Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 07, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette Times, December 7, 1944-3
Lexington News
M. Marv Edwards
News has come- of the fhh "r
Mrs. ona Slit at Hr hntne in
Bend Nov. 22 Mrs. Slate, the for
merLebna Davis, was born in Lex
ington Mav'22, 1R97. She naW
her girlhood here and was a grad
uate of th Ijexineton hieh school.
She was married to Howard Slate
28 years ago and to this union were
born threle sons and nine daught
ers who with her husband are left
to mourn her death. She is also
survived by hjer mother, Mrs Net
tie Davis oif Lexington, and three
brothers, James of Lexington, Ciark
of Pendleton and Glen of Bend and
four sisters, Mrs. Nettie Barton of
Riverside, Calif., Mrs. Mabel Gray
of Stanfield, Mrs. Lucy Pointer, Se
lah, Wash., and Mrs. Gladystine
Mikesell, Toppenish, Wash. .
Word was received in Lexington
Saturday evening that Stanley Way.
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Way, had been, killed in action Nov.
15 in the Europeian theatre of war.
Cecil Jones of Hartford spent the
week-end visiting his wife and dau
ghter at the W. E McMillan home.
Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Palmer
left Saturday for Salem on a busi
ness trip.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Breshears and
Mrs. Helen Crump visited at Her
miston Sunday at the home of the
Breshears daughter, Mrs. D. R. Gib
son Mr. and Mrs. George Peck and
Elwynne returned Monday evening
from a short visit with relatives at
Corvallis and Eugene,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael
entertained at a pinochle party at
their home Saturday evening.
The high school had a farewell
party for Roger Campbell Wednes
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Bethel Taylor. Roger left that night
to report to Farragut for naval
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell went
to Prairie City Tuesday and will
take thleir son Robert to Baker
where he will under go a minor
Mrs. Elsie Beach has gone to As
toria to spend the winter wih her
oil Edwin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck and
son, Aviation Cadet Elwayne Peck,
made a trip to the Willamette val
ley over the week-end. going as far
as Eugene. They visited relatives
along the way, some of whom El
wayne had not met before. El
wayne is spending a furlough with
his parents, coming from San An
tonio, Tex. where in recent months
he has been taking a course in bom
bardiering. He has five or six more
months of schooling before graduating.
tion last week. He will be there for ?
one more week.
It has come to the attention of
die rationing office that many truck
lapplication blanks are finding their
way into the trash can at the post
office unopened.
Owners or operators receiving
the blanks are warned that unless
the blanks are properly filled out
and returned to the ratoning office
they will reoaive no gas for the
first quarter of 1945. All fleet own
ers must dull at the office for gas
rationing betwee" Dec. 26 and 31.
e re
The Brownie Girl Scouts have
been asked to collect . beads and
pieces of colored yarn for McCaw
General hospital. Any kind of beads
will do. The yarn must be woolen
and clean. Old hand knit garments
that can be ravelled out may be
brought in. Brownies are requested
to ask their mothers and all their
friends for these items and bring
them to the next meeting. 2 p. n;.
Saturday, Dec. 9, in the baseme"?
of the Methodist church.
Fighting thle enemy is not the
only unpleasant part of war, ac
cording to Lt. Donald Drake of
Heppner, who is with a rifle com
pany in Germany. Cold weather is
not making the wbr any easier for
the boys and he hopes the war will
end before the weather gets worse.
Claude Drake, who has just ship
ped out from San Francisco, re
cently was elevated to the rank of
Seaman First Class, he has inform
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. K.
Drake of Heppner.
Norbert Peavy will come from
Portland Friday night to move his
family to the city. They will leave
Saturday and their new address
will be 4317 S. E. Pine street.
R. K. Drake is doing nicely at
St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton
where he submitted to an opera-
To Better Serve
I he Public
This Cafe will re
main open during
the week and close
all day
This will be our
regular schedule
from here on out.
Yours for the best
eats in town,
Set for Truck
Tire Recapping
Our new OK Truck Tire Re
capper has arrived and is now
in use turning out new treads
on sizes from
6:20 to 8:25
Have your tires fixed the
OK way no long wait or
unnecessary delay.
Grade 3 tires are now ration free
OK Tire Sh op
pill h & kflA
J ft!
Remember What Happened Three Years Ago Today?
It was church time on the west coast and the nation
at large was following the usual Sunday rou-tine when
all at once flashes over the teletypes told of the trea
cherous attack on Pearl Harbor. We were stunned
and at the same time aroused to the realization that
this meant war the greatest war this 'troubled old
sphere has ever seen. The disaster at Pearl Harbor
was but the beginning of a series of appalling losses
of life and material, but we faced the future with
courage and the conviction that our cause was just
and that we soon would turn back this threat to civil
ization. That conviction has been exemplified in the
great victories of our fighting forces which long since
placed the enemy on the defensive and all but wiped
out his sea strength . . . But the end is not yet in sight.
There is a long road to travel before Tojo or his
counterpart yells the equivalent to the nazi "kame
rad. More guns, ammunition, ships, planes and the
men to man them are needed on our far-flung fronts.
We of the home front can do our part by buying
MORE BONDS AND DO IT NOW! Morrow County has an opportunity to lead the state in subscribing its
E Bond quota. Let's get it done this week-end!