2 Heppner Gazette Times, November 9, 1944 Numerous Gifts Arc Provided for Cheer of Hospitalized Veterans By Mrs. Ralnh Thompson Heading the report at the Nov ember meeting of the Blue Mt. council was the Underwood type writer from Elbert Cox, which was put in condition by check from F. W Wehmeyer. Other items were two small Corona machines from Mrs. Wehmeyer . and Miss Harriet Hjager; two vases and comic books from Miss Hager, two table tops for wheel chairs, gift of Miss Leta Humphreys. 20 wrapped prizes for parties in ward 49, from Mrs. Frank Andeison, flowers and seven vases from Mrs. Ralph Thompson; three bed lamps pur-chased by committee funds and the electric phonograph gift from the Harry Duvalls of Lexington. These presents for our boys in ward 49 made us feel we had helped a little, when, as we were leaving, the nurse told us the boys were sad that day. Two had been told they would never walk agjain and since then one more boy has heard the same verdict. Others are paralyzed from the waist down and they feel they will hear the same thing. Since this visit the boys have received $12 worth of new records of their own selection, gift of Mrs. Ralph Thompson. At the council meeting last week we took the floor lamp, gift of lone student body, clocks and brushes collected by Brownie .Scouts and Troop No. 3 of Girl Scouts for the Christmas gift making project at McCaw; a box of gifts for ward 49 which included candy purchased with committee funds, a book and deck of cards, from Mrs. Frank Turner; 12 decks of cards from the Elks lodge. Other presents the com mittee has received for patients at McCaw includb check for $15 from Lexington grange and a promise to provide prizes for a ward, party; 16 prizes, gift of Wool Growers aux iliary. Our thanks to dach person and organization for all , this help which means so much to the boys in the hospital. We promised the following sums: $20 for 100 records for the boys at Pasco who went out on carriers in the recent naval battle; (we had previously given these boys a doz en harmonicas in September;) $20 towa.d pui chase- of braodcasting system in hospital at tWa'.la Walla base, the Home Ec club of Rhea project; $.j0 to purchase one more creek grange gave $10 toward this electric phonograph and the Rhea creek grange gave another $50 to buy a phonograph. Our county was told to fill 200 Christmas blags for patients in the hospitals at Pasco, Walla Walla base and McCaw; and this year the council will give 450 bags to the Veterans hospitatl. The Missionary society of the Valby - Lutheran church has promised 10 bags asked as our share of the 150 needed for the colored Wacs at Walla Walla base. We were lasked for at least that number for the Waves at Pas co. We were asked for small gifts for the men in the army and navy who will be at sea on Christmas day. If every group answers the demands Vie those in the Rhea creek grange and Eight Mile com munity we have no fear but that we will do our part in making the holiday season a happy one for our boys and girls in the armed services. SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER DAIRY PAYMENTS NOW READY Dairy feed payments to Oregon producers covering sales during the period September-Octotber are now being made by county AAA com mittees. Rates for this period are 70 cents a hundred weight for whole milk to 10 cents a pound for but terfat. Producers are asked to sub mil their sates slips or other evi dence as soon as possible, but not. later than Dec. 31, the closing date for September-October payments. jjjljj jl p auVv Arm In Spite of Winter Winds HE'S WARM Because of Effective Insulation If you feel that your coal or fuel oil is dis appearing much too fast and yet the house is always chilly, insulation may be your answer. Fuel bills may be cut almost in half and a warm and cozy house can be had if completely insulated. FIR-TEX available now in sizes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 foot lengths TP A n i f um-M-Lum Lumper Company jj Rjfss fj 1 1 1 il I Put your truck and tractor equipment in shape now for spring work. Avoid cssUy dciays later due to breakdowns. Bring in your MAGNETO, STARTER and -GENERATOR for that much-needed service -buff cams early! Parts still are hard to obtain. You will be ahead to have it done now! Heppner Home Service Phone 383 Box 60I To Better Serve The Public This Cafe will re- i main open during the week and close all day SUNDAY i, This vill be our !' I regular schedule from here on out. ..Yours for the best eats in town, HEPPNER CAFE -WHENVOU REREAD? , I'LL BE READY M ILLIONS of American families are making post-war plans for new or better homes. A million new homes a year, for 10 years, is the estimate of the construction industry's job as soon as the war ends. And wood will be ready to go to work, for you, without delay. The construction industry, from tree. in the forest to carpenter on the job, needs no retooling. It can turn, im mediately, from the tasks of war to the requirements of peace. At least two million men will be employed building homes and other structures for America. Are your plans ready? THE FORESTS CONSTANTLY RENEWING THEMSELVES WILL BE READY. V LA L.-AJtoAj.w.v.v--.v.:.: t61" 11. -33 K1NZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY