8 Heppner Gazette Times, November 2,1944 NEYVLYWED5 HONORED Mrs. Arthur Stefani and Mrs. John Eubanks were hostesses Wed nesday evening at a party given at the Stefani home south of lone in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Eubanks. The party opened with a dinner at which plates were served to the honor guests, Radioman 2c William Eubanks and Mrs. Eu banks, nee Charlottte Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill and son, Radar 2c Claude Pettyjohn, Helen Healy, Dorothy Bergstrom, Art Stefani, ""jr., Ptete Cannon, Kay Thornburg, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Eubanks and Mr. and Mrs. Art Stefani. ' Coming in later for dancing and refreshments were Barbara and Clara Sue Ledbetter, Marjorie Pe terson, Jean and Gwen Coleman, Laurel Palmateer, Aloha Painter, Joyce Salter, Darlene Biddle, Gene Rietmann, Bob Rietmann, Pat, Tommy, Mat and James Doherty, Alton Yarnell and Harlan Crawford. R. K. Harrison returned Slatur- he will work. He visited at the R. day from Galax, Va. where he Q McMurtry home and enjoyed spent the past two months visiting J ... relatives and friends. Harrison was the experience of bagging his first SJSJl while hunting in the Blue Bert Westlake of Pittsfield, HI. mountains. He and Mrs. McMurtry left Wednesday for Portland where are cousins. FOR SALE 1938 -ton Chevrolet came to our rescue last Thursday pickup. Good rubber, good condi- morning in preventing what might ticn. LReei,?ryL le' 32"4P otherwise have been a bad fire. WORD OF APPRECIATION Your timely aid was sinerely ap- Ve" wish to thank the Heppner predated, firp denartmpnt p-H nil othr-s who M" land Mrs. H. T. O'Donnell. PERSONALS Friday. Nov. 3 is regular meet ing and social night of Sans Souci No. 33 Rebekah lodge. All members are urged to be present and a spec ial invitation has been extended to all visiting members. UMC6 1.0. 0. F.Hall LEXINGTON SATURDAY November 4 Music by YARN ELL'S ORCHESTRA General Admission 50c; tax 10c Total 60c Supper will be served Everybody welcome and a good time assured. STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday Nov. 3-4 TRIGGER TRAIL Rod Cameron, Fuzzy Knight, Vivian Austin, Ray Whitley Exciting action along the Coman che strip before it became Oklaho ma territory. PLUS BLACK PARACIIUTE John Carradine, Larry Parks, Osa Masscn, Jeanne Bates, Jolinathan Hale, Trevor Bardetto This swiftly moving story provides continuous excitement and splendid performances. Sunday-Monday Nov. 5-6 IN SOCIETY Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. Mar ion Hutton, Kirby Grant, Anne Gillis, Arthur Treacher. The an tics of the very funny Abbott and Costello in "In Society" will make you unquestionably happy there's music too! Plus a bevy of out standing short subjects. Tuesday, Nov. 7 ALLERGIC TO LOVE Noah Berry Jr., Martha O'Driscoll, David Bruce, Franklin Pangborn, Slapsie Maxie Roscnblooin, Fuzzy Knight. Something unusual in romantic comedies, plus some good musical interludes. Also, "Who's Hugh" a Hugh Herbert farce com edy, cartoon, Community Sing. Wednesday-Thursday Nov. 8-9 TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR Van Johnson, June Allyson, Gloria Dellaven, Jose Iturbi. Jimmy Du rante, Gracie Allen, L"na Home, Harry James and his Music Ma kers with Helen Forrest, Xavicr Cugat and his orchestra with Lina Romay, Ben Blu?, Virginia O'Bri en, Wilde Twins. A world of comedy and melody that is easy on the eye and a joy to the ear and funnybone. These art busy times especially so for the one who has to plan and pre pare the meals for the family for she too Is do ner share of war work. It will be a boost to her's and the family's morale to eat out occasionally to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare. Come any time . . .'we're always prepared. Elkhorn Restaurant From where I sit ... Joe Marsh Cracker-barrel versus Dog House Most of the political conventions in our town are held around the cracker-bacrel-in Sam Aber nethy's store. We were settling how t!io country should be run the other night when Homer Watson starts to put in a word. "Wait a minute, Homer," Z?m said sharply, "did you vote in the last election?" "Well," Homer fumble:', was awful busy just at the t . ' "That don't matter," f slsts. "Free speech arou No. 104 of a Series cracker-barrel is for them who help protect it and all the other freedoms in America hy vot ing. Folks that just talk freedom don't count here." From where I sit, It doesn't make any difference how you vote-the important thing is that ?-ou Do vote. Call it a sacred ; " t if you want to, but to me, it ' - -z. rock of the whole i acy. Industry Foundation QM THE JOB" says fcs:.:er GOVERNOR CHARLES a. sprague if . X C f SENATOR CORDON Charles A. Sprague, the man who ran against Senator Cordon in the May primaries wholeheartedly endorses Cordon's candidacy to succeed himself on November 7 By his deeds since being appointed U.S. Senator by Governor Earl Snell, Senator Cordon has won the approval of the whole state. U.S. SENATOR GUY CORDON CHARLES A. SPRAGUf P6 Adv. Cofdbo for Stnotor Committet, Impertol Hottl, Portlond, Or. INSURE the future of YOUR SCHOOLS To guarantee that Oregon boys and girls, no matter where they live, will have an equal opportunity for a fine education, vote to amend the state constitution to guarantee in creased state support of public schools. Adoption of this amendment will mean con tinued reduction of local property taxes and increased opportunity for your children. Pd. Adv. by Lucy E. Rodgers Wk . A s ' " .. A 3 as. No Ration Certificate Needed Htavy Interlocked Piatet Exchange Stnndard ItaUory Has ril-O-Matic covers, test duality separators and other features of more expensive batteries. FACTORY - CONTROLLED RECAPPING 6.00-16 'tfaflll NO OTHER OFFERS YOU: 1. Grade A Quality Camelback. 2. Prompt Service. 3. All Work "by Factory-Trained Experts. 4. Full Guarantee. 5. Famous Firestone Gear-Grip Tread Design. Money. Bocfc Guarantee I SPARK ea. In seti of 4 or more Polonium alloy electrode gives quicker, easier start ing. Precision-engineered. 4i& ""WWW bw if vc!ir car freex-ss up, break ing the motor and radiator. We have piersty of Firestone Sispas-Anti-frccze priced at Si. 40 fi Rosewall Motor Co.