ir.?:MEvs NOTES I. T?. Robison returned to lo-r; Wed :-y 0f last week after spdn? rcve-sl days visiting her b.-o'h':", Hugh McMurray of Port land who is recuperating from rn .-'.c d in which he lost three fingers of his left hand. Mrs. Ro bison also visited at the home of her sirter, Mrs. Lauren Hale of .-ban . Mr. Robison returned ho..j S-turday. E. 1,1. Baker, chairman nf I-'-rc "Jed Cross announces that Li jc.iic hall will be opened V v cd'iesdav afternoon tn arw. w ho aesires to help with the .icus work. rI:oed3on of King City, Cal- vea last Vediiesday to' visit xr, IVi:s. Anne Smouse and the th.: eve., o; a. a fs.r. lu. jfiaianalha club supper, sale and quiii, auction netted $215.55. Tiie highest bidder in the "dutch" auc .'ion - on the quiit was George Eld.r vl.o bid $127.50 and got the' quilt. Mesdames Lloyd Morgan, Paul Pettyjohn arid Milton Morgan were hostesses for a shower for Mr', and Mrs. Richard Lundell on Friday a Kmc.,,: at the Congregational rooms. Mr. and Mts. Lundell re ceived many beautiful and useful giftj. About 30 friends attended and many others sent gifts. The union missionary society held us monthly meeting at the Congregational rooms Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Echo Palmateer and Mis. Mary Swanson wr?ro hostessir. Mrs Henry Clark went, to Port land Friday of last week to receive medical treatments She was accom panied by her grandson Danny Par. marance who returned to his home after several weeks stay in lone. The monthly fellowship supper 6f the Cooperative church was held Wednesday at the Congregational church. xvir and Mrs. Keliy Standard of Salem were houseguests of -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carlson the past week. Mrs. Frank Engelman returned last Saturday from Hermiston where she has been receiving treat ments. She reports that she is quite a bit improved The P T.A. will hold an auction on Nov. 17 at the school house. As has been done in former years, the patrons of the school donate a vari ety "of articles to be auctioned that evening. The proceeds will be used to help finlance the hot lunches. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich were lone visitors last week-end Goodrich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. when they were guests of Mrs. Dale Ray. The November study meeting of the Topic club will be held Satur day at the home of Mrs. Roy Lind strom on Saturday Nov. 11. Hos tesses are Mesdames Lindstrom, Ernest Lundell, Victor Rietmann and Milton Morgan. The members are reminded to bring the prizes for MeCaw hospital patients. NOTICE OF SALE Of COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated. No vember 9th, 1944, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: All of Block 17, except the West 50 feet thereof, of Wills Addi tion to the City of lone, Mor row County, Oregon for the minimum price of $25.00, cash.' All of Block 3 lying South of the South line of the NWy4 of SEV4 of Section 27, Township 1 South of Range -25, E. W. M. in the Town of Lexington, iVlor 1 row County, Oregon ior the mi nimum price of $20.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 9th day oi December, 1944, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door oi the Court House in Heppner Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oiegon FLORENCE ELY 33-37 Deputy TO THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS OF MORROW COUNTY The writein of my name in the May primaries to fill the unexpired term of Honorable C. W. McNamer for county commissioner was to a vote of confidence. In Tuesday's election your over whelming expression of good will and faith is hereby acknowledged and appreciatively accepted. I do so knowing well the time and ef fort one must expend in fulfilling your wishes. I trust I can merit your further confidence. J. G. BARRATT Heppner Gazette Times, November 9, 1944 5 SUFFERS NERVOUS COLLAPSE Pendleton for treatment. He is Chris Brown suffered a nervous better and hopes to return home collapse the past week-end and was soon, according to Mrs. Brown who taken to St. Anthony's hospital in has been with him most of the time. FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12 miles from Heppner 2860 acres reasonably priced to sell, owner Stella Bailey, Padre Hotel, Bak ersfield, Calif. 33tf For Good Eats Go to the Victory Lafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty LSeuallen Proprietors DRIVE TO RITTER Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mitchell went to Ritter Wednesday to spend a few days at the springs where it is hoped Mr. Mitchell's health will be benefitted. During Mrs. Mitch ell's absence, Mrs. F. W. Turner is carrying on her school work. J a These are busy times especially so tor the one who has to plan and pre pare the meals for the family for she too is do ner share of war work. It will be a boost to her's and the family's morale to eat out occasionally to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare. Come any time . . . we're always prepared. Elkhorn Restaurant THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND announces x Loan Service designed to cooperate with the "Servicemen's Read justment Act of 1944" the "G.I. Bill" to make possible the purchase of a home, farm or business by returning veterans of World War II. The entire state-wide facilities of this Oregon bank are available to veterans who wish to use bank credit under this plan ... a plan whereby each veteran's individual problems will be given attention and the right loans planned to suit his particular needs and ability to pay. As soon as government regulations covering the "C. I." Credit Program are issued, applications will be accepted by any branch of this state-wide bank. Regulations recently issued cover the home purchase plan. Those pertaining to farm or business financing are expected at an early date. If you are in the service, just out, or have a relative in the armed forces, ask at the nearest Branch of The First National Bank of Portland about further details. HBIIBBTIBBBh BBBB OF PORTLAND 40 STATE-WIDE BRANCHES 'Merchants of Cfdlf In Oryon for over 79 yoar M I M ft MD I ft At ft IP OS I t INS U ft A N C I C O ft P 0 ft A t I O U