4 Heppner Gazette Times, December 7, 1944 EDITORIAL . . . The End Is In Sight Don't misread the above caption and arrive at a hasty conclusion that the war is about over. What is in mind is that with a little stepping up .in the buyins: of bonds the Sixth War Loan cam paign in Morrow county can easily come to a close in a few days. All of us would like to think that the war will not last much longer, but there is a wav to advance the great day and that is for the folks at home to make an all-out effort in financ ing and providing the sinews of war. There has been little noise made about the Sixth War Loan in this locality. The lone school rally Friday evening gave a great stimulus to buying in other sections of the county and by the first of this week the bond committee was able to report that the goal is in sight. Buying bonds is becoming a habit and it has been somewhat sur prising and altogether pleasing the way the sub scriptions have pilled up in the current drive. There is a possibility that Morrow county can come out first in the E bond quota. If you plan to buy another bond, do it today and help the war finance committtee claim the honor. METHODIST CHOIRS TO GIVE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM A program of Christmas music has been arranged by the junior and senior choirs of the Methodist church to be presented at 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 17. in the auditorium of the church. The program includ es the following numbers': All My Heart This Night Re ioices; In Bethlehem Neath Starlit Skies; Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne , and Gloria senior chcir. Slkr of the East Mrs. Tom Wells comes in for much bitter partisan discussion every four years has been kept alive. In Oregon, discus sion of this moot question crystallized into the passing of a resolution at the symposium arranged by Mrs. George T. Gerlinger of Portland on last September 22. The resolution, along with others passed at the meeting, will be presented to the 1945 Oregon legislature as follows: that they me morialize the next Congress to pass an amend ment to the Constitution to limit the tenure of office of the President of the United States, of and Mrs. Don Romine. any party, to two terms of four years each for the Hark! The Herald Aneels Sing; very good reasons set forth in the resolution. An- Long Yenrs Am OV Bethlehem's other resolution asks that they make a careful stu- Hills: Infnnt Holy: There . a Song j.. c .u. i n. ' m t oi(;, thp Air. rnrl FiVnt Night, viohn the President of the United States and that their conclusions if sufficiently unanimous be present ed to the next session of Congress, where legis lation about this matter is already pending. A third resolution relates to making a suitable appropriation for statues of two most outstand ing Oregon citizens to be placed in Statuary Hall or the Hall of Fame as it is popularly called, in the nation's capitol. Dr. John McLaughlin and Rev. lason Lee were chosen for this commemo- Professiond Directory P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GEJJEKAL IfcSUBANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance 1 r, obl'gpto bv Carolyn Bnurrpn lun iw choir, God So Loved the World: Behold I Bring You Good Tidings, and Glory Be to God in the Highest senior choir. An invitation has been extended to the public to cittend. j. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 17.'' H'oiel Heppner BuiMing Heppner. Oregon HUDDLESTONS ARRIVE Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Huddle ston and little daughters of Valdez, ratinr honor and in 1931 a bill was presented pro- Alaska, came to Heppner Saturday viding for this sum of $10,000 for statues of them from Portland where they spent a to be placed in Statuary Hall. A recommendation week with Mrs. Fred Allison. They by the ways and means committtee that the appro- had planned to come trough from priation be indefinitely postponed was accepted Seattle with Mrs Huddlestons fa. Snd there the matter Rested. There is a grow- EtS ing aemana an over uregun tor uusuw i.- and . in Portland for Jos. J. Nys 'ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Would Curb Long Office Tenure Ever since the days of William Howard Taft, who proposed one six-year term for a president of the United States, the question of limiting the presidential tenure has occupied the attention of tion of our noble pioneers and the petitions are. md remained in PortlandAla Directors of Funerals M. L. CASE G. El NTKANDEB 2r Phones 262 various groups. In this manner a subject which being eagerly signed. MHMtMMtMMMtt HI WIH I M I THE COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION, THROUGH THE MORROW COUNTY AAA OF FICE, IS OFFERING THE FOLLOWING GRAIN BINS FOR SALE 34 UNERECTED NORTHWEST PRODUCTS BINS: size 18 di ameter by 15' high, capacity 3340 bushels Price $250 1 UNERECTED ECONOMY BIN: size 16'xl6'xl6', capacity 3000 bushels Price $225 8 ERECTED ALLADIN BINS: size 10'xl4'x24', capacity 2820 bushels Price $290 (Arrangements can be made with Albert Schunk, Heppner, for moving these bins intact). The uncertainty of conditions affecting the movement of the 1944 grain crdp out of storage before the 1945 harvest, and the urgent need for these bins in ether areas have prompted the Commodity Credit Corporation to make this offer. If the bins are not sold locally before Marth 1, they will be ship ped to other areas where the storage problem is critical. treatment. Thev will be in the States until February. Coming from Valdez with the Huddlestons was a young Eskimo girl who has Ween placed in chhrga of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Fields of Caldwell, Ida., who came Sunday to get her. GETS GOVERNMENT JOB Harry Tamblyn, county surveyor and former county engineer, has ac cepted a position with the federal bureau of roads and will leeave Heppner shortly for Oregon City I where he has been essigned to work in Clackamas .county. Tamblyn has 1 been busy with private road loca- I tion and surveying projects since I the office of county engineer was ! abolished in 1943, spending the past summer in the employ of the Kin- zua Pine Mills company. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Phyileiaa 8ufm FIRST NATIONAL, BANK BUX). Rec. Phone 1182 Office Phone 482 HEPPNER. OREGON Dr. W. H. Rockwell Naturopathic Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. A. DJMcMurcfoiM.D. Trained Hunt Assistant PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office in Minnie Building HEPPNER ORE. A limited amount of lumber is also being offered for salef the purchase of bins or lumber should contact the Anyone interested in the purchase of COUNTY AAA OFFICE AT HEPPNER Santa's Choice for Gift: diamond tf(ing. s When Santa chooses a Diamond Ring, he chooses the gift supreme. We have the mbeautifully styled, carefully made and popularly priced, including Solitaires, Wedding Rings and Matched Sets Select yours soon! BUY BONDS FIRST! Pete rson s Jeweler W RFSIGNS JOB Mrs. Roberit Walker has resigned as bookkeeper at the J. C. Penney company store and plans to enter the Pacific Christian college' in Eu gene. Her husband, Pvt. Robert Walker, has been transferred from Camp Use, Va. Ito Cheyenne, Wyo and has a few days delayed orders. Mrs. Walker will go to Portland Monday to meet him, Mrs. Nellie Andlerson has taken over the book keeping job at the store. ILL WITH PNEUMONIA Mrs. Lewis Morris of John Day i reported ill with pneumonia. She had just returned from a short vis it in Heppner when stricken and was taken immediately to a hospi tal., Mrs. Anna Bayless has gone to John Day to be with her sister. a : IMPROVING WATER SYSTEM Albeit Lindstrom of Morgan was iri Heppner Monday buying new pipe with which to repair and par tially rebuild the water system on his ranch. Mrs. Lindstrom accom panied him to town. HERE FROM HEUMISTON Jared White of Hermiston was a business visitor in Heppner Wed nesday. He recently mov'ed from Irrigon where he resided two years. Prior to that he lived inWallowa county. SPENT WEEK-END HERE Mrs. Louis Morris of John Day spent the week-end in Heppner vi siting her sisters, Mrs Anna Bay less and Mrs Frank Turner. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1S97. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912 Published every Thursday and en tered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Morrow County Abstract Or Title Co. INC. ABSTPACTS OP TITLE TITLE niSTJBANCE office in New Peters Building 1 Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis- I cussion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor " Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner. Ore. M-AV AUTO POLICY Bod. Inj. Class A Class B Class C' Pr. Dam. 6.25 5.05 6.00 5.25 7.75 5.25 F. W. TURNER & CO. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. O. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work Country work especially Phone 1483 J. O. Peterson LfttMt Jewelry and Gilt Goods Watchei . Olooki . Diamond Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon