6 Heppner Gazette Times, November 2, 1944 CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor Bible school 9:45. A class for ev try age. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 o'clock. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church School 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Mondays 3 P. M. and Tuesdays 8 P. M. classes of instruction on the Holy Spirit. On the second Sunday in each month there will evening service at 8 p. m. instead of the mornmg service. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack Pastoi Schedule ot Services: Heppner: Sunday mass at 9 a. m, on the 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th. lone: 10:30 a. m. on the 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass at 8 a. a First Friday at 7:30 a. m. Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. Sundays 8:15 a. m. to 8:55 a. m. CHURCH oflONE COOPERATIVE II. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school. 10 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. 2:30 p. m. Preaching service at Lexington. Junior C. E. 7 p. m. Praise and preaching service 8 p. To Better Serve The Public This Cafe will re main open during the week and close all day SUNDAY This will be our regular schedule from here on out. Yours for the best eats in town, HEPPNER CAFE A Successful Oregonian for Cf Hi! Fold Adv. Mr. Smith Goti to Washington Oik I. M. Burton, Soc'y Corbrt Bldg. Portland ijIn If HI. Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOTTN Mrs. H. H. Kincheloe arrived home Saturday after visiting her daughter Marylas and other rela tives. J. O. Sweringen came home Wed nesday from Long Creek with a two point deer. Frank Leicht, Sl!c arrived Sat urday with his bride, the former Phyllis Clarke of The Dalles. They were charivaricd Saturday night. They left Tuesday night and he re turned to service again.. Mrs. Milton Bailey was a Uma tilla visitor Tuesday. Mis Hazel Osborn spent Friday night with the Walter Griders on her way to Roseburg. Mrs Milton Bailey gave a dinner m. Tuesday Bible study and prayer service 8 p. m. Wednesday Choir practice 8 p. m. Thursday Union aid 2 p. m. A cordial welcome awaits you. Come. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Bcnnie Howe, Minister Sunday, Nov. 5: Divine worship at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday Nov. 7: Junior choir practice at 4 p. m. at the parsonage. Thought for the wcejk: "MEIN KAMP" Page 104 "Whenever a nation is led to disaster by the government, re volt by every member of that is not a privilege but a duty." The author is Adolf Hitler. IONE FULL GOSPEL MISSION Ralph De Boer, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Evening service 8 p. m. IONE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Edward Caldwell Bowlen, Pastor Bible School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Young Peoople's 7:00 p. m. Evangelistic Service 8:00 p. m. Prayer meet 8 p. m. Wednesday. Has Experience Knows the District For Veteran Aid Opposes New Taxes Giles L. ATTENTION! Put your truck and tractor equipment in shape now for spring work. Avoid costly delays later due to breakdowns. Bring in your MAGNETO, STARTER and GENERATOR for that much-needed service but come early! Parts still arc hard to obtain. You will be ahead to have it done now! Heppner Home Service Phone 383 : Box 60I Sunday in honor of her brother, Leonard Mount's birthday. Guests were their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Cleve and brother Ver non of Kennewick and Miss Vir ginia Eerdson of Umatilla. Wayburn Glasgow is attending the deaf school at Salem. He at tended school in Irrigon and was a fine- student in the 8th grade .but was found to be 90 percent deal at the Boardman clinic. Albert Bell broke his right arm .above the elbow while wrestling at the school house last week. Ora Acock returned to Oregon City Monday after spending 10 days in the Blue mountains with the C. W. Acocks. Glen Darby, Glen Aldrich, Fred Markham and Sam Umiker were successful deer hunters. LaVonn McCoy is in the Ord nance hospital with a stubborn case of the flu. Irrigon school had a basket so cial Friday night June Goodwin's basket was voted the prettiest and Loretta kite's .basket sold high est. They realized $65. Cpl Leslie Rucker of the air corps has gone overseas according to his mother, Mrs Elmer Rucker. ENTERTAIN GUESTS Mrs. J. A. Chaffee drove to Umatilla Saturday to meet her sis ter, Mrs. Eva M. Scott of Pasco who is visiting here this week. Other guests in