Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 07, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, December 7, ivm
- -hone their itemized reports to P.TA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Mrs. Ccorge A. Corwin within the f PONSOPS HOLIDAY PLAN
week. BeTr'eving that competition pro
War activities have comprised a motes greater activity the execii'iv-
it. njft, ofWrif vimmUffo nf YVii TTpnnnpr Parpnt.
mo: pari or ui , -; " " AriSiur DaJzeU.
ies during the year ar.a uie si-cie- iwuiw aasiN-ianuu mcouraj cvc-
a total summary ninp recommended tnat trie srnoo-
of the number of hours spent by room naving tne largest num
Wartime Waae Not
In Effect in 1867
If history repeats and it gener
ally cloes millions now enjoying
they wish they had held onto some tary is compi.rg
, . r u- l.. Mnv nf the number o
or tneeasy money w u. y ... mVvmbershi in vclunteer ser- parents who were paid up members
The boom fell after the ; Cvt War he , ntonbe rf af ft.
ana again i ".g meetings be given a half holid
war i, ana whu ivnuvvs uui ui
there might be a similar lowering TAKEN , TO HOSPITAL
of the wage scfale following World
War II. It will not be surprising, county jail early last week on a
to say the least. charge of Ape. Wednesday was
TVioro 15 nn fvir1pno at hand to Htr1 in th& Eastern Oregon
the Civil War. That they were low tion a"d treatment. Amoth stead- carryimg out the plan.
-fnlWin that, historic conflict is fasilv rpfuRPd to take nourishment Mrs. E. O. Ferguson was appoint-
proved in a small document pos- and acted in a manner' that con- ed to serve as room representative j.
sessed by Lee Cantwell. It is a court vinced officials he was not putting chairman V another year. Plans f
uruer iui jtdj'iiicin. ui an aui. ui lucu vnc - - -
fees and was made out June 24, badly by striking the cell walls in to raise money for the scholarship
1867. ' - warding off attacks by imaginary fund sponsored by the Ps-ocitm-The
order reads: "The State of cnernies. A report from the hospital details for which will be announced
Mississippi Davis County Court. eary hjs week stated that Amoth .when b, hall can be secured.
June term, 1867: M. Sprinkel vs j3 m seri0us condition both mental- Mrs. Tress McClintock has ar
E. Watters. G. E. Nette proved on ly ctl(j physically, but a rumor that ranged an excellent program for
oath his attendance as a witness on ha(j l(;e(j was nothing more than the regular meeting to be held at
the part of plaintiHf for three days a rumof. A concurrent report that 8 p. m. Wednesday Dec. 13 in the
for which he is entitled by law to yus. Amoth had' een committed to music room at the school. The Hep
receive 4 dollars 50 cents; travel- the hospital also proved false. She pner Woman's Choral club, directed
is in the women's ward of the 0m- by Mrs. O. G. Crawford, will pre-
rr-n, Olney Saling. Morgan Wer- Peck. South Heppner Frank E.
iipr P;e.iann. chairman, Geoe E. Fltrker, chairiran: E"?rl Blake, vice
Miller, vice chairman, Cs'cil Thome, chairman, C. N. Jones.
Eight Mile Frenk Anderson, chair- Irngon irn rlenny, ctiairman;
mn:Dan Barlow, vice chairman, K. H. Kiichso-, vice chairman;
C-'"" ' "oadnan Jack
North H-pp-ier T. T-" -v, ?,Cur:.:?nr, 'i-i-r'a i; dxrh Skou-
ber of chairmen; Harry Dftvall, vice ch-v.r. bo. v;c- cbi:-r n; Of car Veele.
ir-n H M. Miller. .Lexington Ter- j.it- .i-r.-ys r.i .'iv ugu.u, cnair
ro'l L. B:Lnr-3. chr;.iTn; Vernon E. msi; V7 TJ. Rlc "ica chairman,
Munkers. vice chairman; Georgft N. F 'cd l"mk:n.
each month. Room representative-
Ivar Arnoth, held in the Morrow - -
DLUUCllLO ill tircu i ci." v c luytiu.
A motion for such action was pass
ed at the last meeting of the P-TA
the executive committee is
turn I
ing to arid from court, 147 miles, 7
dollars, and 35 cents crossing fer
riestotal $11.85. Given under my
hand this 24th day of June, 1867. rrviCF
W. J. Hopkins, Clerk County AMILY IN SLRICE
M. Sprinkel. plaintilf, was grand- are proud or tne tact max iour oi
father of Cantwell and Lee Sprin- their children (are in there doing
IcpI holh of Hetroner. their bit to subdue the enemies of
atilla county jail . sent a group of Christmas carols.
Faitiier McCormack will give a talk
ana tnere wi.l be a sa ety quiz
PAnllloct Vvcit it7acin frtlir I'.fVi orr1
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Vanschoiai'k fom, sQns
TY 1.89 Ea
freedom and justice. Their daught
er, Cpl. Erma Vanschoiack( of the
Wacs, is taking the plaae of a scl-
Tppe A . .
Continued from First Page
nian, and Clyde Denney, regular
i ma niu.Tu "-' i ivu vv aias, is laKiiit; uie uiaue ui a i, , , .
A request from officials ot the dier at Gulfport Field, Miss.; Andy A , ,. . L T
Morrow County Woolgrowers aux- is preparing himself at Amarillo, ZZ u Ta T r in
v u u ! ,, j t mw. n, .i i - i .i 1 1 . bkoubo, second alternate; Florence
ihary has been issued to members Tex. to do his share with the Army r' trwwiiw Amnld C
to turn in reports on war activities Air Forces; Cecil is in gunnery Sfl, c ' treasurer' -T?0
during the year. The secrctaiT is school at jLclSonville, Fla., and Sid-
making up the annual report and ney, having finished boot camp at DistrictnTSteemen are as foU
needs these individual record to San Diego, arrived Wednesday to, Al . a-.t-j u-
complete the unit's activities. Mem- .cpend bcxit leave with the folks at l0WS: pmeT h y'
, i u j . i man; Wm. J. Dohenty, vice chair-
bers have been requcrj!i:d to rend home.
He wiggles all
over. Even his
His long, loftg
neck goes
back and
16 Paget of Fun and
Frolic... In Full Color
The little
elephant with
the floppy
'4 il '
In a Heavenly Choice
of Bedroom Shades'
Antwerp Blue, Green,
Cherry Wood, Rose Du,
This Christmas our gifts should be lasting gifts . . .
useful gifts. These fine 100 virgin wool blankets
mean years of comfort to those who own them. A rich
rayon satin binding accentuates the deep color tones.
And they're guaranteed for five years against moth
damage, Generous 72" x 84" size.
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday, Doc. 8-9
San Antonio Kid
A capable cast portrayinp Ited Rydt-r.
Little Beaver. The Duchess. Hapny
Jack and the title role make this on'o
of the best of recent westerns. PLUS
Stars on Parade
Larry Parks, Lynn Merrick, Jeff Den
nett, King Cole Trio.
A pleasantt little picture with excel
lent musical numbers.
Saturday, Dec 9
Children's War Bond
Matinee at 2 P. M.
Every child who purchases war stamps
or bonds during the Sixth War Loan
Drive is invited to attend this speciil
matinee. Fill out your war stamp
books and convert them into bonds
during this Drive! The program will
consist of a re-issue of the great ac
tion film APACHE TRAIL plus lively
short subjects particularly suitable for
children's entertainment.
Sunday-Monday., Dec. 10-11
White Cliffs of Dover
Irene Dunne, Alan Marshall, Roddy
McDowell, Va:i Johnson. Dame Mao
Whitty, John Warburton, Frank
Morgan, Gladys Cooner, C. Aubrey
Adventure, excitement, bravery, action
and infinite tenderness are all woven
into this great story of love in our
time. Based on the poem, "The White
Cliffs'' by Alice Duer Miller.
You should see his i tail
swish from siae w w
Exquisitely Dressed
She has beautiful, lifelike
curls and moving eyes with
the longest lashes! She s
rs Ba9o,B'-c:::;; lv:H
!g Cfc.cUr.Klt.... lit TDo"Fur ..;0o I
W Percale Dog 1 nJ TY 'b.rrow I
EmbS.f ;00 "Ba"7 ....1.98
Doll W 1,00 B,lboardSr , . I
r or temp Price BqIow: 37 1-2 iy. teet $2.98
Tuesday, Dec 12
War Bond Premiere
Admission is confined exclusively to
Bond purchasers, no tickets sold. Be
ing agency when you make your pur
cure your ticket from the bond issu
chase. If you do not have a free ad
mission ticket, bond may be purchased
at the ttheater. The program, which
will start at 8 p. m. and be shown only
once, will be as follows: Heppner Wo
men's Choral club, Community Sirg
ing, and the film
Address Unknown
From the widely celebrated book and
Reader's Digest story by Kressman
Taylor, with Paul Lukaa, Academy
Award Winner, giving a sensational
characterization destined to win him
new laurels, and other memorable per
formances by a splendid cast.
Also, the amazing predictions of the
16th century scholar Michel Nostrada
mus in "Nostradamus IV," which are
borne out by current events, will hold
your interest at a high peak.
Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 13-14
Storm Over Lisbon
Vera Hruba Ralston, Richard Arlen,
Erich vonStroheim, Otto Krnger, Ed.
uardo Ciar.nelli, Robert Livingston,
Mona Barrie
The thrilling story of a siren with a
secret in the most adventurous citiy in
the world. PLUS
America's merchant fleet after the
war . . . men of the Merchant Marin.
l' For Year 'Round f W7 IJ
AL ' HOME Sra i
ill Tire-resistant, water-repel- L-C-"-' 11'
; lent, easy to install. Free s-y- - vUpk
estimate. FHA TERMS ; " . m
k iK it it j
IL r&k ?ire$fi 1
I H y lIt Factory Method 111
jlLJw 6.00..6 7.e M
m f IM Prevent dangerous skid- j
f M dingj Materials and work-
II ., . . manship guaranteed. SSv
No Ration . , iT-A-a i
U Certificate Needed Prompt service. (
Rosewall Motor Co.