans of Lexington. Dated Oct. 21, he writes: It has been quite a while since I have written but we have been ra ther busy. We have moved to France and had to got set up. We are fairly comfortable now, in a tent with plank floor, cots, a stove even electric lights which some limes work, a little. It is a good thing we got set up after a short time as it has been raining stead ily and the place is a sea of mud. I got to make a trip to Paris re cently. This is a very modem and beautiful city, and still, after four years of occupation, the style cen ter of the world. There is quite a bit of expensive, beautiful, high quality merchandise in the shops. I bought a few things for Marian for Christmas. The French people suffered dur ing the occupation and I have heard many atrocious stories reiterated. A majority of families have lost a member or two, either killed or sent into Germany for forced labor. The Jews were treated particularly bad. But in spite of this, they are friendly, well dressed and gay. Pa ris i in direct contrast to dowdy, shabby London. The standard of living of French people seems equal to ours, although there is a large peasant class which seems very poor. But the Parisians are immacu lately dressed and look very nice. Women in the U. S. would have to fix up to compete with them. Pric es are high, but the French seem to have plenty of money. There are a few scarcities, such as cigarettes and gasoline, but it is not that the people cannot afford these things, rather they just are unobtainable r It looks as though the war is go ing to last longer and be tougher going than wlas first thought. The Germans seem to be full of fight yet; and, during the advance through France, the French organ ization did invaluable service. Of course we don't have that advan tage now. Also the weather works against us now. So I don't know when I'll get home. Of course I am pretty anx ious it seems that I have been here for years and years but I hope it is soon. Goodbye for now. write again soon. Your loving son, CARD OF APPRECIATION ew' We wish to thank those who at- NO SHOES accepted for repairs tended and helped make a success until further notice. Gonty's Shoe of &e auction last Friday evening. Store. 38c Pine City L?dics Club PKNNtt CO., IMC. I'll try to STAR Reporter IIIUNHIIIIHItl I IIIMIIIIIHIintlllllllllririllHIII'llllllllllllltlltlllltltlfd Stnmxme you foww will be. am OSJa Lit? y ImksM spa wsb Here Is Christmas Cheer to Last All Year and Many Years! Imagine the lucky ones on your gift list enjoying the convenience of one of these fine furniture pieces! Why not make it a reality, and actually give pieces that are 1007o useful and 100 smart? JUST A FEW FROM MANY Mirrors Magazine Baskets Cocktail Tables Hassocks Desks Table Lamps Glassware and Gift Ware Use Our Convenient Payment Plan Case Furniture Company Friday-Saturday, Dec 15-16 Riders of the Rio Grande Bob Steele, Tom Tyler, Jiiuiuie Doiict, Lorraine Miller Action adventure at its best. PLUS Henry Aldrich's Little Secret Jlenry meets a crisis in this most de lightful of the comedy series. Sunday-Monday, Sec. 17-18 Dragon Seed Walter Huston, Katherine Hepburn, Aline McMahon, Akim Tamlroff, Tu'r han Bey, J. Carroll Naish . The mighty drama of the brave 'people und a great love . . flaming from the pages of the Pearl S. Buck novel that thrilled millions Tuesday, Dec 19 . Sing a Jingle Allan Jones, June Vinceut, Samuel S. . Hinds, Jerome Co wen. A good tune-and-fun film. plus-'; .: The Big Noise A comedy featuring funny men Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 20-21 Song of the Open Road Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen, Jane Powell, W. C. Fields, Bonita Granville, Sammy Kaye and Orch estra. A neat musical with Oregon songbird Jane Powell displaying exceptionally fine talents. Not Any Shirt . . Nor Any Tie .. . But Your Selection of TOWN CRAFT FURNISHINGS CHRISTMAS TIES HE'S SURE TO LIKE Satin Brocades and Stripes in Stained Glass col ors. Hand pain.ed ties, if he's one to like some thing different. Colorful all wool plaids, stripes. 98' MEN'S SANFOPJIED DRESS SHIRTS Snow-luster broadcloth, neat, and white. Woven through stripes on suit-matcher colored back grounds. 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