the Chaffee home the fore part of the week were Mrs. Scott's son Walter and fam ily from Richmond Calif, who also arrived Saturday. . ' " DRIVE TO WHITE SALMON Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson went to White Salmon, Wash. Fri day for a short visit at the Paul Balsiger home. ; On their return trip Sunday they stopped off at The Dalles to visit their daughter, Mrs. Foster Odom who' is recov ering from a recent operation. , , O ! CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sym pathy during the illness and pass ing of our beloved daughter and sister. Rev. and Mrs. Clifford . Noble Mrs. Delphia Goss French Candidate for State Representative 22nd District Gilliam, Morrow Sherman, Wheeler BOARDMAN NEWS Fvances Skoubo Mr and Mrs Jack Gorham re turned from' Idaho Tuesday where they have been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeMiawo and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Koivisto and family were in Pendleton Wednes day. Mrs. A. E. McFarland relumed from Portland Tuesday. She at tended a R. E. A. meeting there. I. Skoubo, Edward and Frances Skoubo motored to Pendleton Wed nesday on businiess. A. E. McFarland was in Pendle ton Thursday for medical treat ment. Mrs. E. W. Peck and family were in Pendleton Tuesday on business. Freshman return party was held Friday evening in the auditoriu: i. A variety of costumes were worn by students and faculty. James Garvison came u; f.cin Portland to accompany Chuck An deregg deer hunting Wednasiay. Edward Skoubo and Frances le't for Portland Thursday night, where they will spend several days ioib ing relatives and friends before Ed returns to a replacement cen" atSanta Barbara, Calif. The war stump drive began in the school Friday with a fairly large amount of stamps sold to the students. Mr. Buchanan, state supervisor of the department of education, met with the F. F. A. boys Thursday, visiting some of their farms. : : TOYLAND will open soon at the Rosewall Motor Company with a large choice of toys and presents to please everyone. HAVE , your magneto, generator and starter repaired NOW. Hep pner Home Service. ' 32c FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester, 1 box shells. Frank Rumble. 32p For Good Eats . Go to the. v ICTORY ,AFE lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors VOTE (X)28 for Henry Peterson Candidate for State Representative from the 22nd Representative District To the Voters of the 22nd District: Th ese are troublous times serious times when calm thinking and sober action are essential to the preserva tion of our American way of life while prosecuting the war to a successful 'conclusion. We need MEN in the state legislature who are pledged to a program of con sistent legislation, based on needs rather than political expediency. We present Henry Peterson, whose service in the last legis lature warrants his return. His experience as a legisla tor and his knowledge of the needs of the district and the state eminently qualify him for the post. VOTE FOR YOUR BEST INTERESTS!! Vote for Henry Peterson (X)28 Pd. Ady. by Morrow County Republican Central Committee ESUEF FROM Ev--'-rlorns ' iisiuss Arising from ULCERS uuzto ?:es?5 ACID FreeE aok'Sc!'oM i :-Vreatmentthat iVSust l.e'.jt or it V. ili Soil You Nothing Ovi t two million ImiuU-s nf the Vi 1LLARD ' TI KATaI KNTIiuvi- burn sold for relief of i vi. !'' "' '': : ri;-ni? from Stomach ami V sj.Jon .il liters due to Excess Acid Poor r:!sst.iin. Sour or Upset Stomach, fJast.rr.5s, h'eart'.wn. Sleeplessness, etc., du tn txcs33 Acif. S( 'd on 1 5 days' triall Ask fir ";!lrd s MesMjee" which fully explains t ills' l.'MUi!' nt -tree- at C'OiiBiON'S DRUG S"QH2 Bios J LOWELL ! CKilllAN for re-election to CONGRESS SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Eastern Oregon's Congressman-on-the-Job) giving his undivided attention to the needs of Eastern Oregon Lowell Stockman was- born in Eastern Oregon and has lived here all his life. He graduated in Agriculture from Oregon State College in 1922 and has farmed continuously ever since. He stands for common sense busi ness principles applied to na tional issues. During his two years in Congress he established a wide acquaintance and influ ence among his fellow members of Congress and a reputation for industriousness, efficiency, coop eration and attending to busi ness. Lowell Stockman is one o( Oregon's all-Republican delega tion to Congress. VOTE 21 21 PaiJ adv.. Lowell Stockman for Concreaa ( James H. Sturgia, Secretary, Peodloton, Orafeaj STO