Heppner Gazette Times, November 23,. 1944 3 Lexington News Mrs. Mary Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gibson of Bermiston are the proud parents of a new son born at the Pendleton liospital, Sunday Nov. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell took their son Robert to the hospital at Prairie City last week where he will undergo medical treatment for rheumatic fever from which he has . suffered a long time. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hicks of The Dalles spent the week-end at the Ed Grant home. They were accom panied by little Barbara Grant who will visit with them over the holi days. Word was received in Lexington Tuesday from Palo Alto, Calif, of the marriage there of Miss Jerrine Edwards and Herbert Marrs. He is , a boatswains mate in the U. S. .Navy. The Lexington Ladies Aid will liold their annual all day meeting And bazaar on Wednesday, Dec. 6. Potluck dinner will be served at noon. Fire caused by the explosion of of (an oil stove did considerable damage at the Ted McMillan ranch last Thursday evening. The bunk house and woodshed were entirely destroyed and the winters supply of wood burned. Some chickens in n adjoining henhouse were lost. Cecil Jones of Hanford was vis iting his wife and daughter over the week-end. Mrs. Mae Nichols of Portland "was visiting friends and relatives in Lexington and Heppner over the weekend. 60ARDMAN NEWS Parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Long. ATTEND AYERS FUNERAL Here to attend the funeral of A. L. Ayers were Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Conway, Ray Conway and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoschwender of Portland, relatives of Addie M. Ayers; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ayers and Mr. 'and Mrs. J. E. Ayers, Freewater; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lutcher and son Larry of Milton, and Mrs. Ber tram Warren, Walla Walla. Frances Skoubo A surprise birthday dinner was held in honor of Mrs.. Tom Gard iner Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gardiner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and Reo, M. and Mrs. Edward Kunzie and grandson, Mrs. Alvin Deulen and daughters, Mr. and Mrs Char les Anderegg and daughter Barbara and Mr. and Mrs I. Skoubo and Frances. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweeney from Hanford spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dickerhoff. Mr. and Mrs. George Linn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fortner motor ed to Heppner Friday evening to attend a war bond committee meet ing. The second typhoid shot was giv en at the school house Friday. The movie projector has arrived so there will be a show Saturday night as scheduled. Election of Greenfield grange of ficers was held Saturday night and' results are as follows: Bill Lilly, master, Overseer. A. Fortner, chap lain, Adeline Baker; secretary, Ed ythe Hendicks. treasurer, Florence Root; lecturer, Mrs. McDaniel; ju venile patron. Mrs. Washburn lady assistant, Anna Skoubo; assis tant steward, Eldon Lilly; Steward, Mr. Marlow; gatekeeper, Mr. Pear son; ec. com., Minnie McFarland; pianist, Mrs. Maiflow. After the meeting chili beans were served in the kitchen. Elaine Fisher, who is employed at the weather bureau station in La' Grande visited friends on the project Friday and Saturday. The first basketball game of the season will be played in the gym Friday, Nov. 24, Boardman vs Fos sil. Mrs. Edward McClellan from Portland, spent several days with hdr motlidjr-inJiaw Mrs. Edward Kunzie. George Long left Wednesday morning for Portland where he will spend Thanksgiving with his TEACHER SECURED Airs. Everett Smith has week and Mrs. Smith will take over the teaching duties Monday. been hired to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Norbert Peavy in the Hepp ner grade school. Mrs. Peavy and children will leave for their new home in Portland the last of the VISITING PARENTS Ensign Norman Bergstrom and bride are guests at the home of the ensign's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom of Gooseberry. They came here from Farragut where they visited Roland Berg strom who is in boot camp. Nor man was in the thick of things during the invasion days and help ed throw the fireworks around Bilast. His wife is a southern girl and during his absence has made her home with her parents in New Orleans, ' j Toy Department Gilliam 6 Bisbee 1 The Old-Time REVIVAL is Growing in Interest Sane, Scriptural Spiritual Evangelism T " - i Preaching Teaching Singing The Gospel W. W. WHITE Evangelist CHURCH of CHRIST Heppner Every Night Except Monday Service begins at 7:45, preceded by brief song service SSKu -"Nt A " it t M r CLIFFORD SNYDER Singer, Artist Meetings Will Continue Through November 26 The Public is Cordially Invited to attend these meetings