8 Heppner Gazette Times, November 9, 1944 BROWNIE SCOUTS DISCUSS SPECIAL DAYS IN NOVEMBER Girl Scout troop No. 2, Brownies, tables at home. There will be no Brownie meet ing Saturday, Nov. 11. in November" were discussed and Courtland Ala. and is visiting his a story, 'Land of the Pilgrims wye and daughter at the Joe Pride" was read. Singing games Hughes home. Part of his furlough were played and two new ones js been spent in Vancouver Wash. "Miss Jenny O' Jones" and; "The witj1 njs people from which place Shoemaker" were introduced. he and his little family returned The Brownies folded and cut out Wednesday evening. Pfc Marshall Indian paper dolls dancing around will soon be transferred to Bryan, a cornstalk. These can be used as Texas for link specialist school. HOLD FAMILY REUNION Dick Sperry. repke their home in Keppnc a" a t onbrd r lor tan- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnston Portland. A son, Ted McDade and t - Errb-va, Ce!:'. a.'tor the reunion. Viavf. rPtumprl from Portland where familv of Seattle and a daughter, Members they celebrated their 25th wedding Mrs. Henry Robertson and family sent include V.: were also present son, spending a tb. ivr,. An- Davidson avd in C J 1 -TiT A : U 1TrtV. ....... -wr Illtjl OdllliUdY lUV. 111 111C AV-LCllIvi- VISI TS KAMll.il .,1 f -1 p rr 1 1 . . wan a r""ula annivcrtanr witVi a fnmilv reunion, of Toledo dist church basement, bnecial days pc, tfoitVi Marcnll arrived from . J . -. 1 i t a hn-j-;' - A XV. " - - - '1 I. I . . U v.r. nlHn b'.nn lfri r- t .t. fnn I 1 Til TTl F H: n r llrlG IH'trTIl lUHd Q.1U hr.t mt. pro ;. Georga Jorry of Robci tsort try, Mrs. Marvin Brown and Mrs. 30-day furlough in of Toledo. a centerpiece on the Thanksgiving STAR Reporter CONSULT SPECIALIST Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Daniel went to Walla Walla Thursday to consult an eye specialist regarding a se rious condition of one of Mrs. Dan iel's eyes. They were accompanied by Tom Hughes who went to a dentist there. HERE FOR DAY Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rucker and A. C. Houghton of Irrigon were in town Wednesday to deliver the Friday-Saturday Nov. 10-11 MR. WINKLE GOES TO WAR Edward G. Robinson, Ruth Warrick. Ted Donaldson, Bob Haymes, Ro bert Armstrong. As Mr. Winkle goes so goes your balot boxes. heart ... a picture "of novelty, " charm and special appeal. PLUS CALLED ON FRIENDS . MARSHALL OF RENO The Reverend and Mrs. Eric O. Wild Bill Elliott, Gabby Hayes and Robathan and son,' Pvt Eric Roba- Bobby Blake than, spent several hours in Hepp- Red Ryder comes to the aid of the ner Monday calling on friends. Pvt. oppressed in an ingeniously con- R0Dathan is on furlough, having trived Western drama, completed his basic training in Ala- Li 1 Abner Cartoon . . .. , u bama. The visitors were luncheon SundayMonday, Nov. 12-13 f te f Archdeacon and Mrs. Ne- WING AND A PRAYER vlUe Blunt Don Ameche, Dana Andrews, Willi- am Eythe, Charles Bickford, Sir 0N ANNUAL HUNT Cedric Hardwicke. The story of Len and Earle Gilliam and R. K. Carrier X ... an explanation of Drake are enjoying their annual the Battle of Midway, the battle outing in the John Day area where which turned the Japs from inva- they are attempting to reduce the sion of Hawaii and America ... a elk population. story of heroism that is undoing hisy- MARION EVANS LOW . Marion Evans, pioneer Morrow Tuesday, Nov. 14 C0Untv farmer and ex-sheriff, is in" BERMUDA MYSTERY serious condition at the home of Pr0Fr' Rhe:frd' his son Earl. The aged man caught vimuim -uiiLiwunu, VVXlctl. Was i in i j1 J i the real motive behind the mys- heavy cold which settled in his tery that baffled two continents? throat- He has been unconscious Was it money, or hate, or love? since Saturday rallying for a short ALSO, "A Volcano is Born," an time Wednesday. One of the oldest unusual spectacle, the emergency residents of the county, Mr. Evans of a Mexican volcano, filmed in recently passed his 91st birthday. Technicolor with commentary by : Lowell Thomas; Sports Review of VISITS AT HOME Claudine Drake left Tuesday for to resume her work there gorgeous gals swimming, diving, aquaplaning; rortress Japan, a gaiem luuiiucu un-iiue in me daps as a t, j- e J.. u tough foe and their plight as theiir after spending a few days at home. 1 . m i i NOTICE Having taken over the insurance business of Mrs. Nola Bristow I wish to assure her clients that they will receive the same careful at- enemies close in; Technicolor car toon. 15-16 Wednesday-Thursday, Nov UNCERTAIN GLORY An exceptionally well-plaved storv with a load of suspense. Paul Luk- tention and courteous treatment as as is the sleuth, Errol Flynn the in the past, and solicit your con bad man. tinued patronage on that basis. ' GEORGE N. ELY, lone Now in Progress at Church of Christ Heppner an Old-Time REVIVA The White Evangelistic Team Willie W. White, Evangelist Clifford Snyder, Singer and Chalk Artist Sane, Scriptural, Spiritual EVANGELISM Preaching, Teaching, Singing THE GOSPEL Services each evening except Monday through November 26 Services begin at 7:45 p. m. jMj 1 - i rirl Jonas Fori f DONALD AND I What Every Little Girf Longs ron j MICKEY I i ZP 5 S I DONALD I by. I ' !TOi "H'XfV Walt 1 UDdDILlL Mg TO I 8B Or 298 ! itaSSSSS SKttlS- Tils big feUow is made of W Set tfantie? bS S bootees are as cute as she Is! rich plns and M a 3I bonnet pantie3' big, shiny ribbon bow tied ' wl 1 mm under bis chin! V r j Pretty Maple Finish Fn U Puppy ..J QQ I Miniature model of a baby's 1 1 Has Inside drawer, hangers 1 ff Soft, lovable little dog with ft bed. Even has one side that VJ and clothes tie. Has a lock i ft simulated leather ears and i;:JdrP tail. His own collar, too. ri.K-fwLSSI25 I f tSit rSuTB fiAKY the T.ATOU SdIIQ:. I SSS'iS SlMfwSflKl Foo,l,aU 4 v and forth as he move. Green and black. Ij, 9it Ki vTT moves. Brightly rrTf IX I , A1l the family can enjoy &jl JA tainted. J$$VJC),X 1 II ' thia drilling game. Every II "F W I I Like a Real SoWerV jfl This one wigglesll over! Walt till I JOgik m . v. M. ears flop YA J.W PuUedaloTg. Beautifully coioreu. I . ..... Shoe!:: JliMet Made of strong, molded plastic with adjustable chin strip. Adjustable size. Rosewall Motor Company