o r & ?) - o H O 2 r x z c - a o w News From Te o;ys ine rront An Eighth Air Force Liberator Station England The 8-24 Libera tor Four-engined Bomber group in which Sgt Raymond H. Turner, Jr. Heppner, Ore. is a member recent ly was cited by Major General Wm. E. Kepner, commanding 2nd Bom bardment division, "for distinguish ed and outstanding performance of duty." The citation in part reads, "The devotion to duty, determination and tenacity of purpose exhibited by personnel of the group reflect great credit upon themselves, their or ganization and the United States Army Air forces." Pvt Earl C Hogue. has recently arrived at Welch Convalescent hos pital, the army's new recondition ing center in Daytona Beach, Fla. The carefully planned program of physical and educational recondit ioning not only will keep him busy but will also return him to good physical condition. Pvt. Hogue is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Hogue of Heppner. He entered the army April 1942 and has served 27 months in the South West Pacific. He. received the Asi atic Pacific Theatre badge with two stars. Promotion of Warner A. Medlock, 23, of Heppner, to the rank of cor poral was announced at the Boston Port of Embarkation where he nowv is on duty as a mechanic in a QM truck company. A farm laborer in civilian life, Cpl Medlock entered the military service in October, 1942. Pvt Charles Jackson of the army air corps, who was injured two weeks ago in a train collision in Iowa while coming home from the east on a delay enroute, arrived last week after spending a week in the army hospital at Fort Crook Neb., receiving treatment for cuts and bruises suffered on his legs, ,back and stomach. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jackson of Weiser, Ida. He will report to Lin coln, Neb., where he will attend a B-29 school. His twin brother, Frank Jackson, radio technician in the married last week to Miss Elverna navy is also home on leave and was Schneidell of New York at the Baptist parsonage in Ontario. The bride will accompany Mr. Jackson to California at the termination of his leave. Weiser American. The two boys are grandsons of Mrs. Wash Thompson of Heppner, their mother being the former Pearl Thompson, and are well known in this vicinity. Sgt and Mrs. Francis Healy are the parents of a son who was born Tuesday -in a Pendleton hospital. Sgt Healy came from an eastern camp to welcome his son and will also spend a few days with relatives in Heppner. He accompanied his sister, Mrs. A. L. Daggett from Pendleton. Mrs. Jack VanWinkle has taken up her residence in Paso Robles, Calif, to be near her husband who companied by Mrs James Heal.y is in camp close by. She was ac who will visit her husband for a short time. Mrs. Healy left her young son with his grandparents, Mr. and . Mrs. Myles Martin. Darrell Francis Bailey is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey. Francis is on 30 day furlough from McCaw hospital at Walla Walla where he was sent to recouperate from a broken leg. BACK IN HARNESS Mrs R B Rice has been teach ing in Lexington the past ten days while Mrs. Ladd Sherman in having a vacation while her husband. Lt. Sherman is on leave. Heppneh, Oregon, Thursday, November 9, 1944 Council Votes to Lease 3-C Camp Terms Contingent On Federal Action Without a dissenting voice, the Heppner city council voted Monday evening to lease the city's share of buildings at the former CCC camp to the Heppner Lumber company for a period of five years. The lease will be made contingent up on future action by the government since an outright release has not been made to the city. Under the terms of the lease the mill company will pay the city an annual rental of $300 and the com pany will be given permission to convert some of . the buildings into housing units. Several units have been built and are occupied. The company contemlplates housing 10 families at the camp. Recommendations were made by Mayor Turner for several thousand feet of new water pipe. It was re vealed that most of the pipe now in use was laid in 1892 and that new pipe will have to be laid soon to avoid serious trouble. Sam ples of Transite, a composition pipe marketed by the Johns-Mansville corporation, were displayed and the mayor read figures on the cost as well as information regarding the high service value of that type of conduit. Although recognizing the necessity of relaying numerous mains, the mayor and council have not been able to figure the labor angle and until this is solved it is likely the town will have to view the water situation with alarm. Do You Know the location of any county mach inery or equipment of any kind? If so, the county court would like to have you tell what you know. From have been loaned out to help re time to time pieces of equipment pair roads where the county crew had no jurisdiction. Some of these machines or tools have not found their way back to the county sheds. It is invoice time and the court would like to get a line on all of the stuff Those having information about any of this material are urg ed by the court to turn i in at once. FAREWELL PARTY Pupils of the 7th and 8th grades gave a farewell party in honor of Mrs. Norbert Peavy Friday after noon. Mrs. Peavy is leaving this week-end for Portland to make her home, her husband having been elected to teach in the Washington