Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 30, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    Heppner Gazette Times, November 30, 1944
r -
or comings a
News Notes of Comings and
Goings in lone and Vicinity
!-"?. Rev. and Mrs. D.
Born to
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Herbisron of Heppner will assist in Heliker; overseer, Mrs.
' rMor, Julio Ann
quilt which was "Dutch" auctioned, and Light company, is one of the
brought $G3.33, which will be used la3st victims of the mumps epi
for Christmas gifts, records, phone demic. In her absence. Eldon Rob
calls, etc. for McCaw hospital. inson, former clerk here and now
. The election of officers of the located at PendY.eton, will have
grange Nov. 18 resulted in the fol- charge of the office.
Wendell lowing officers: Master, Donald (
Dr. J. P. Stewart ,Eye-Sight Spe
Best quality blotting paper in
19x24 sheet for desk covets or cot
smaller to suit your needs. Gazette
Times printery.
?' ?t Heppner; weight 7
Dot Hal-
the song services. vorsen; lecturer. Mrs. Elarba Heli- ! r,jw,, ..rill at h
M:ss Shirley Smouse and her ker; steward, Wate Crawford; asst. HEPPNER HOTEL on WE , fEJ-
pound. Mr. Roundy is in serv'te Uncb Carl Troedson spent several steward, Riley Munkers; chaplain, -QAY, DECEMBER 6th
in V,-. N' -y stationed at Norfolk, days fast week in Portland return- Mrs. Vida Heliker; treasurer, Mr.-. '
Va. iimon Wednesday to spend Thanks- Margaret Akers; secretary, Mrs. nra,,..niv
- V-s. T"'- D -d'ion Kt last week giving at the Smouse home. Mary Lundell; gate keeper, Berle
for Chute Vista, Calif, to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse 'kers' Cfres rs. Geneva Palmar;
v.'nio; vS.lh rc'nt!vcs. She rsrorts returned Sunday after spending the Pomona, Mrs. Mabel Crawrd; F,o.
the arrival of a son to Mr. and Mrs. holidays in Portland ' rar- Mrs Zoe Bauernfelnd; lady as
Leonard Gilman (Maxine McCur- . . ' T , . sistanfc steward, Mrs. Bcbe Mun
dy) g-nndd-mghter of Mrs. David- , an"e Pvt: Elen Ne n ls on kers- executive committee, Ed Bus
son, the new baby named Leonard rl& a the, homi?A rjhc J1" ch, Paul O'Meara rnd Mr-ion
Lance arrived Nov. 21. weiehin 8 2 s- M' and Mrs- H. Nelson. Flalmer.
x-vi ie ; i j. bi-uiuutu i i, Qc.i uie- y ne .jn.u.i club will meet at the
Eli-oy Ellis is convalescing at
her home in lone.
Charles Shaver c-psnt Thanksgiv
, irg at tlhe Henry Clark horne re
t anirt' to Bend on Saturday.
Guest:.; of Mr. fnd Mrs.
home of Mrs. C. W. Swanson Friday
Johan Dec. 1 and the Rebekah Christy's-
Troedson for Thanksgiving were party will be held after the regular
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nottager of Port- meeting on Dec. 7.
land and Miss Maryle Nottage also The high school young peopfs
of Portland. Mrs. H. J. Noi.tag'3 Eave a nartv for Leon Ball Tue.-;dnv
lh. ;-d Vvz. M. J. Mi'lcr rd was formerly Miss Linea Troedson. evening 'before he left for the Great
f rr-Uy o Arlington hive moyed in- Misr.cs Jean Coleman and Marjo- Lakes naval training station.
'( LI. l'.Ti"nio Forbes house. Mr. rie Peterson left Sunday for Hun- o
riiVev i.. a member of the railroad ters' college in New York city CHAIRMAN THANKS WGXKE33
crew. ' where, they will report for training Blaine E. Isom stated Tuesday
Mrs. Mary Swanson and son Gar. in the' Waves. llt the county's quota of the na-
lpnd front Thanksgiving in Port- Miss Alice Nichososi spent the tional war fund has been raised,
land at" the Norman Swanson home, week-end in Portland with Miss Figures telling of the campaign will
Garland returned on Saturday but June Griffith and Miss Meba Craw- be released at'tia later date. Isom
Mrs. Swanson remained for a Ion- ford who were up from Corvallis expressed Uianks to the organiza-
rr visit. where they are students at Ore-
P. L. W;les was a Portland visitor gon State.
Mrs. Esther Wilson of Boy River
Vmi. arrived Saturday to spend
tions and' personal solicitors who
put the campaign across.
lost week when he spent Thanks-ri',-in,T
'.LVr-r l- 'r rrat' , r, Mrs. Al
ice Wil-r rt bemo o' his sister,
I Tied " ' r.
E angelistic meetings will be held
ft. the Christian r H ;i o
' "i 'ls LT'nnJnfr Djc. fi. Evangelist
B. Ross Evans will conduct the ser
the winter with her daughter, Mrs.
PMph Aldrich rnd family. '.! he Al-
siiois Tues-
Miss Laurel Ball, olerk at the
local oiiice of the Pacific Power
1.0:0. F. Hall
December 2
Music by
General Admission 50c; tax 10c
Total . . .. .. GOc
Supper wiH be served
Everybody welcome and a good
time assured.
To Better Serve
The Public
This Cafe will re-
main open during j
! the week and close
' all day
I This will be our
I regular schedule
; from here on out.
Yours for the best
1 eats in town,
cun.-m were i
The g ang:.'
oi inov. v,as well
d. The
Oil fights for f reedom ... every possible drofl
must be conserved for essential war use. Here's
how you can do your part to save and serve'
7 Practical Ideas for "Waste Chasers'j
1. Avoid overheating. 65 is recommended,
2. Weatherstrip doors and windows,
3. Close of! unused rooms.
4. Make sure thermostat Is accurate.
5. Close fireplace damper when not In use,
6. Lower heat at night or when away,
7. Keep humidifiers full.
Phone 622
Heppne r. Oregon
This Christmas Give the Gift of
fo a hvsd one who is hard of hearing
with New Neutral-Color Earphone and Cord.
Come in . . . ask for a free demonstration.
'' f' i.'iA . "A AvoilabU -The new Bone Conduction Zenith for those
(1 - . . : j whose physicians recommend this type of instrument. Model
' Si: ''v i, The new Bone-Air Zenith-an air conduction model of m
y ' kS rnendous reserve power and amplification range. Model A- 3 -A,
Vi'i-" J I50.U0.
Acceptedbv American Medical 4jodat(o
CoancO on Physical Medicine
Modal A-2 A
St ram Optica! Company
225 South Main Pendleton, Oregon
When the navy needed mammoth haw
gars for its blimps, it chose wood. These
huge wooden structures, largest in the
world, indicate the capacity of wood as
4 construction material.
; fllMBER ENGINEERING" is a big term to describe a big fact.
Requirements of war have taught us new facts about timber and have
proved wood capable of meeting the utmost structural demands.
In all lines, chemical as well as structural, wood is demonstrating its
versatility. It is the raw material not only of lumber but of paper, tex
tiles, explosives, chemicals, many types of fabricated materials.
It is fortunate that such a vital resource grows in successive crops.
Many American acres are yielding their second, third and even fourth
harvests of trees. Private industry and public agencies are working to
gether to prevent fire, protect forest lands, and increase the size of their