Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 16, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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Lexington News
Mrs. Mary Edwards
Ph. M ' 2!c Don Oamrbell and
"wife were visitors the past week
at the Roy Campbell home. They
left Monday morning for Forest
Grove and after a short visit there
Don will report to his station at
San Bruno, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Majeske and
daughters Audrey and Patricia and
Mrs. Gene Majeske returned Mon
day from Tacoma where they spent
the week-end visiting Pvt Gene
Majeske who is stationed at Camp
Mr and Mrs. L. E. Ruhl return
ed Thursday from Portland. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Nettie
Barton who is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Nettie Diavis.
There will be an open meetiing
the evening of Nov. 21 at the city
hall for the purpose of nominating
candidates for all city offices. Every
one interested in city affairs is
urged to attend. The election will
be held Dec. 5.
A family reunion and birthday
dinner, honoring the 18th birthday
of Freida Breeding, dlaughter of
Mr and Mrs Oscar Breeding and
the 17th birthday of George Irwin,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breeding,
was held at the Oscar Breeding
home on Sunday. Those present
were Thomas Breeding, father and
grandfather of Spray, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Livingston and Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Livingston of Spray, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Breeding and family of
Heppner, Mr and Mrs. Carl Breed
ing and family of Lexington, Mr.
and Mrs Burl Maynard and family
of Lexington, Mrs. Ed Grant and
children of Lexington and a sister,
Mrs. Ora Calvin of Burlington,
Mrs. Emma Breshears and Mrs.
Helen Crump visited at the D. R.
Gibson home at Hermiston last
Roger Campbell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Campbell, left Tuesday
for Spokane where he will take his
,lvsical examination prior to his
induction in the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty of
Blackhorse left Saturday for Port
land! where they will place their
daughter Mary in the hospital for
an operation on her ear in the hope
Heppner Gazette Times, November 16, 1944 3
of restoring her hearing.
Mrs Trannie Parker is reported
to b'. ill at her home. She suffered
a i infill accident at the store
when' she fell, causing several hea
vy boxes to fall on her. She is re
covering nicely but is still confined
to her home.
r O : -
Irrigon News Notes
Mrs. Milton Bailey and Mrs. E.
A. Stephens were Hermiston visit
ors Monday.
Pvt Ray Coulter was wounded
in France and has been moved to
England he writes friends here..
William Arnold Gollyhorn is
home from Pennsylvania visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Gollyhorn 'and his Wife and son
Wayne at Heppner.
Mrs. Clara Gertson, welfare
worker of Heppner was in Irrigon
Mrs. Grace Misner of the county
OPA office was also down here
this week.
Mrs Theresa Cornell of Board
man was in Irrigon Tuesday.
Edwin Pierson took Mrs. Pierson
to the Ordnance hospital Thursday
for a check-up.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Aldrich, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Markham and Sam
Umiker returned from a successful
elk hunt.
The Jack Browning family, Mrs.
Tom Caldwell and Grace O'Brien,
and little son went to the Pentecos
tal fellowship meeting.
Mrs. Marshall Markham and two
daughters and Mrs. Lillie Warner
Went to Stanfield to the meeting
Wednesday evening.
Earl Isom is much improved af
ter being quite ill from taking a te
tanus shot because of a cut on his
Mr and M.rs. Roy Bediwell and
two daughters of Sunnyside Wash,
end Mr and Mrs. Ernest Bediwell
and daughter of Ontario spent sev
eral days with their parents the
Emery Bediwells. Roy's family left
for home Wednesday afternoon and
the Ernest Bediwells Friday.
Mrs. Elmer Rucker and children
went to Heppner Wednesday.
Miss Dolores Haberlein, daughter
of Paul Haberlein was married to
Clinton Day Oct. 14 in New York.
Mrs Day was reared here and edu
cated here and in college. She is in
the marines and stationed in North
Carolina. The groom is in the navy
with a desk job at present in New
Delight Goodwin of Portland is
visiting her sister Mrs. Russell Mc
Coy and other relatives here.
Tom Haddox and son John of
Walla Walla are visiting his sons
Carl and Leo and their families.
FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12
miles from Heppner 2860 acres
reasonably priced to sell, owner
Stella Bailey, Padre Hotel, Bak
ersfield, Calif. 331 f
FOR SALE or RENT house; 1V2
ton truck for Efile; also 3 milk
cows. E. W. Moyer. 34-36p
Ladd Sherman left Sunday for
Seattle after spending a leave with
his wife and daughters who are
living in Lexington during his ab
Syniams ot Distress Arising from
Free nokTellsof IcweTreatment that
(Must Kelp or it V.iil Cost You Nothing
Over two million bottles or the WILLARD
TK H ATM 15 N T have been sold for relief of
sy m p! now of (list mss arising from Stomach
and tt'oiinal Ulcers due to Excess Acid
Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach,
Gassi:r is. Heart' urn. Sleeplessness, etc.,
dun t o Exe-ss Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial I
Ask for "Wizard's Mossage" which fully
explains this tieatu.unt free at
These are busy times
especially so for the one
who has to plan and pre
pare the meals for the
family for she too is do
ll er share of war work.
It will be a boost t her's
and the family's morale to eat out occasionally
to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an
oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of
excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare.
Come any time . . . we're always prepared.
Elkhorn Restaurant.
Change in Ownership of
Heppner- lone- Portland
Freight Line
This freight line will continue to serve
Morrow county and we solicit your
J. E. Sutherland
Phone orders to LaVerne Van Marter
152 or 1442 Heppner
or Phone 60, Pilot Rock, Ore.
The Old-Time REVIVAL is Growing in Interest
Ei 9
' ' ' V-
The Gospel
i f y v 4
I of C
KB 8
very ntgnt except Vioociay
ervice begins at 7:45, preceded by
brief sonq service
Singer, Artist
eetings Will Continue Through November
The Public is Cordially Invited to attend these meetings
7 A