2 Heppner Gazette Times, December 7, 1944 News Notes of Comings and Goings in lone and Vicinity By MBS. OIUS REETMASU Keeping right in step with, the 6th War loan, lone schools sponsored a bond rally Friday night, Dec. 1. Steadily mounting sales brought a total of $52,210 at the close of the evening. This represents purchase price of bonds sold rather than the the maturity value. Of the entire figure, $41,000 was sold in series E bonds and $11,100 in series F and G. Students were buyers of $4,087.50; teachers bought to the extent of $1,668.75. Defense stamps raised the sales with an ad ditional $100. Entertainment for the rally was handled by Miss Helen Lindsay, general chairman for the. event. Numbers were presented by both grade and high schools, all of which were keyed to the patriotic theme. Highlight of the program was the presentation of the rally queen and king, chosen by the bond buyers. Shirley Smouse iand Billy Joe Riet mann were selected. Mr. Holcomb introduced them iat the end of the evening and crowned them accord ing to the,ir titles. Music was pro vided by tihe high school orchestra assisted by Louise Hunt of Lexing. ton. Dancing held sway as bond -figures were counted and votes were tabulated on the rally queen and king. The Parent-Teachers' association, headed by Mrs. Victor Rietmann handled the sale of pie 'and coffee in the school lunch room. Pho. M 1-c Bert Mason Jr. left Thursday for a few days visit in Portland before returning to the reassignment center in San Francis co His mother accompanied him as far as Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn were Pendleton visitors Monday. Word has been received that 'Un cle" Billy Thomas was taken from the Hermiston hospital to Walla Walla for an operation when it was found that he had broken his hip in a recent fall at his home. The Union Ladies Missionary so ciety held their Dec. meeting on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Ann Smouse and Mrs. Minnie Forbes were hostesses. Mrs. Harvey Ring gave an interesting report on her trip to McCaw hospital last week. S. L. Salter underwent a major operation last Wednesday at a Port land hospiital. He is reported in salisiactory condition. The Victory cafe was closed Mon day when the proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen, and Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks made a business trip to Pendleton , Bert Mason is having his general store calcimined. Walt Roberts, lo cal painter, is doing the job. The Topic club study meeting was held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Swanson. Hostesses were Mesdames Swanson, Gladys Ely, Mildred Mor gan and Norma Rea. The book "Moscow War Diary" by Alexander Werth was reviewed by the hostes ses. The December social meeting will be held at the Swanson home at 8 p. m. Dec. 16. Plans are being made for the community Christmas program which will be held the evening of Dec. 21 at the school house. The lone P-TA is lacting as general committee. "Ole" King of Milwaukee was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay. H. B. Holcomb of Minot, N. D., father of H. G. Holcomb. superin tendent of lone schools, is visiting at the Holcomb home while in the northwest. Mr. Holcomb has been visiting other relatives at Wenatch ee, Wash. James Lindsay took a truckload of cattle to Portland last week. FORMER RESIDENT VISITS Roy Wakefteld, former resident of the county, was a week-end visit or here, coming from Arlington where he land Mrs. Wakefield were visiting relatives. They reside at Madeira, Calif, where they own a store and hay ranch. It was Roy's first visit here in six years. Not be ing acquainted in Arlington he de cided to run on up the branch and hunt up old friends. As a boy and young man he lived with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheiman Wake lield, in the Heppner flat section. No Priority Needed for Wood Circulating Heater Wood and Coal Cook Stoves Dinette Sets and End Tables Pldy Pens and High Chairs Just Received Boys Ribbed Union Suits Sizes 8-14 Ladies Coats and Dresses i II marked down Gamble Store eale CONLEY LANHAM, Owner Phone 1282 WsSiows Grange Announces a BENEFIT Dance for McCaw Hospital at the GRANGE HALL Saturday Evening DECEMBER 9 GOOD MUSIC SUPPER SERVED Adm. 50c; tax Total 60c 10c These are busy times especially so for the one who has to plan and pre pars the meals for the fanrly, for she too is do her share of war work. It will be a boost to her's and the family's morale to eat out occasionally to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an ovster supper, or any one of the wide variety of excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare. Come any time . . . we're always prepared. Elkhorn Restaurant This Christmas Give the Gift of uamomt hearing fo a loved one who is hard of hearing RADIOHIC HEARING AID with New Neutral-Color Earphone and Cord. Come in . . . ask for a free demonstration. Alio Availablt-The new Bone Conduction Zenith for thoM whose physicians recommend this type of instrument. Model B-3-A, 150.00. The new Bone-Air Zenith in tir conduction model of rxe raendous reserve power and amplification range. Model A-3 -A, Accepted by American Medical Astoclatton Council on Physical Medicine I) Modtl A-J-A N CompUt, RMdy-to-wear Sfcram Optical Company 225 South Main Pendleton, Oregon I 9 isNS Vt I1SURANCE a farmer can buy . . . Protect your Future Protect your Family Protect your Country Turner, Van Marter r Company