A Heppher Gazette Times, November 7. 1944 EDITORIAL . . . Mail Gifts by December 1 This is a bit of belated advice but there still is time to act if that action is prompt. The post office department is urging that all Christmas gifts going by mail be sent by December 1. That does not mean that you should delay sending them until that particular date. Rather it is the deadline for receiving your parcels at the send ing postoffice with any notion of them reaching their destination by December 25. Shortages of manpower, unprecedented volumieg of Christ mas mailing, wartime demands upon transporta tion facilities will prevent handling and delivery of lifts in time for Christmas unless gifts are mailed by the deadline of December 1, postal officials declare. Over 40,000 postal employes have entered the armed services, creating a serious shortage, in trained personnel. Facilities simply are not avail able to transport and deliver, in the last three weeks before Christmas, the tremendous quan tities of mail that in peace times have been moved in that period. . If further proof is needed that you should mail early, read these figures presented in a re port of the Post Office uailway Mail Service for the Western division, showing increases in Pa cific coast Christinas holiday bulk mails: 1941, 1,566,433 bags; 1942 1, 976,117 bags; 1943, over 2,272,533 bags, and 1944, an estimated 2,827,000 bags. From these figures it would appear that if one wishes to say "Merry, Christmas" with a gift it will be necessary to mail it now not Dec. 2. MEETINGS TO CLOSE Interest in the evangelistic meet. ings has kept the Church of Christ nition was not carried far enough to give local fmi each evening since the open authorities encouragement over the eventual 2 niSht. Nov; 5- They are drawing outcome to a e 311 Sunday win be the ' . i opportunity to hear the evangelis Word from Senator Guv Cordon is to the ef- tic team- Willie Clifford feet that the flood dam is under consideration by Snyder. A potiuck dinner will be the regional engineer who is collecting data on held at the church Sunday follow- feieral participation projects to be combined ing the morning service, with reports from other sections of the country in The union Thanksgiving service preparation of a bill to be presented to congress will be held at 10 a. m. this morning ii l fl rtl x lit. "Di on nostwar appropriations. Acceptance or the m me unurcn or nrni wiui vcv Willow creek flood control proposal does not ne cessarily mean that it will be constructed in the near future or at an early date following the com ing of the peace. By having a bid in now it may Professional Directory Bennie Howe presenting the message. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL IVSVBAHCS Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance 1 HOME FROM SERVICE Howard Bryant has been released mean that it will, be constructed as soon as funds from the army hospital where he are available depending on congressional action, has been ill for some time and has .. The county court looks upon the flood dam as been fven a medical discharge. He '.. ;:..:,, i,,..u i and Mrs. Bryant arrived in Hepp- bor when the boys come home. This and a high ner Tuesday from California. J. O. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 17? Hotel Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon way and country road program will be the main RETURNING HOME TODAY public enterprises t6 offer employment within Mrs- Lloyd Burkenbine and little the county. For that reason the court is putting son win return to Heppner today things in line to get a fair share of the federal1'0111 a PendJeton hpstsl- The aid that doubtless will be available after the war. young man was bom Nov. 12 Let's Back Our Thankfulness Getting a Bid In Encouraging news relative to a proposed flood 'dam on Willow creek has been received by the Morrow county court. This plan was submitted , several years ago to the United States engineer ing department and while receiving some recoji- WEEK-END IN CITY Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and Mrs. Ethel Adlams went to Port- This is Thanksgiving day all over America and land Friday on a business trip and in many parts of the world where our fighting remained until Sunday. Mrs. Adams' parents have recently sold their home in Portland and Mrs. Adams went to assist them. The mayor disposed of his duties in time for him tend Mrs. Turner to attend the presentation of the Ballet Russe in the auditorium Saturday Jos. J. Nys' ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon forces are winning freedom for oppressed peo cles. It should be a day of rejoicing but instead is one of sorrow sorrow "for the young American lives that have been lost, for the homes that have been broken. But there is a brighter side, some thing, for which we are thankful. Our forces are pdvancins on all fronts and are slowly forcing , . , . . -. r .1 i , . itj c evening wmun was a rare ueai, the enemies of all mankind to withdraw from . their ill-gotten territory. How long it will takj to home FOR- THANKSGIVING , end the strife no one knows. It may be in a few Robert L. Scrivner, son of Mr. months or it may take a few years. We can only and Mrs. Lee Scrivner is enjoying hope that peace will corns by next Thanksgiving a furlough at home. He is assigned time. to the aviation medical school at Randolph Field Texas. mSir life ,. ... I'M in' imdd tmm Mfjyjafc. Jte;jt,. aijjum , uU. .,',.,iMaiL.'j IT mm v LENTY OF WAR BONDS LD B-29s rnHE WAR ifl tne Pacific is JL u-.- : co:tly war Amer ica lies cvt-r ensured in. It's simple arltiimsLic. A mountain of special, cosily equipment is needed. A B-20 Supcrforaxss used in the bembir of Jcpan costs $5G0..C0O in War Bonds. And 'dilz is just ens of the many extra costly implements of war needed to achieve final victory in the Pacific. Thaf s why the 6th War Loan Drive is so important That's why you must back it as gen erously as you have every other war loan drive. Inyest in the next raid on Japan... BUY fis ONE EXTRA $100 Willows Gran Announces a Dance , at the GRANGE HALL Saturday Evening November 25 GOOD MUSIC Bazaar Opens 5 p.m. Turkey Supper 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. Adm. 50c; tax 10c Total 60c Hocige Chevrolet: o HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, . 1S97. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912, Published every Thursday and en tered at the Tost Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Directors of Funerals L. CASE G. E. MKANDER 2 Phones 262 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIKST NATIONAL BANK BUXi. Kec. fhone 1162 Office Pliune 492 HEPPNER. OREGON Col. Ernest Winchester arrived in Pendleton Saturday night and was met there by his wife. He will report back to Oklahoma City in a few days after having Thanks giving in Heppner. Cpl Winchester has a 10-day furlough For all the blessings we have received during the past year we should be more than thankful. We should be ready to back our thankfulness with substantial purchases of war bonds to assure our f;"hting forces that we are grateful for what they are doing, make tomorrow a brighter and you have a pleasant day today, ,'igger day by investing in war fronds the first thing in the morning. Dr. W. H. Rockwell Naturopathic Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. A. D. McMurdctM.D. Traned Nnr: i8istaot PHYSICIAN & SURGEON iHfir' In Ms( ntc Building HRPPNBh. ORE. Morrow County Abstract 5 Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE TITLE INSttBAKCE )frice In New Peters Building 1 Heppner "ily Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens hiiving matters for dis- ) cussion, please bung before the Council. J. O. TURNER, Mayor Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Tone 1332 Heppner. Ore. NEW AUTO POLICY Bod Inj. Class A Class B Class C Pr. Dam. 6.25 5.03 6.00 545 7.75 5J25 F. W. TURNER & CO. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. O. M. Y EAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work Country work especially Phcne 14S3 J. O. Peterson LtMt Jewelry and Gilt Oooda Wtohei . Clocki . Diamond Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon