8 Heppner Gazette Times, November 30, 1944 6 J. C. t N H t r CO., I HQ. Start the New Year With a New Blouse .98 Beautifully tailored rayons, flattering crepes, dainty fluted shcer9. Lustrous white, pastels, or bright colors. Some tucked and embroidered 1 Attractive Styles She'll Love at First Sighll SMART HANDBAGS Midnight Black or Winter Colors 4-98 For her accessory wardrobe . . . roomy pouches, flat envelopes and top-handle styles, tailored in rich, long wearing leathers. Sparkling patents and good-looking' Cordette fabrics, too, for dress wearl LEGION AND AUXILIARY PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY "Won't you give a gift for the Yanks who gave for you?" This is the slogan of the Ameri can Legion and auxiliary in plan ning the world's largest Christmas party for the hospitalized service men and women. Gifts purchased in this commu nity will be sent as near home as possible says Mis. Chris Brown, president of the local auxiliary. A window in the Turner and Van Marter office has been reserved for the gifts and La Verne Van Marter will receive them. Donors are asked not to wirap gifts but to leave their names on if desired. Suggested ar ticles include books stationery, toi let articles and soap, leather goods, but NO razor blades. The gifts must be in the window by Dec. 8, Mrs. Brown states. Joseph arrived Wednesday to visit next week to consult a specialist, their son and family, the D. E. T !"i7T": uie nans. o. x-aiiier i rv.. , t, i Mitchells, at glasses. Owner may have same by rnnrh T) V. Mifrlioll Viae Koon 511 ? ., J . ., , " .,J . utenuryiiK mem. at tnc bnenrts most of the time since coming to oiiice iu the CJUrt house and pay. Heppner and will go to Portland in- for the advertisement. 33c " 'yyyyy- ' : yyyy:y:,.y-yy;yyy.y:yy-:::y.. yyyyyyyyyyy-Kyyyyy :::: ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Oas Padberg of Lexington and Mrs. Archie Padberg of Heppner drove to Walla Walla Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Padberg's aunt, Mrs. J. A. Lieuallen , who passed away Sun day after a lingering illness. De ceased was a sister-in-law of Mrs. John Padberg of Heppner. She is survived by the husband and a son, Earl Lieuallen, and several broth ers and sisters. Vina Owen and J. A. Lieuallen were married in July. 1892 at Lexington, They have made their home in Walla Walla several years. i k2"EIN...MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW. . . SERVICE FOLK HOME Among members of Uncle Sam s fighting forces home this week are Elwayne Peck, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Peck of Lexington, who i; with an air force ground crew training in Texas; Ellen Nelson, of the marines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson of Lexington; Lt. (jg) Louis L. Gilliam, son of f-en Gilliam of Heppner; Sgt Char les M. Jones, Camp Chaffee, Ark, accompanied by his bride of recent months, and La Verne Hams and wife from a California base. John Parker of the state tax com mission was in Heppner Monday making hurried check-up on vari ous income tax reports. He brought his son Jay over from Pendleton to spend a few dlays with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Parker. Mr. and) Mrs. Leo Gorger and children spent a few days in the county the past week, taking ad vantage of the Thanksgiving holi day. They are enjoying their home in Walla Walla and think the Gar den City a fine place to live. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mitchell of STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday, Dec. 1-2 Lights of Old Santa Fe Boy Rogers, Dale Evans, Sons of the Pioneers, Gabby Hayes Rogers' newest, grandest musical western. PLUS Three Little Sisters Mary Lee, Ruth Terry, Cheryl Walker A musical romance with a group ot gay and talented youngsters, pert songs and lively band music. Sunday-Monday. Dec. 3-4 Bathing Beauty Esther Williams, Bed Skelton, Basil RnUibone, Harry James and iua Music Makers, Xavler Cngat and his Orchestra A lush extravaganza of breath-taking, beauty. Tuesday, Dec. S Rosie the Riveter Jane Frazee, Vera Vague, Frank Al. bertson, Frank Jenks, Alfalfa Swit zer The tuneful, laugh-bubbling story of the lovely ladies who mix rivets with " rhythm. ; Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 6-7 Mr. Skeffington llette Davis. Claude Bains, Walter Abel The screen's greatest star rises to new dramatic heights in this unusual screenplay from a story by the novel ist Elizabeth. The entire cast is ex cellent. Thursday, Dec. 7 is Free Movie Night Free admission tickets secured with bond purchases may be used or bomls may be purchased at the theater Ad mission on Free Movie Night Is not confined exclusively to Bond purchas ers but admission may be gained by purchasing the usual ticket. Free ad mission tickets may not be used for both Free Movie Night and War Bond ' Premiere. ONE BOND PUKCHASB ADMITS ONE PERSON TO ONE FREE SHOW. Tickets for bond pur chasers honored only on Dec. 7 or 13. Bale! FREE Child's TABLE Ml S1HNCEI SET 6.88 Hollywood style. Bright red and natural wood color. Tablo Is 21 inches high. a 2nd MICKEY, by Walt Disney 16 Pages of Fun and Frolic ... In Full Color Get Your Copy Today wwA .;tw PRETTY MISS PINAFORE 4.98 Her dress, pinafore and bonnet are of fine organdie. She has petticoat, panties, socks and bootees, Lifelike curls, moving eyes and long, long lashes! 19-inch. Silky, IMiesh SCOTTY (16-inch) Red nml Illne wm: ax ha is now (22-inch) 1.19 Has easy rolling four-inch wheels. . With Coven Refrigerator IHIWiL SET 1.89 Can be used, too, for ovenware. 6, 5Vi, and inch. Blue and white with posy pattern. Ralli ling 2.79 Lid Cover, 1.39 Deep, fluffy chenille in perfectly beautiful pastel colors. Bug i3 21z32-inch, Beautiful Pastels 1m Manila Dlnncrwaro' 32 Pieces 9.05 Lovely pottery ware in soft pastel shades. Service for six. Pop ail str Rooks 49c Ea. Fiction and non-fiction. Important books by world famous authors. Rosewall Motor Co.