high school. The young folks pre sented Mrs. Peavy with a going away gift. Refreshments were serv ed also. FOUR MEN ACCETTED Of a group of inductees recently going up for examination, four were accepted and have been as signed to training duty. Dick Tho mas Wilkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson of Heppner, and Ain Boyd of Missouri, former em ployee at the, Wilkinson ranch, were accepted for army duty. James Ty ler, son of Mrs Grace Forbes of Boardman and Roland Bergstrom, son of Carl Bergstrom of Eight Mile, were inducted into the navy. HERE FROM MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Turnage of Maysville, Mo., parents of Mrs. L. D. Tibbies, are guests at the Tib bies home, where they expect to remain for an extended visit. IIERMISTON POST GUESTS Heppner Americian Legion and auxiliary will be hosts to Hermiston post and unit on Saturday, Nov. 11. There will be a pot luck dinner in Legion hall at 6 p. m. for all Legion and auxiliary members and their families. All ex-service men or women are extended an invitation. What Happened to The City Ballots? The Gazette Times along with many other citizens is wondering what happened to the ballots cast in TuesdRy's election for Heppner city officials. A search at the court house and the city hall failed to reveal figures showing the outcome of the city election. There was no contest and it is understood that a good vote was polled, but who counted the ballots? City officials were questioned and they too were in a quandry. It has been the custom for the counting board to count the city ballots but apparently that was not done this year. (The G-T news sleuth will continue the search until the mys tery is revealed.) o Business Houses To Close Saturday Blaine Elliott, chairman of the merchants committtee of the cham ber of commerce, announced Wed nesday morning that he had con. tacted the business houses of the city and that in most instances doors will remain closed Saturday, Armistice day. Most of the places have signs in their windows indi cating' that they will observe the holiday. Timely Program Features Meeting "A program featuring timely subu jects w!as the bill of fare at the regular meeting of , the Heppner Parent-Teacher association held in th music room of the school Wed nesday evening, with Mrs. Stephen Thompson presiding." Heralding the approaching seal sale, a skit "This is my Story" was given by Mrs George Gertsen, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith, Don Strait, Harold Becket, Patricia Lawrence, Mrs Ture Peterson and Alice, and Mrs Lucy Rodgers. Marcile Piper played an accordion solo accom panied by Betty Baker on the piano. Equalized educational opportuni ty was the theme of a symposium. George Corwin spoke on problems of an administrator, Mrs Rodgers outlined what a child should expect of his school, Leonard Pate gave Continued on Fage Five o Two Dances Listed At Grange Hall Two Benefit dances have been scheduled at the Rhea Creek grange hall, one for Saturday night, Nov. 11 and the other for the following Saturday night, Nov. 18. An Armistice day dance is the offering of the American Legion and auxiliary of Heppner, funds from which will be devoted to ac tivities supported by the organiza tions in caring for World War I vet erans, as well as returning veterans of the present conflict. The dance will be preceded by a dinner in town in which the local groups will play host to the Hermisfon post and auxiliary. Funds accruing from the dance on Nov. 18 will be applied to activ ities carried by the Rhea Creek grange in behalf of the McCaw General hospital at Walla Walla. This grange has been making a no table contribution to the camp and hospital service both in funds and work. HEAVY BET PAID Early in the recent political cam paign, W O Dix bet Jos. J. Nys a quart of ice cream that Roosevelt couldn't be defeated. Not that Dix was supporting the president, oh no. He just had the right hunch. Later on the wager was expanded to in clude one whole dollar. Nys took it avidly. So come Wednesday the loser hied himself to the court house with a quart of ice cream and the dollar and paid the bet off. And that wasn't all he took a cake along just to show that he is not a poor loser. Strong Approval Accorded Hospital With a vote of 954 for and 278 against, Morrow county people strongly endorsed the county court's proposal for levying a two mill tax annually for a period of not more than five years for the purpose of constructing and main taining a county owned general hospital. As the vote indicates, no extensive opposition developed and, returns indicate that tthe greatest objecion was registered from one section of the county. No immediate action will be tak en by the county court but the matter will come 'up for considera tion when that body returns from the annual Oregon Counties assoc iation convention which will be held in Portland Nov. 15, 16 and 17. Court of Honor and Dinner Scout Fare "Happy Boys and Pleased Par ents" was the theme of Monday cafeteria and music room as the evening's gathering in the school Boy Scouts of Troop 61, Heppner, were the hosts at a combination banquet and Court of Honor. Guests of the Scouts included paients, Cub Scouts of Heppner, and scouts and leaders from lone and Lexington. Following the ban quet which began at 6:30 p. m. the group