8 Heppner Gazette Times, November 23, 1944 Alfred L Ayers ... Continued irom jirst Page reading the scripture and prayers and Frank S. Parker delivering the eulogy of the Masonic order of which the deceased had been a member for more than 57 years. Mrs. Ture Peterson sang two hymns accompanied by Mrs. Clyde Dun ham at the piano. A large number of people assembled at the hall to pay their last respects to one who had been long a respected and esteemed, citizen. Alfred Lee Ayers was born April 15, 1865 at Forest Grove, Oregon, of pioneer parents. He came with with the family to Morow county when this egion was young and spent the greater part of his life in this section. He was married to Cora Neill of Salem in 1898. They lived for a time near Payette, Ida., where he engaged in the sheep business, returning to Heppner on account of Mrs Ayers' health. She died in 'August 1903. In 1905, Mr. Ayers married Addiei M. Parker and they made their home here until 1926 when they moved to Portand. Upon her death in 1940, Mr. Aiders returned here to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes. Mr. Ayers was for many years associated with H. V. Gates and W. E. Pruyn in operating the Heppner Light and Water company. He was a member of the Elks lodge and a communicant of the Episcopal church. Deceased leaves one sister. Mrs. Prudence Currin, Portland; six nieces and nephews, Mrs. L. Wal ker, Payette; Mrs. Harry Williams, Portland, Mrs. Percy Hughes, Hep pner; Mrs. Bertram Warren, Walla Walla; Clyde Currin, Payette, and G. E. Ayers Freewater. well known state and national specialists engaged to present the postwar outlook on subjects of most importance to Columbia basin wheat growers. COMMITTEES NAMED FOR WHEAT LEAGUE MEETING Countty committee appointments for the coming annual meeting of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league at Arlington Dec. 7 to 9 have been announced by state officers show ing three committees named for Morrow county to consider matters prior to the state meeting. These county committees will, as uuaL present their recommenda tions at state committee sessions In Arlington on Thursday prior to the opening of the main sessions on Friday, explains Ted Smith, repre sentative of Morrow county on the state executive committee. Three county committees will deal with agricultural programs and land use, taxation and legislation, and the three-fold subject of pro duction, marketing and transporta tion. Chairmen of these committees for this county are, respectively, Henry Baker, Henry Peterson end O. W. Cutsforth. Committee meetings for this county have been called by the chairmen to be hed Wednesday, Nov. 29 in Heppner. E. O. W. L. officers report that the program for the 17th annual session is practically complete with CARD OF THANKS We are so grateful to our Mor row county friends for their wods of sympathy and tenders of assis tance in our hour of need; and for eth many beautiful floral offerings in memory o the late Alfred Lee Ayers. Mrs. R. Y. Currin and family Mr. and Mr. G. E. Ayers and family Mrs. Bertram A. Warren Mrs. Percy Hughes and family For Good Eats Go to the v ICTORY Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors .y.w-v.v Back up the Boys! BUY ANOTHER BOND IN THE 6th WAR LOAN! It's not over, over there not by a long shot! Uncle Sam can count on the fighting men to keep on fighting and he must be able to count on you to keep on backing them, by buying extra War Bonds in the Sixth War Loan Drive, now on. SEE WHAT YOUR EXTRA '100 BOND WILL DO: It will help pay for the things our men must have guni, planes, tanks, food. It will help hold down the cost of living. It will provide a nest' egg for the future the United States Government guarantees that you will get your money back. It will show our fighdng men that you are willing to do your parti yOUK COUNTRY IS STItt AT WK- am you? PETERSON COMING FROM ALASKA F. W. Turner lef today for Se atte to meet the Ray Huddleston family who are coming from Alas ka for a three months visit in the states. Mrs., Huddleston is the for mer Jeannette Turner, native Hep. pner girl. The Huddlestons make their home a Valdez. Star Reporter V Friday-Saturday, Nov. 24-25 ROGER TOUHY, GANGSTER Preston Foster, Victor McLaglen, Lois Andrews, Kent Taylor The tough, real story of Black Ro ger Touhy takes you for a ride through the most explosive adven tures you've ever seen! PLUS COMJN' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN Carrying the mail for the Pony Ex press is Gene Autry's task in this re-relaase of one of his more popu lar musical westerns. Sunday-Monday. Nov. 26-27 THE STORY OF DR. WASSELL In Technicolor Gary Cooper, Larraine Day, Signe Hasso, Dennis O'keefe, Carol Thurston An inspired story of the adventures of a country doctor who started in Akjansas and became eventually and 'eventual! a hero of our World War n. Tuesday, Nov. 28 LADIES IN WASHINGTON Trudy Marshall, Ronald Graham, Anthony Quinn, Sheila' Ryan. A surprise laugh picture. PLUS ATTACK!! BATTLE FOR NEW BRITAIN Photographed by the U. S. 'Army Signal Corps under front line fire. Not a damatized film but the real thing. Wednesday-Thursday. Nov. 29-30 HOME IN INDIANA Walter Brennan. Lon McAllister, Jeanne Crain, Charlotte Green wood, Rich and excitinig against the outdoor thrills of the Indiana horse country, based on the Sat Eve. Post story "The Phantom Fil ly" by George A. Chamberlain. Photographed in Technicolor. Jeweler Cherry Blossom , DINNER. I SERVICE JrY I 16.95 ft ( . )m I Service for 8 ... 63 A f' ? pieces. Delicately tinted V'j $$fty g blossoms. Elegantly light xMS W s In weight Vjjfcr J&f 4l i44Aa DONALD , $ H -,7l2Z hi 16 Pages of Fun and 5 BINGO 1.19 I I Frolic ... In Full Color Has eighty cards and three y- Get Your Copy loday ' FaBt V Pretty Maple Finish ; f 1.49 ? Doll Bassinet I When you pull him he walks U Has drop side just like 1 across the floor with an J there 'es. 26-inch length. J -.sfz. - '1 Rosewall Motor Co.