6 Heppner Gazette Times, December 14, 1944 CHURCHES Irrigcn News Notes By MBSi J. A. SHOUN Mrs. Minnie Fraser and children and Mr. .and .Mrs. E. ,R. Schneider were Pendleton visitors Monday. Mrs. Milton . Bailey, Mrs . ..Sam Umiker were Walla Walla visitors Heppner-' Lumber 1 Co arid was a week-end visitor returning to Rhea creek Monday where he is to be stationed. . " ' : ' ' Mr. and Mrs. C. ' W. Grlr.i were Pendleton visitor Monday. ' v Milt Cbnn.ill a paratrooper left Tuesday for his base in Florida after spending a few days furlough with his brother Earl and family. He plans ta make a short visit with FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Bennie Howe, Minister Sunday, Dec. 17: Divine worship at 11 a. m. Advent Tuesday. Sermon by the pastor. Mrs. Leo Haddox was in Pendle- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. ton Tuesday. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Connell were his brother Norman at LaGrande Evening service at 7:30. This is a Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. before going on. special advent service of anthems Fred Houglrfcon was a business rs- Theresa Connell is in the and hymns rendered by the senior caller in Hermiston Tuesday. Pendleton hospital taking treat, and junior choirs. Clifford Rucker, S lc is in Flor- ments and resting. She had the Earl Junior choir practice at 4 p. m. ida atttending a naval gunnery Connells and Milt Connell as vis at the parsonage. school and Cpl Leslie Rucker of itors the Past few days Wednesday evening: the army fair corps is in England Mrs- Howard Gollyhorn and small Senior choir rehearsal Thurs- according to their mother, Mrs. El- son Donald William came home dlay evening due to school program mer Rucker. from the Ordnance hospital Tues- Christmas Eve: Te C. W. Acocks are preparing day evening. , , , , their turkeys for market with local The Howard Warner family were Thought for the week: Thgy begm picking Pendleton callers Thursday. Christmas tree festival and pro. day , Miss Marie Glasgow oi Ordnance gram at 7:30. Mrs. June Cooper and small son spent Thursday night with her Say something good about a man left for Springfield to join her hus- cousin Miss Muriel Harold, while he is up. Even a tombstone band Harry Cooper over the holi- Mrs. William Gollyhorn and dau- will say something good about him days. ghter, Hazel Sleagall and daughter when he is down. Ray D. Everson. Lyle Mulkey is working for the Maxine we e Pendleton visitors , 1 '! . ,( ' i ' .' ' ' .''' Saturday. : ' ' . ' ' ' Pvt Tlry Coulter' writes f rdm . a hospital in England that' he is im- 'proVing Li t riot "but of the hospital. He wai' vour.ded in ' action ' in France during- the invasion. . William mold Gollyhorn who is 'in the army, is e.t a hospital at Fort Meade, Md. helping care for returned toidiers who are ill. COBKMISSttN SET DATE FOR ANGLING REGULATIONS The rnnual hearing of Oregon t?(e GVmV ' cbVttihi ission in regard q angling regulations will be held a: 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Jan. 13, 11)45, as specified by sta tute. Hie commission's offices are in tiie Giegon Building, Portltand. At this time the commission will consider the 1943 seasons, bag lim-' its and other regulations affecting the taking of game fish in the state. i.".e hearing will be open to the uncial public. CHRISTMAS TREES AND GREENERY FOR DECORATION On sale now at former Bowling Alley room between First National Bank and Hep ner Bakery. Will be open until Christmas. LEE CANTVi!!.?. CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herbison, Pastor Bible school 9:45. A class for ev ery age. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt No 8 a.' m. service. Church school 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack Pastot Schedule ot Services: Heppner: Sunday mass at 9 a. m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th. lone: 10:30 a. m. on th 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass fat Sam. First Friday at 7:30 a. m. Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. Sundays 8:15 a. m. to 8.55 a. m. CHURCH oflONE COOPERATIVE H. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school. 10 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. 2:30 p. m. Preaching service at Lexington. Junior C. E. 7 p. m. Praise and preaching service 8 p. m. Tuesday Bible study and prayer service 8 p. m. Wednesday Choir practice 8 p. m. Thursday Union aid 2 p. m. A cordial welcome awaits you. Come. IONE FULL GOSPEL MISSION Ralph De Boer. Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Evening service 8 p. m. IONE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Edward Caldwell Bowlen, Pastor Bible School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Young Peoople's 7:00 p. m. Evangelistic Service 8:00 p. m. Prayer meet 8 p. m. Wednesday. SUNDAY SPECIAL Turkey Dinner $1.00 per plate v ICTORY Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty LieualUn Proprietors COMMUNITY AUCTIO N In u CR at th 4 m 3i m L IntOti 1111 12 miles above Kimberley 51 1 miles below Monument Oregon Beginning at-1 0 A. M. Sharp mnday Decern beir 17 Between 20 and 30 head of good work horses and broke saddle horses . . . One Black Angus yearling bull, One Black Angus 2-year-old bull, One Shorthorn yearling bull - all registered; and cattle of all kinds. Stock saddles, harness, implements, household goods, shop equipment, cream sep arators, cook stoves, ranges and many other articles too numerous to mention here. Anyone having anything to sell may bring it to this sale. Stuff must be here by late Saturday evening or early Sunday morning. Lunch at Noon Served by Ladies of the Monument Grange C. R. PETERSON, Manager V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk TTotrmmss