assembled in the music room where a Court of Honor was held. The Cub Scouts who had ach ieved advancement were awarded badges, and following this the boys who had earned awards gave dem onstrations of first aid, signaling and safety. ' Ken Hickenbottom, assistant ex ecutive of the Blue Mountain coun cil, supervised the Court of Honor and presented emblems to all the scouts who had alttended summer camp at Wallowa lake. He also spoke briefly on the work done in scouting in the Blue Mountain area the past year and the plans for scouting in the coming year. PETERSON AND FRENCH BOTH MAKE GRADE Retuins from the four counties of the district show Henry Peterson of Morrow county and Giles L. French of Sherman county will again represent the 22nd district in the legislature. While losing out in Morrow coun ty by a naiTow margin, French came up strong in Gilliam, Sher man and Wheeler counties for a total vote of 2343. Peterson, slightly less popular in the neighboring counties, wound up with a vote of 2574. Mrs. McFarland trailed with a total vote of 1374. MUSTANGS TROUNCE CONDON The Heppner high Mustangs were a well-named team Friday as they galloped roughshod to an easy vic tory over the Condon high Blue Devils by the lopsided margin of 40 to 0. With a new back field combina tion of Ulrich, Hughes, Buster Pad berg and Archie Padberg, the Mus tangs unleashed a powerful run ning attack that piled up six touch downs in three quarters. At the start of the fourth period the en tire Heppner second team took ov er and, though unable to score, more than held their own against the visitors. EVEN THE DEVIL HAS 'EM - That malady of mumps which has entered so many Heppner homes in recent weeks invaded the sacred precincts of tbe Gazette Times and removed from active duty the inval uable office devil, otherwise ans wering to the name of Lauren Cor win. According to reports the vic tim got quite swelled up on both sides but the realization that he can play no more football this fall somewhat deflated him. Volume 61 , Number 33 0 q S -n r) - Oregon Goes GOP On Most Counts Morrow Cdtinty in Accord With State Results of Tuesday's election in Morrow county show that the trend was the same here as in most of the state with Roosevelt receiving a small majority and republican can didates for congress and senate poIU ing heavy majorities. Contests for district and, county offices were without competitive spirit and only one surprise was sprung that of Mrs. Minnie McFarland in register ing two more votes than Giles French in the race for the legisla ture. Interest in the national ticket prompted a good turnout of voters. With a total vote of 1596 for pres ident it is indicated that a generous 75 percent of the voters rnarked their ballots. Total registration in Aie county is 2094. Of the ballots cast 93 were service men's votes, County Clerk Barlow announcinig that of the 127 ballots mailed to service people that many were re turned for the count. Main interest centered in the presidential race. Early returns in dicated that Mr. Dewey had carried the county, but later evidence waj against him and in the completed unofficial count the president came out 89 votes to the good. Total: Dewey 747; Roosevelt 836. Eleven votes were garnered by Norman Thomas and two went to Claude A. Watson. In the senatorial face, Guy Cor 'don received a vote of confidence over Willis Mahoney, 934" to 559. Wayne Morse kept the democrats from sending Mr. Smith to Wash ington, 865 to 569. Congressman Lowell Stockman ran up a score about in accordance with the difference in height be tween himself and Charles Shorb, the county tally showing Stockman 1090, Shorb 384. Leslie Scott pushed out ahead of William T. Lambert to cop the county majority for state treasurer, 89G to 492. George Neuner, successful candi date for the office of state attorney, lost in Morrow county to his oppo nent, Bruce Spaulding, 635 to 735. Coming down to the legislative battle, Mrs. Minnie McFarland nosed Giles French out by two votes, 562 to 560. In turn, apparent ly the same voters who split their allegiance in this race, at the same time marked a cross after number 28, giving Henry Peterson the ex act total of 1122 (add it up.) How ever, Mrs. McFarland's strength was in Morrow county, for French and Peterson outdistanced her in the other counties of the district. Unbpptfsed were P. W. Mahoney for district attorney, 1269 votes; L. D. Neill, county commissioner, 1199; J G Barratt, county commissioner, 1238; Chas W. Barlow, county clerk, 1328; A D McMurdo, county coro ner, 1268 A little opposition devel oped in the sheriff vote, C. J. D. Bauman receiving 1202 and P. A. Mollahan, write-in complimentary vote, 136. J. O. Hager, justice of the peace for Heppner was accorded 519 votes and A. B. Chaffee, Board man, 127. The bank bill was approved 783 to 288; managerial form of county government 421, yes, 549 no; Ore gon war Veteran fund 622 yes, 527 no; regulation of voting privilege forfeiture 526 yes, 486 no; Educa tional aid 804 yes, 383 no; tax or retail sales 372 yes, 769 no; Burke bill 809 yes, 437 no; public school support 582 yes, 583 no; Little Townsend bill 488 yes, 721 no; county hospital 954 yes, 278 no; non partisan J O. Bailey 875; Ar. thur D. Hay 781, Hall S. Luck 771; C. L. Sweek, circuit judge, 1184; Lucy Rodgers 1083. A3 O c ;-r r w 6 o en H t